Earrings in cartilage of the ear: a photo with a description

Ear cartilage piercing is one of the common types of piercings for both women and men. Such jewelry as an earring in the cartilage of the ear will bring you joy and cause few problems only if this process is carried out by a specialist in a licensed medical institution in compliance with the necessary safety rules. With proper execution of the procedure, the place where the puncture was made heals painlessly and very quickly. If you are thinking about conducting this procedure, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information contained in our article.

Fancy piercing

How is a puncture made?

Pay special attention that the puncture is not done with a gun. With the so-called β€œshot”, the cartilage can break up. This will seriously complicate the healing process. Puncture can be made with various types of needles with a small diameter. Before the procedure, the place where you are going to make a puncture must be treated with an anesthetic solution, and then with an antiseptic.

Does it hurt?

The sensations during the puncture are really not pleasant, but, in principle, there is nothing to fear. With the right puncture, the pain lasts a maximum of about three minutes. Puncture analgesia is used exclusively for people who need it.

Can cartilage be pierced at home?

Earrings in ear

It is possible, but after some time after doing the cartilage puncture manipulation independently and at home, there is a risk that the wound will heal with serious complications. In the ear there are a large number of reflex zones. Therefore, the best solution is to contact a licensed professional in your field or to the appropriate medical institution.

Puncture contraindications

Before committing a puncture, it is very important to make sure that you have no contraindications to it. So, cartilage piercing is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Chronic skin diseases: this includes dermatitis, furunculosis and other rashes.
  • A growing organism (children's age, period of active growth). Age is key. If you are under the age of fifteen, it is better to abandon this procedure, since the puncture process can weaken the immune system, and healing will take a long time.
  • Pregnancy and the lactation period is the time when it is better not to carry out this procedure.
  • Mental illness.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Heart disease.
  • Renal failure.
  • Gastrointestinal ulcer.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Predisposition to allergies.
  • Gynecological diseases - stress can lead to their exacerbation and complication.
  • Various ear diseases.
  • Recently suffered traumatic brain injuries.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.

As you can see, there are many contraindications, so you need to approach the puncture for wearing the earring in the cartilage of the ear with all responsibility. And the client’s ignorance of contraindications to puncture manipulations can be the root cause of serious consequences.

Only in the absence of restrictions can you begin to choose a specialist. A photo of an ear with a cartilage puncture and an earring in it is presented below.

Heart shaped decoration

Symptoms of complications after an incorrectly pierced ear

After making a cartilage puncture, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor it. There are several signs that signal that healing is not going according to plan:

  • Throbbing pain is a serious sign of improper healing. If a lot of time has passed after you made the puncture, and the ear continues to hurt, then you should consult a specialist, and if necessary, consult a doctor.
  • Pus is a serious sign that everything is not going according to plan. It should not be, both at first, and after a week and a month.
  • Tumor. Small swelling is possible only in the first time after a puncture. Later this is an occasion to consult a doctor.
  • The formation of a keloid scar or scar.

In the case of a slowdown in the healing process, seek medical help.

Wrong wizard choice

If you chose the master incorrectly, did not follow the necessary hygiene rules when piercing the cartilage in the presence of contraindications, you run the risk of a number of complications.

  • Heavy bleeding.
  • The development of defects in the auricle.
  • Visual impairment.
  • The appearance of keloid scars.
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve and much more.

Therefore, the procedure for selecting a master and institution should be approached very responsibly.

A few rules of conduct after a puncture

What needs to be done so that negative consequences after an ear puncture do not occur? After the procedure, it is worth remembering a few simple rules that will help heal your wound quickly.

  • Until your wound heals completely, do not remove the earrings.
  • After 48 hours, regularly move the jewelry back and forth alternately to successfully heal the puncture site.
  • Disinfect the wound twice a day.
  • After exercise, do not forget to clean the wound with an antiseptic.
  • Do not wet your ear for three days after piercing.
  • The earring should be chosen with too much length in order to protect yourself from discomfort when puffiness appears.
  • For cartilage, use jewelry with the finest core.
  • Good masters before the puncture carry out manipulations with which they find out the best place for a puncture.

Cartilage puncture types

There is a wide variety of varieties of puncture of the cartilage of the ear. Below are the main ones:

  • The hand is a hole passing between two areas of cartilage.
  • Antitragus is a puncture of the cartilage located above the earlobe.
  • Helix is ​​a puncture, as a result of which the jewelry is inserted horizontally along the edge of the ear.
  • Orbital - a combination of two holes in the ear.
Vintage ear piercing jewelry
  • Dice - a puncture of the cartilage located above the auditory canal, from top to bottom.

It is very important to choose earrings from a material that does not cause allergies. The smooth figured part is also very important (if the figured part is not smooth, the chance that the jewelry will cling to the outfit and cause inconvenience is very high). The main thing is to choose the right ones after ear piercing in the cartilage of the earrings.

Varieties of cartilage puncture jewelry

There are a huge number of varieties of jewelry for punctures in the cartilage. Below will be given the legend, which are called earrings on the cartilage of the ear.

  • A bar is a decoration that consists of a base, a straight stick, a disk, a ball or a wrapping.
A few punctures in the ear
  • Microfinished - differs in the thinnest core.
  • Banana - a curved rod with balls on both sides.
  • Spiral - the name speaks for itself, since it is an earring in the form of a spring.
  • Circular - looks like a crescent moon, and balls can be placed at the edges, but not necessarily.
Silver ear piercing jewelry
  • Microbanan is a rod form with a curved shaft.
  • Hard - it looks like a round ring with various additions.
  • Labret - consists of a base, a ball, a wrapping.

For recently committed punctures, a barbell, labret are best suited. Also, the type of decoration depends on where the puncture was made.

When can I change the earring in the cartilage of the ear? Everything is extremely simple - as soon as a fresh wound from a puncture heals.

Name of the raw material from which the earrings are made

In order for the tissue regeneration process to go faster, the channel is formed correctly, earrings for piercing are made of hypoallergenic material.

  • Medical steel is steel that helps to quickly heal a wound at the puncture site and is one of the most famous materials, although in Europe this composition was abandoned due to the fact that it can cause various inflammations when it penetrates the blood.
  • Teflon is a material that does not cause allergies, which is why it is often used in piercing culture.
  • Silver is a jewelry material that is not advisable to use during wound healing. Oxides of this material can cause an unpredictable reaction at the site of wound healing. But the silver earring in the cartilage of the ear (photo below) looks pretty original.
  • Medical plastic. This type of material is quite common among young people. It is light and varied in its style, differs in color variety, but is not durable and requires very accurate decoration socks.
Pearl jewelry
  • Gold - for just made a puncture, it is desirable to use high-grade gold.
  • Platinum is considered the best material, although it is expensive. This alloy helps to quickly get accustomed to the decoration, promotes the rapid healing of the wound.
Two types of cartilage punctures

Of course, only you can choose which material is suitable, based on taste preferences and material capabilities. Ear piercing is incredibly popular today. The photos of cartilage with an earring presented above allow us to consider how popular variations of our time look.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8434/

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