What happens if you hit the Adam's apple: the danger of admission and its consequences

The human body is a holistic organism that responds to any negative actions from the environment. One example is punches. Very often, a blow to one, but the “right” point can carry consequences for the whole organism. Moreover, accidental damage brings no less problems than intentional ones. It all depends on who hit. What happens if you hit a man in an Adam's apple? Let's find out!

Adam's apple action

One of the most common options for quickly knocking out an adversary is hitting the Adam's apple. It is quite dangerous, it can be said deadly, and therefore it is not worth practicing without knowledge of the safe zone. And it’s impossible to strike in general in the neck. Fans of fighting complain: hit in the Adam's apple - it hurts to swallow. It seems that the larynx is not a tender organ, especially in men.

Kick in Adam's apple hurts to swallow

Nevertheless, even an unprepared person can break the thyroid cartilage , inflicting a strong blow. What happens if you hit the Adam's apple? For starters, a person may begin a seizure due to lack of air, coupled with a banal fright, so the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Before making such a maneuver, it’s worthwhile to think about what’s not enough, but the opponent needs to actively protect the entire cervical and facial region.

Hitting efficiency: what will happen if you hit the Adam's apple

Of course, professional athletes who gave a significant share of their life to wrestling will easily determine where to beat and what consequences to expect, but individual nuances can also arise here. For example, if the opponent is an asthmatic, you have to restrain yourself, a person may well die. But this is about trained athletes, but what kind of blow do street-fight fans have? Here everything is completely ambiguous.

Adam's apple is a weak zone of the human body

It is not necessary to have steel muscles or skills to even accidentally harm another person. In principle, there is enough strength, well, and reaction to have time to strike when the opponent has removed the defense, this will suffer one of three types of consequences of deliberate and sharp strikes. So what will happen if you hit the Adam's apple?


It turns out that the consequences are divided into three types:

  1. The safest - the opponent simply becomes ill, there are slight manifestations of shortness of breath, lack of air. After about 10 minutes, if the condition does not improve, and you don’t feel like taking a “sin for the soul”, you will have to take the victim to the hospital.
  2. A person may not notice the blow. For example, if a man has a powerful neck, he plays sports, then in this way it is difficult to knock him out, especially for a beginner. You can either miss or get into the muscle, the pain in which is not so noticeable.
  3. Fatal outcome. Yes, there are also frequent cases when people died in a street fight or in a ring subsequently getting an adversary in an Adam's apple.

Knowing what will happen if you hit the Adam's apple, it is useful to have not only the attacker, but also the defender, since the awkward tricks of the aggressor may seem not threatening, but if he wants to get into the neck with all his might, he needs to defend himself as much as possible.

Why the blow didn’t work

If it so happened that it was not possible to avoid a fight with a blow in the Adam's apple, and the consequences were zero, then this becomes an occasion not only to stop this practice, but also to think. Why did the slip come out? The fact is that the effectiveness of a strike consists of many factors: the strength of the striker, the resistance of the opponent, the trajectory of the strike, inability to hold hands and fists, and other reasons.

Adam's apple treatment

For professionals, as a rule, such misses are not peculiar, because this technique is constantly being worked out in training, and the body already knows at what angle and with what force to strike. If everything was done professionally, and the efficiency is zero, then the opponent is clearly more resilient than ordinary sparring partners.

Deadly Combat Alternative

Everyone understands that killing a person is against the law / religion, in general, any rules. Especially in a fight and for an unimportant reason, striking in an Adam's apple is not worth it, it will remain for forced self-defense, no more.

You can protect yourself by neutralizing your opponent with safer blows to the neck. For example, hitting the neck with the forearm or edge of the palm of your hand , you can also cause short-term numbness with intermittent breathing. In this case, there is no danger to the opponent’s life, but he will succeed in pacifying his ardor. But what if they hit the Adam's apple? The first step is to seek the help of a doctor, since, as you can understand, the larynx is one of the vital areas of the human body. Be careful!

What happens if you hit the Adam's apple?

It is not necessary to strike in a large scale, there is a chance of falling into Adam's apple. A direct hit is enough, and after strong pressure on the larynx, the body will experience a sharp shock, which it will fight for about five minutes.

Conflict situations are quite normal, they can be accompanied by a fight for a splash of emotions. But even when the nerves are at the limit, you need to control yourself in order to avoid disastrous consequences. Even a professional does not always know what his spent blow will lead to, but beginners in this matter need to be careful, as a rule, their blows are even stronger, since they are not worked out and not restrained.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8423/

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