MTS Credit Card Reviews. MTS Bank credit cards: how to get, conditions of registration, interest

MTS Bank is not far behind its “brothers” and is trying to select new banking products that are aimed at simplifying the lives of customers. And the MTS credit card is one of them. Since today the citizens of our country are increasingly using such cards, they realized the advantage of owning them. Often cards allow not only to pay for goods and services in non-cash form, but also to accumulate bonuses for purchases that you can spend in the future on the purchase of different types of goods with a good discount.

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Below we will take a closer look at the banking product from MTS Bank - credit cards, conditions for them, as well as all the advantages of using them.

Convenient services

We indicate the main positive aspects that distinguish a MTS credit card.

  • With the active use of a credit card, you can achieve a reduction in the interest rate on it by three percent.
  • There is the possibility of connecting a service in which you can return to the card up to 1% of the purchase amount.
  • When you connect the income accrual function, you can earn up to 10% per annum of the amount of funds on it with a card.

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Card benefits

1. MTS credit card is issued easily and quickly enough. Bank employees consider the application no more than an hour.

2. There is a Mobile Bank service that allows you to manage accounts and pay for services on the MTS Bank website directly from home.

3. An application for a MTS credit card can also be executed online, it is not necessary to go to a bank branch.

4. Simple, and most importantly, free recharge card account.

Types of credit cards

1. Typical card. It allows you to get borrowed funds in the amount of not more than fifty thousand rubles at 26.9% per annum. Holders of a "gold" or "platinum" card can count on 600 thousand rubles at 25.9 percent per annum. There is a grace period of 51 days. Repayment of debt occurs monthly in an amount equal to 10% of the debt, for “platinum” and “gold” - 5%. There is a commission for cash withdrawals of 4 percent and for transfers to other accounts - 3%.

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2. For corporate clients. For them, the bank offers special facilitated conditions: the annual rate is reduced by three points, and commissions - by one percent. In addition, corporate clients are allowed to receive an amount of up to one hundred thousand with the provision of one document - a passport. If the required amount is 300 thousand rubles, then in this case an income certificate will be required to be attached to the passport, and a copy of the work book is additionally needed for 600 thousand rubles.

3. For holders of salary cards. For these categories of customers, the bank also offers preferential conditions: the annual rate for them is 17-18 percent, the list of documents includes only a passport. The only moment is that the client should have work experience in last place for more than three months and, accordingly, he should receive at least 3 months salary on the card from the MTS bank.

4. For investors. The bank is also more loyal to customers who have an open deposit: for them there is no fee for issuing and annual maintenance of a card, they can get a “golden” card for free, and the interest rate for them is beneficial - only 18% per annum.

5. “MTS-Money”. This MTS credit card is easy to process. It can be obtained in the MTS communications salon by providing only a passport. The conditions for it are as follows: limit - 40 thousand rubles, annual rate - 23, 35 or 47 percent, depending on the results of the client’s analysis. It will be pleasant that when paying for goods and services, bonuses will be awarded that can be spent on free calls, SMS messages and other services from the MTS operator.

Credit card

Consider how to get a MTS credit card. It is known that in order to receive any banking product, it is necessary to satisfy the requirements of credit organizations. Bank experts explain in detail how to get a MTS credit card and choose the type that will be most beneficial for you.

MTS credit card application

Borrower Requirements

  1. The bank sets an age threshold of 18-60 years.
  2. Mandatory registration in the Russian Federation;
  3. The presence of two contact telephone numbers, including one of them must be stationary.

You can get a MTS credit card in the absence of official employment. An application can also be accepted from a student employed, pensioners, the main thing is that they have a steady income.

What documents do you need to submit to the bank?

The list of documents required to obtain a credit card can be called standard, you will need to provide:

  • Passport.
  • An additional document to choose from - a driver’s license, a TIN or Pension Fund certificate.
  • Income statement.

It is possible to issue a MTS-money credit card only with a passport, but in this case the conditions for it will be unprofitable for the borrower.

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Documents to the bank can be submitted as follows:

  1. Personally visit the office.
  2. Call the bank and fill out the application remotely.
  3. Filling out an application on the site is the easiest way to get a credit card. For this, only a client fills out a questionnaire, then, after its consideration, you will receive an SMS message with a decision of the bank. If the decision is positive, a bank specialist will contact you and agree on a convenient place and time for transferring the card.

How to recharge MTS card

The bank management is interested in timely repayment of loans, therefore, it took care of its customers and offers several ways to replenish the card. The main ones are listed below.

  1. Through a personal account. The client can replenish the card completely free of charge at any time of the day from any account opened with MTS Bank, or from a card of another bank.
  2. Through payment terminals. When using this method, the client needs to pay a commission in the amount of 1-1.5% of the replenished amount.
  3. In the shops-salons "Euroset", "Messenger" and "Eldorado". In this case, a commission of 1% of the replenished amount is charged.
  4. In the MTS mobile phone salon.

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How to close the MTS card

It is possible to close the card in the city where the bank office is present. To do this, you need to contact the nearest branch with a statement for closing. But before that, you need to make sure that there is no debt on the card. If everything is in order, then we wait for the decision of the bank.

But if in your city there is no MTS-Bank office, and there is no time and opportunity to get to the nearest settlement where it is, is it? There is also nothing complicated. On the MTS Bank website you can fill out an application for closing the card. You print it out, sign it and send it by “Russian Post” to the head office (115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya St., 75). In order to avoid loss, we recommend sending by registered mail. Before sending, it is necessary to clarify the exact amount of debt through the bank's hotline and pay it off. As soon as the application is received by the bank and executed, you will receive an SMS notification that the card is closed.

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Map Reviews

There are many clients who have issued MTS Bank credit cards. Reviews on their part are different. There are those who noted the speed of processing the card, because in almost 15 minutes a decision is made on the issue. Someone liked the fact that it is very convenient to use - you can pay for goods and services by bank transfer, there is a grace period for using borrowed funds, you can easily replenish it, manage accounts.

But there are also dissatisfied customers who have issued MTS Bank credit cards. Their reviews are negative, mainly due to poor service. Sometimes it is simply impossible to get through the hotline. This is due to its congestion due to the large number of customers who want to know the amount of debt. The bank management did not think over these issues, and they, unfortunately, strongly repel potential customers. In addition, negative reviews are also associated with the size of fees for withdrawing and transferring funds - they are simply predatory! If a person intends to withdraw only 100 rubles, then he will still need to pay a commission of 450 rubles.

After reading the reviews of experienced users of the MTS card, everyone will draw their own conclusions, but do not be too categorical. Everyone has their own opinion. We recommend that you analyze all the pros and cons of the card yourself and decide whether to use it or not.

If you still decide on a credit card from MTS, we strongly recommend that you carefully study all the proposed conditions and tariffs, read the contract carefully. If you want to close the card, then make sure that the whole procedure goes right to the end. So that one day it doesn’t appear that you have a debt to MTS Bank. It will not be superfluous if you require a certificate from the bank stating that the card is closed and the institution has no complaints against you.


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