How to understand that he loves me? Key features, expert advice

"How to understand that he loves me?" - every girl at least once asked a similar question, since it is quite difficult to determine the real attitude of a young man to a particular person. A person can say that he loves, but his actions very often indicate the opposite. In our article we will try to cover this topic in more detail. Here you will find the main signs that a person has strong feelings for you, as well as expert advice that will allow you to fall in love with a man.

Pay attention to the guy’s behavior

Do not know how to understand what a loved one loves? Most experienced experts recommend that you first pay attention to the behavior of a young man in relation to his lover. Love is sincerity and openness for your soulmate. If a person behaves in private with you completely differently than with other people, it means that he has very strong feelings for you. For example, with friends he can be courteous and serious, and with his girlfriend he behaves quite awkwardly and often commits acts that are contrary to common sense.

Girl has fun with a guy.

Also, a person in love will always try to share his deepest emotions and feelings, but at the same time feel very comfortable in your society.

If your boyfriend does not hesitate to tell you about his problems, but always says that he is very comfortable with you, then you should hardly doubt the sincerity of his feelings. Of course, some individuals may pretend to be, but such hypocrisy, as a rule, becomes noticeable after a few weeks of communication.

Eyes - a mirror of the soul

" How to understand that he loves me, but hides his feelings?" - Another popular question that many girls ask themselves. It is not surprising. Many guys hide their true feelings for this or that girl until they are completely convinced that the young person is worthy of them. At the first meeting, a girl may seem kind, sweet and responsive, but after a few weeks of dating it turns out that she is extremely selfish, arrogant and loves herself more than anyone else. Therefore, the guys are in no hurry with the manifestation of feelings for unfamiliar personalities. However, there still exists a way to recognize their true relationship to you.

Pay attention to the look of the young man. As a rule, even if a person hides his feelings, his eyes always tell the truth, especially if they are focused on the subject of desire. Sometimes you can notice how the guy is looking at you at the moment when he thinks that you do not see this, and with close contact his pupils begin to expand. As a rule, if a girl notices the guy’s eyes on herself, he will immediately turn his eyes to the side. Try watching a young man or ask a close friend about it.

Is he glad to see you after a hard day?

To understand that you are truly loved, many psychologists recommend paying attention to the attitude of the other half to the subject of their adoration at the moment when he returns after a hard day's work. As a rule, a person in love will show his feelings, despite physical fatigue. Even if the boss chased your boyfriend all day on various errands, after work he will still come to you and tell you how much you are dear to him.

Loving couple at sunset.

Try to analyze the behavior of your young man at the moment when he is tired. You can spontaneously tell him something pleasant, and if an immediate reaction follows, then there is nothing to worry about - your boyfriend is really crazy about you. However, if you hear something like: "Sorry, I'm not in the mood today," then you should seriously think about the sincerity of the feelings of your soulmate.

Fool around is best with your beloved

If you want to understand that a loved one loves you with all his heart, then try to play a trick on him. If he supports the joke or even begins to develop it, then you should definitely hold on to this person. People in love can laugh next to the subject of their adoration, even without any reason. They often sing songs in the presence of the second half and shout loudly about their feelings in crowded places. Of course, such behavior can sometimes cause embarrassment for a girl, but she may not worry about the fact that the young man really has tender feelings for her.

You can also try to intentionally say something not very funny. Most of the guys in love in this situation will try to imitate a sincere laugh, because they do not want their lover to feel awkward due to an unsuccessful joke. However, if a guy starts to fidget or feels awkward in the presence of a β€œloser joker,” then you should not count on something more serious than friendship.

He is sad when you are sad

The guy and the girl are sad together.

Some psychologists say that patients asked them a rather interesting question: "How to understand that he loves me if he is silent?" Indeed, it can be extremely difficult to recognize the real intentions of the silent person, but not impossible! Experts advise in this case to use a rather non-standard psychological technique. Tell the guy some sad story or pretend that you felt incredibly painful in your soul. If a young man calms you or becomes sad too, then you should seriously think about how to start building relationships with this young man.

Of course, it happens that a guy only has friendly feelings for a girl when he is sad with her, so you should not be guided only by this point. However, it is also impossible to remove it from the accounts.

