Oh, these redhead bandits, or How to get rid of cockroaches at home?

Cockroaches ... These terrible redhead bandits! They are perhaps the most undesirable for a person "neighbors". They β€œcrack” our apartments and houses without demand, in every possible way poisoning our lives. Fighting these bandits with the goal of destroying them is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. We learn how to get rid of cockroaches at home from our article.


Fortunately, we live in the 21st century and have an impressive arsenal to fight redhead bandits. Below are the most effective and time-tested home methods of dealing with baleen "neighbors".

how to get rid of cockroaches at home

How to get rid of cockroaches at home ?

Cockroaches cannot exist without water. That is why their favorite places are sinks, toilets, etc. Scientists have proved that a cockroach, tasted the poison, but managed to drink water, will certainly survive! Therefore, during the fight against these creatures you need to try to keep your house in order, all surfaces (floors, tables, sinks) should be dry. So, here are some tips for getting rid of cockroaches at home.

  1. Perhaps the most effective and time-tested remedy for cockroaches is, of course, Her Majesty - boric acid! Note that it is safe for humans and pets, but deadly for redhead bandits! Even if some cockroach survives, it certainly will not want to return to this place. We acquire 100 g of boric acid in a pharmacy and sprinkle with it various places in the house: walls, baseboards, sinks, a toilet, all kinds of approaches to water. If these creatures come into contact with the poison, they will begin to infect each other in a chain. Such here they are - red cockroaches!
  2. How to get rid of these nasty "neighbors" will tell you another remedy - ammonia. Every day, wash the floors at home by adding this substance to the water. Cockroaches just hate its smell.
  3. Another proven tool in the difficult struggle with mustachioed bandits is ... beer! Do not regret pouring a little beer into the can, lubricating its inner walls and edges with petroleum jelly, fat or vegetable oil. In the morning you will see that at the bottom of the can a considerable amount of these creatures floats.
    how to get rid of cockroaches at home

Special means against cockroaches

Today, experts who were puzzled by the question of how to get rid of cockroaches at home, made simple baits, gels and aerosols against cockroaches, used by a person at home.

  1. Take advantage of specialized traps for cockroaches like "Raid". Note that individually they are completely useless. Get them in the amount of several pieces.
  2. You can resort to using aerosols containing deodorized gas.
  3. An old and proven remedy for cockroaches is the chalk "Mashenka". But there is some error: cockroaches are able to quickly get used to it.
    red cockroaches how to get rid


In order not to puzzle over how to get rid of cockroaches at home, do not be lazy to maintain your home in constant cleanliness. Avoid accumulation of garbage, throw away food waste daily, and do not leave the remnants of your dinner in the kitchen. Make sure that there are no bread crumbs on the table or on the floor . Only in this way can you once and for all give the gates to these red-headed terrorists!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8455/

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