Breast implants: types, shapes, sizes

The last 20 years, the branch of aesthetic surgery has been actively developing. Increasingly, it is the fair sex who resort to plastic surgery. Of course, the leading position is occupied by operations to increase the mammary glands. Only during 2017, more than 156 thousand of these surgical interventions were performed.

Why is mammoplasty necessary?

The main criteria for breast adjustment:

  1. The desire to have a beautiful and fit bust shape.
  2. Remedy for injuries.
  3. Asymmetry of the chest.
  4. Correction after operations.
  5. Elimination of the consequences of improperly performed plastic surgery.
  6. Correction of congenital malformations of the mammary glands.

All the ladies who are going to change the shape and size of their breasts are interested in the answer to the question of which breast implants are better. The doctor will help you with the choice, as well as provide the following information regarding implants:

  • Their filling.
  • Sheath material.
  • The form.
  • Location in the area of ​​the mammary glands.
  • Manufacturers
  • The size of the implants.
  • Risks and complications.
  • Rehabilitation.

Breast implants are prostheses made from a biocompatible material, which are a shell filled with a specific composition.

who needs mammoplasty

Implant Filling

There are several drugs that are used in mammoplasty to fill the shell of iplants.

1. Saline solution.

Implants filled with this drug appeared in 1961. Composition: a shell of silicone material and a solution of sodium chloride inside. The breast implant shell is filled with saline before or after surgery.

The disadvantages of such products are:

  • Possibility of tearing or damage.
  • Changing the shape of the breast some time after surgery.
  • Softness.
  • Unnaturalness.
  • The sound of the movement of the solution.

If the salt implants burst or are out of shape, they must be replaced.

Among their advantages, one can note only a small incision and minimal scars after the operation, as well as good compatibility (in the case of a solution entering the body after damage to the membrane, there will be no harm to internal organs). Currently, such implants are practically not used.

2. Silicone.

Silicone breast implants have been used since 1992. They are filled with Softtouch gel or cohesive silicone gel. Such materials have a dense consistency (comparable to jelly), so if damaged or torn, do not be afraid of undesirable consequences. The gel maintains its position and does not spread. Silicone implants are safe, retain their shape, so they are so popular. They have other advantages:

  • The natural appearance of the breast.
  • Inability to determine the presence of an implant.
  • Lack of visible boundaries.

Of course, they also have drawbacks. Among the main distinguish:

  • The need to undergo an MRI scan every 2 years to determine the integrity of the breast implant sheath.
  • Large incision during surgery.
Silicone and saline implants

Chest prosthesis sheath

Like fillers, the shells of such products are also different.

1. Textured.

The surface has tiny pores, so there is no risk of implant fouling with connective tissue. Such prostheses take root better, which reduces the possibility of complications. The implant with a textured surface holds perfectly in the chest and does not move.

2. Smooth surface.

Almost no implants with a smooth surface are used, since there is a high probability of complications after their installation. We are talking about the formation of a membrane of fibrous tissue in the chest or its deformation.

Smooth and textured implants

Breast prosthesis

There are two types of forms of breast implants:

1. Round.

This form of implants is used to correct the shape and eliminate asymmetry in case of loss of breast volume, its "sagging", for example, after breastfeeding or weight loss. They lift the chest and make it as voluminous as possible. The first impression is such that with a round implant, the breast looks unnatural. But later, the soft gel of round implants becomes teardrop-shaped under the influence of gravity, and therefore looks quite natural. Their installation is easier than drop-shaped implants, and the cost is usually cheaper.

2. Anatomical.

Breast prostheses are low and high profile. The teardrop-shaped implant differs from the round in that its lower part is slightly larger in volume. It is believed that they are more suitable anatomically, since they are as close as possible to the natural shape of the breast.

Such prostheses are recommended for enlarging a small breast and maintaining its natural shape. The disadvantages include the following features:

  • Higher cost.
  • Tendency to rounding.
  • The risk of displacement (if the lower and upper parts are interchanged, then this does not look quite aesthetically pleasing)
  • The complexity of the installation.
  • The possibility of unevenness around the edges of the implant in thin girls.
Round and anatomical implants

Implant location

This question is decided only by the doctor who performs the operation. The prosthesis can be located in such places:

1. Above the pectoral muscle, under the mammary gland.

Recommended with a sufficient volume of the mammary glands or with a noticeable sagging breast. There is a risk of omission of the breast implant, as well as the appearance of noticeable folds. Edema subsides in a rather short period of time; the rehabilitation period passes easily and quickly. The least traumatic option. The loads on the pectoral muscle (for example, during intensive sports) do not deform the implants, but fouling with a dense connective capsule is possible, which complicates mammographic examinations. Also with this installation of the prosthesis, its edges may be noticeable.

2. Under the fascia of the pectoral muscle.

This arrangement of the implant fixes it more reliably than in the case of installation under the mammary gland. This is observed for the reason that it is better fused with the fascia. Among the disadvantages is the likelihood of displacement of the prosthesis and the appearance of folds.

3. Under the pectoral muscle.

More complex and lengthy operation. After its implementation, time for rehabilitation is necessary, since a partial dissection of the muscle occurs. It is considered the most favorable option in terms of possible consequences. Deformation due to contractions of the pectoral muscle is possible, but mammography is not difficult, a dense capsule is not formed. The implant is less noticeable.