He likes to discuss future plans with you.

A rich man smokes a cigar.

A very good method to answer the question: "How to understand that he loves me and that he needs me?" Psychologists have come to this conclusion for quite some time. If a guy constantly discusses plans for the future with his girlfriend, and does this not in general terms, but laying out the most secret details, then he is definitely secretly in love with this girl.

True love implies a great desire to live a long and happy life with a person. If a guy makes plans for his future specifically for you, then he wants to share his future only with you. For example, many men tell subjects of their adoration how they plan to develop a business, how many children they want, when they plan to get married, and so on. If your boyfriend constantly touches on a similar topic in conversations, then you are very lucky.

Love cannot be without compliments

"How to understand that the husband does not like?" - A rather pessimistic question, but its relevance is growing from year to year. The thing is that, according to psychologists, love in most couples lasts no more than three years. After this, the partners feel affection for each other or even addiction, but warm feelings gradually fade away. If your young man stopped giving you compliments at least once every few weeks, then you should start to worry about your relationship.

Of course, you should not immediately arrange a spouse for a spouse and suspect him of treason. On the contrary - better pay attention to yourself. Most of the girls after the wedding completely stop caring for themselves, after which they are surprised that their husband ceases to feel for them. Go to the beauty salon, make yourself a new hairstyle or upgrade your wardrobe. Make your man feel again that for him there is no one dearer than you.

I love you...

Heart with hands on a sunset background.

These words are heard by billions of people across the planet, but by no means in all cases they sound sincere. There is a huge difference between "Liu cha!" and β€œI love you ...” If your soulmate really feels warm and gentle feelings for you, then these words will sound confident from her lips, and notes of hope will be noticed in her voice - the hope that you tell her something- then in return.

To confess to someone in love, you do not need to look for reasons. A man can simply look at the girl and understand that his life does not make sense without her. A man in love never thinks that recognition may sound inappropriate, and he pronounces these magic words with feelings, looking directly into his eyes.

The guy has nothing to hide from you

The question of how to understand what the former loves will arise for the girl by herself when the young man again offers her to be together. The girls are right in doing that they do not trust that person whose relationship with whom they once did not work out, especially if the guy betrayed his beloved and went to another. However, there may be exceptions when a grief-suitor after long wanderings realizes that he cannot feel feelings for anyone except his beloved.

The girl found the guy's correspondence

If you decide to renew your old relationship, then you should not be shy about asking your boyfriend to be extremely open with you - you have every right to do so. If a young man is against you learning his password from a social network, claiming that it is β€œhis personal space,” then in most cases it just makes no sense to continue such a relationship. Sooner or later, the guy will betray you again.

I missed you...

The guy missed the girl.

"How to understand that you truly love a person?" - if you are asking this question, then try to imagine that this guy has gone somewhere very far. Will you miss communication with this person or will you quickly find a replacement for him? This principle also works in reverse order. If a guy at a meeting with you constantly says that he missed you, although you did not see each other for only a few hours, then he is most likely very in love with you. Also, a young man can write that he is bored when you leave the city for a few days. Be that as it may, if a person cannot live without you for some time, then you are definitely not indifferent to him.

He comes to the rescue any minute

A man in love will always come to the aid of his soulmate, even if an unpleasant situation occurred at an uncomfortable time for him. Love is to be near, no matter what. So if your boyfriend abandoned all his affairs (study, work) and came to you through the whole city in order to brew a mug of hot tea when you are sick, then you should definitely take care of such a relationship. A loving person will always help you, even if for him it will bring much greater losses. And in grief, and in joy - that is what kind of relationship we wish our readers.

We hope our article helped you answer the question: "How to understand that he loves me?" If this information was not enough for you, we recommend watching a short video, which also talks about signs of true love from a guy to a girl. The author of this channel is quite well versed in psychology, as evidenced by the number of its subscribers, as well as the percentage of positive and negative ratings for the video.

What do you think about how you can recognize the true feelings of a young man? Perhaps you had to deal with a similar question more than once, and you found a universal answer for yourself? Share your experience, and perhaps you will be able to influence the development of relations in any couple and someone on the other side of the globe will be immensely grateful to you for this.


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