Red lentil soup: recipes

The first mention of a product such as lentils can be found in the Old Testament. She is also found in the tombs of the pharaohs. And in ancient Greece, lentils for the poor were a staple food. She is also loved in Russia. Until the 20th century, our country was the main supplier of this product in the world market. Have you tried red lentil soup ? The recipe for this dish is simple. Cooking soup is not particularly difficult. Consider a few popular recipes.

red lentil soup recipe

The benefits of lentils

This product is a good tool that strengthens the immune system, and also relieves depression, stress and bad mood. In addition, lentils have a positive effect on heart function. Indeed, the composition of this product contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is quickly and fairly easily absorbed by the body, as well as iron. Lentils are a must for women, especially pregnant women. Indeed, in its composition there is 90% of the daily norm of such a substance as folic acid. The product is able to improve digestion due to soluble fiber.

Indian Lentil Soup: Recipe

To cook this unusual, but simple dish, you will need:

  1. Two glasses of red lentils.
  2. 1 head of onion.
  3. Two cloves of garlic.
  4. 1 pod of chili.
  5. 50 grams of butter from cream.
  6. 3 tablespoons tomato paste.
  7. Greens, salt, ginger root and spices to taste.

red lentil puree soup recipe

Lentil preparation

At the moment, many methods have been created to prepare a delicious soup of red lentils. The recipe for Masurdal came to us from India. To make this soup, you need to prepare lentils. Pour it into a container, fill with water, and then cook for 10 minutes over low heat, preferably under a lid.

After the specified time, add all the necessary spices to the lentils, and then boil. It takes another five minutes. At the end of cooking, red lentils need to be salted.

What to do with vegetables

Now you can do the vegetables. First you need to peel, wash and chop onions. It must be fried in oil until a golden hue appears.

Chilli should also be chopped. If there are contraindications or you do not like spicy dishes, then it can be replaced by Bulgarian. Garlic must be peeled and then passed through a press. Ginger root should be grated. In a deep container, mix pepper and garlic. Ginger and tomato paste should also be added here. In the summer, you can put fresh tomatoes in the soup.

The resulting mass should be transferred to a pan with onions and simmer for five minutes, preferably over low heat.

turkish red lentil soup recipe

Cooking soup

So, you have almost ready red lentil soup. The recipe, if desired, can be changed and mashed from the dish. In a broth with red lentils, you need to pour the stewed vegetable mixture and again bring everything to a boil. After this, the soup should stand for a while.

Serve the dish hot, spilling into portioned plates. To give the red lentil soup a more appetizing look, you can decorate it with finely chopped greens. In addition, this will give the dish a unique flavor.

Turkish red lentil soup: recipe

Lentil soup is a national dish in India. However, this dish has become popular in many countries. It is for this reason that many varieties of soups have appeared. Such a dish in Turkey is also considered national, but it is prepared in a slightly different way. To prepare you will need:

  1. 1.5 cups red lentils.
  2. Two onion heads.
  3. 4 potatoes.
  4. 1 carrot.
  5. 2 tablespoons of flour.
  6. 2 tablespoons tomato paste.
  7. 8 glasses of water.
  8. Dried spices and mint to taste.

red lentil soup recipe with meat

Preparatory work

So, how to make mashed red lentil soup? The recipe for a Turkish dish does not require special expenses. First you need to prepare all the components well. Rinse the lentils thoroughly and then leave them in cold water for a while. Potatoes, onions and carrots need to be peeled. Vegetables must be chopped. Potatoes and onions can be cut into cubes, and grate the carrots.

Cooking process

Pour red lentils and vegetables into a deep bowl. All this should be filled with water. Boil the soup on low heat for an hour. The finished dish should be slightly cooled, and then rubbed through a sieve. You can also use a blender.

The mashed mass must be put back into the pan and brought to a boil. The pan needs to be heated well and the vegetable oil is poured into it. Now you need to pour flour into the container and pour the tomato paste. The resulting composition must be added to lentil soup. Now you need to add a little salt, spices and mint to the dish. The soup should boil for another five minutes. That's all - the soup is ready. Before serving, it can be decorated with greens.

Tomato and Chicken Soup

This is another cooking option. The result is a good red lentil soup. The recipe in the multicooker is different from the previous ones, every housewife can master it. The main thing is to follow certain rules in cooking. You will need:

  1. Chicken leg.
  2. 1.5 cups red lentils.
  3. 1 head of onion.
  4. 1 carrot.
  5. A few cloves of garlic.
  6. 5 medium sized potatoes.
  7. 2 tomatoes.
  8. 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
  9. Salt, spices - all to taste.

red lentil soup recipe in a slow cooker

Cooking steps

In order for the red lentil soup , the recipe with meat of which is described above, to be aromatic and mouth-watering, you must carefully prepare the vegetables and choose the appropriate mode in the multicooker. First you need to peel onions, carrots and potatoes. After this, the vegetables need to be chopped. Tomatoes and potatoes should be cut into cubes. As for carrots, it is better to grate it. If you do not like boiled onions, then you can put the whole onion in the soup. Then it can be easily removed when it gives up all the aromas. You can do the same with garlic.

Before cooking, be sure to rinse the chicken with water. After that, all prepared foods should be put in the multicooker bowl. Well-washed red lentils, tomato paste, salt, chicken and spices should be added to the vegetables. Now you need to pour boiling water to the maximum mark on the bowl. It remains to choose the appropriate mode. In this case, you can use the "Soup" or "Stew" functions. By time, the soup should be cooked for 1.5 hours. If this is not enough, then you can repeat the procedure. The soup will be ready when the lentils and other ingredients are soft.

How to serve

Ready red lentil soup should be poured into plates. As for the chicken legs, it needs to be removed and divided into large pieces. They need to be put in plates with soup. In addition, the dish should be seasoned with sour cream and garnish with herbs. That's all - the delicious, fragrant and mouth-watering red lentil soup is ready!

It is best served hot soup with homemade cornmeal bread. It turns out very tasty!


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