Implant location

Breast prosthesis manufacturers

The most commonly used silicone implants of such companies:

  1. Mentor.
  2. Allergan
  3. Natrelle
  4. Eurosilicone.
  5. Arion Polytech.
  6. Ceroform.

As a rule, the website of each clinic indicates which manufacturers it works with. The prostheses of all manufacturers are reliable enough. Over the past 10 years, a relatively small percentage of patients who have come to the clinic due to the occurrence of any problems after mammoplasty has been observed.


In order for breast implants to look aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to choose their volume correctly. It is believed that approximately 150 ml of gel filler add one size to that which a woman has. If breast augmentation with implants needs to be done in 2 sizes, then larger prostheses are chosen. The filler in them should be 600 ml.

In terms of size, endoprostheses are divided into fixed (implant placement of a previously defined size) and adjustable (the volume of the filler may vary during surgery).

There are many types of breast implants. Such factors influence their choice:

  • Body size and shape.
  • Desired result (volumetric or more natural).
  • The original shape and size of the chest.
  • Physical activity and lifestyle of the patient.
  • The presence of sagging breast skin (after feeding).
  • The integrity and volume of breast tissue (after pregnancy, natural aging, or after illnesses such as breast cancer).

There are cases when the filler is introduced into the shell during the operation. In this case, the surgeon makes an individual decision on the amount of gel administered.

Consider the option when the patient wants 4 breast sizes. With the second size available, this will not be a problem. An implant volume of about 300 ml is selected. If the breast is very small, not every plastic surgeon can increase it to 4 sizes.

contraindications to mammoplasty

Implant access

This medical term means in which place the mammary gland will be incised to place the prosthesis.

1. Inframammary (incision under the breast).

The most commonly used method for implantation. A 3-4 cm incision is made under the mammary gland. Thanks to this, an implant is placed. The main advantage of this access is the simplicity of the operation, but the contour of the breast implant is possible. But it is possible to use implants of any shape and size. This is the least traumatic way for breast tissue.

2. Periareolar (incision along the edge of the areola).

Almost imperceptible incision. It is produced along the border of the skin of the chest and areola. An implant is inserted through the resulting incision. The main advantage of this access is that the scar is almost invisible, and implants of both anatomical and round shapes can be installed. The disadvantage of this method is that with a small areola, implant placement is not possible.

3. Axillary (incision in the armpit).

The incision is made in the armpit at right angles to the arm. Technically, this installation option is more complicated than the previous two, so endoscopic equipment is used. The main advantage of axillary access is the absence of a visible scar on the chest. The main drawback is the complexity of the operation. In this way, only round implants can be installed, and the anatomical ones are difficult to position correctly. There is a risk of the implant moving up.

4. Transumbilical (through the navel).

This method is almost never used now because of the complexity of its implementation. It consists in making a cut inside the navel. The method has many disadvantages, for example, the possibility of improper placement of prostheses, the installation of only round implants filled with physiological saline. The benefits are the absence of a scar on the chest.

The recommendations of plastic surgeons in choosing implants are about the same. They say that it is possible to choose an implant and installation option on your own, but it is better to consult a specialist, since there are a lot of nuances of a future operation that affect what shape, size, firm to choose. The doctor and patient must come to a joint decision about all the factors. At the moment, in many clinics there is 3D-modeling, which allows to evaluate the expected result.

Implant Access Types

Clinic selection

Consider also the question of choosing a clinic and specialist in mammoplasty in Moscow and in the regions of Russia. The larger the city, the more clinics offer similar services. It is often easy to get confused in such a variety, because only in Moscow mammoplasty is performed in 185 clinics. You need to take the choice responsibly, because there is a risk that instead of a beautiful breast you will get health problems and litigation. The fundamental point for making a decision should not be the cost of the service, because high-quality work cannot be low paid. The average cost of breast augmentation with implants is from 150 to 450 thousand rubles.

The main criteria for choosing a clinic:

  1. This institution has the necessary permits, specialized licenses, and specialists have passed the necessary training and have copies certified by a notary confirming the completion of universities, as well as continuing education courses.
  2. The operation is performed by a surgeon, as well as a resuscitator and an operating sister.
  3. Cost of services includes postoperative care and monitoring.
  4. The clinic is well known, has respect in medical circles and good patient reviews.
  5. The presence of the necessary equipment, especially intensive care units and intensive care units.
  6. You are asked to take the necessary tests and examinations, thoroughly check your health condition before you schedule an operation.
  7. The doctor tells in detail about the operation, about possible complications.
  8. If several clinics refuse to perform mammoplasty for medical reasons, do not look for someone to help you, as there is a risk of encountering lay people.

Risks for mammoplasty

This operation belongs to the category of complex. After it, such undesirable consequences may occur:

  1. Round breast implant deformity. It arises due to improperly installed implant, and also because the patient does not wear compression underwear.
  2. Rupture of a silicone implant. Rare cases that arise due to defects in the prosthesis or in violation of recommendations during the rehabilitation period.
  3. The formation of a dense connective tissue capsule shell.
  4. Loss of sensitivity of the areola and nipple. It occurs due to a violation of the integrity of nerve endings.
  5. Edema in violation of the outflow of lymph.
  6. The formation of rough scars.
  7. Accumulation of fluid or blood around the implant.


This process is one of the important factors affecting the final result. During the first days after the operation, it is necessary to be monitored in the clinic. A further recovery period takes place at home. For several days, painkillers and antibiotics are required to prevent inflammation. You can’t raise your hands. Sleeping is permitted only on the back. Be sure to take antibiotics, as well as drugs from possible thrombosis. Sutures are removed after two weeks. Special care for scars and wearing compression underwear is needed. You can only turn on your stomach after six months. Prohibited physical activity. For three months, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, gym, pool.


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