MHI, electronic policy: where to get, documents and benefits

In Russia there is a system of compulsory medical insurance - compulsory medical insurance. An electronic policy is something that is now being actively implemented by insurance companies. What kind of document is this? How to use it? What are the pros and cons of it? To understand all this is actually not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to understand what kind of document is in electronic format. And, of course, to understand the procedure for obtaining this paper.

Compulsory Health Insurance

In the Russian Federation, the government allows the population to participate in the so-called compulsory medical insurance program. She gives compulsory medical insurance to all comers. Why do I need to participate in this system?

Oms electronic policy

It allows you to receive free medical care in public institutions. That is, people will not have to pay for visiting a particular doctor, for tests and other studies. It is enough to present paper certifying participation in the CHI system. An electronic policy is one of the options for certification.

Paper and map

Earlier, insurance companies offered a slightly different document. It was a paper policy of compulsory health insurance. It indicated the number assigned to the citizen, as well as information about the owner. And, of course, the mention of the service company.

Only the OMC paper policy wears out pretty quickly. Yes, and serving the population this way is slow. Progress does not stand still; all systems become automated or computerized. Technological innovations and the compulsory health insurance system were not spared. An electronic policy is a replacement for a paper certificate for the right to receive free medical care. Presented in the form of a small plastic card (such as a bank card). The same information is published on it as on the paper version of the document. Only plastic has its advantages.

Customer Opinions

Which ones? What do visitors think about getting an electronic policy? How good is this interpretation? There is no single answer. After all, everyone has their own view on certain objects. This should be noted.

Oms electronic policy in Moscow

The population says compactness has become the unsurpassed convenience of electronic policies. In size, such a "document" does not exceed ordinary bank plastic. So, you can always carry a policy with you. Very comfortably!

Also, numerous reviews indicate that among the advantages provided by the OMS system to the electronic policy, the actual wear of the "document" is listed. It is much more difficult to damage a plastic card than paper. So, the damage to the policy is practically excluded.

In the opinion of citizens, the studied document also has drawbacks. But they can be eliminated in the future. The first point is that so far not all clinics accept electronic policies. Many require paper documents. All this is due to the fact that in medical institutions there is neither software nor equipment that are designed to work with electronic policies. The second point is that many citizens point out that plastic service has been taking longer than paper documents. All this, again, is due to the fact that the electronic form was developed and introduced recently. Similar reviews are found everywhere. There is no more criticism of this or that nature of the OMS policy in electronic format.

Promised benefits

But all these are just opinions. They often cannot reflect reality. Therefore, the government itself indicates a number of advantages of using such a document as an electronic MHI policy. Where to get it? More about this later. First you need to find out how the upcoming paperwork is justified.

get an electronic policy oms

What are the advantages of a plastic card, replacing a paper policy of compulsory health insurance, can be noted? The state provides the following information:

  • actual lack of wear;
  • compactness;
  • confidentiality of customer information;
  • policy service speed;
  • the possibility of use throughout Russia;
  • ease of use;
  • perpetual effect.

Accordingly, if you believe all the advantages, you can really think about ordering the document under study. Particularly pleased with the lack of wear compared to the paper counterpart, as well as its compact size. The main advantage of the electronic policy is its simplicity and ease of use. For this, you should think about ordering plastic.

Where to get

Another question that interests many is where can I get the compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities. Really easy to answer. Citizens themselves can choose exactly where to go to translate ideas into reality.

Here you can highlight several options. Is a citizen interested in an electronic insurance policy? Where to get it? Moscow or any other city is not so important. The main thing is that the answer will not change much. Only the addresses of the places will be different. But institutions are similar. Among them are:

  • insurance companies operating in the region;
  • Portal of State Services (not everywhere);
  • compulsory health insurance policy issuing points (may be located in clinics and hospitals).

Nowhere else can I take this document. In general, the MHI policy can be issued through multifunctional centers. Just keep in mind that this is a paper format. An electronic card at the MFC is not currently issued in any city, even in the capital there is no such possibility.

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Who is eligible

The next question that interests the population is who is entitled to receive free medical insurance through the compulsory medical insurance system? After all, not everyone can order an electronic policy! What are the limitations of this?

Everything is simple. All citizens who have certain documents can participate in the compulsory health insurance system. Among the potential recipients, the following categories of persons can be distinguished:

  • adult citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • children under the age of 18;
  • foreigners staying in Russia.

Accordingly, everyone is entitled to a medical policy. But in the case of foreigners will have to try - a lot of documents will be required. In any case, more than for citizens of the Russian Federation.

In several stages

The compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities can be obtained in several stages. They are not very difficult. The main thing is to pre-select the body to which you apply. For example, a specific insurance company. After that, there are several steps to get the document:

  • collection of a package of securities;
  • preparation and submission of an application of an established form;
  • receiving a plastic card.

Nothing more is needed. Card production waiting time - 30 days. You will have to wait about a month from the moment you submit your application before returning to the insurance company or policy issuing office to pick up the finished plastic.

electronic policy oms where to get

Documents for adults

Now you should pay attention to more important points. It is clear what constitutes an electronic insurance policy. Where to get it in certain cities? Also no longer a secret! But what documents will be required from a citizen in order to submit a request for the manufacture of plastic?

Among all the necessary papers, several categories can be distinguished - for children and for adults. First of all, adult citizens are interested in the task. Therefore, it should begin with them. To obtain an electronic policy, Russian citizens over 18 years of age must bring:

  • standard form statement (optional);
  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • medical policy (if any).

A statement is not required. Usually it is filled in by the insurance company by employees and given to the citizen to sign and verify the correctness of the entered data. No paperwork!

Foreign citizens are also entitled to a medical insurance policy. Even electronic. To do this, you need to bring to one of the previously listed bodies:

  • passport of a citizen of a foreign state;
  • SNILS (if any);
  • documents indicating legal residence in the country (it may be problems with them);
  • residence permit or documents on temporary registration (if any).

Of course, an application of the established form must be attached to the entire list above. If the foreigner already has a policy, it is advisable to provide it too.

electronic policy Oms where to get Moscow


How to get an electronic health insurance policy for a child? Here you need to consider some nuances. Firstly, the application should be completed on behalf of the parents with information about the child. Secondly, a larger list of documents is required. In connection with the latest changes, the issuance of the MHI policy is carried out after the citizens bring with them:

  • identity card of one of the parents;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • SNILS of a minor;
  • OMS policy in paper format (if any).

A statement has already been said. It's all. The main problem occurs in newborns. Even such citizens must have SNILS. Without this document, the compulsory medical insurance policy is not issued in principle. So say the latest changes.

How to get an electronic insurance policy in Moscow

Where to go in Moscow

Interested in an electronic medical insurance policy? Where to get it if the person is in Moscow? The exact addresses of insurance companies can be found on the interactive map of the city. But if we talk about specific organizations, the following firms offer to submit an application of an established form:

  • SogazMed.
  • UralSib.
  • MSC "Medstrakh".
  • RESO-Med.
  • "Consent-M".
  • "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine".
  • Ingosstrakh-M.
  • VTB "Medical insurance".

Now it’s clear how to get an electronic medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. The most difficult choice is a definition with an insurance company. Everyone chooses which organization he will apply for insurance in!


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