Industrial Safety Action Plan: sample. Industrial safety control

If an enterprise uses a potentially hazardous production facility in its activities, then it is its responsibility to take measures to ensure safe operation.

hazardous production facility classification

Given the seriousness of responsibility, these issues are dealt not only with individual units of the organization, but with the relevant authorities at the state level.

Hazardous production facility: what is it?

Federal Law 116 in Article 2 gives an idea of ​​it as an enterprise, its part or other production facility, in which any of the listed danger signs are present. They are given in the form of two interconnected applications that specify the quantitative and qualitative criteria of objects belonging to this category.

What can be a source of danger in the workplace?

In order to characterize them, you need to refer to the provisions contained in the law on industrial safety. Here, in the applications, potential sources of danger at work are given, that is, objects that have the following characteristics:

  1. Have anything to do with various hazardous substances. The latter can be produced, processed, stored, used, transported or destroyed here. The law defines their types: combustible, toxic, explosive, etc.
  2. There is any kind of equipment that is used under pressure more than 0.07 MPa.
  3. If in production various kinds of forklifts are used in the form of escalators, funiculars or cable cars.
  4. In the production, transportation, as well as the use of melts of non-ferrous and ferrous metals using appropriate equipment.
  5. If mining is carried out using explosive techniques. Also here include mineral processing.
  6. Such types of plant materials are stored or processed that are prone to spontaneous combustion, the formation of explosive properties.

Legislative regulation

The main legal document regulating relations in the field of ensuring industrial safety is Federal Law 116. It contains the main provisions relating to the activities of all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. The Industrial Safety Law, along with other rules and regulations, regulates the activities of both the enterprises themselves associated with hazardous facilities and the state bodies that control them. Here are the basic requirements and restrictions, forms and types of activities implemented in this area.

There are rules in the law governing industrial safety, which is carried out in the form of an examination. The objects, subjects that can conduct it, the order of conduct and the form of the results in the form of a conclusion are given.

In addition to the law, regulation in this area is also implemented by the relevant norms and rules of industrial safety. They characterize different aspects of the activity and cover:

  • registration and declaration rules;
  • the rules governing the examination;
  • rules for conducting various forms of control;
  • safety justification standards for such types of production facilities, etc.

Hazardous production facility: classification

The law also forms a system of legal, economic, and social principles that make it possible to properly organize the provision of industrial safety during the operation of various technical facilities that can be represented as a dangerous production facility. Their classification is given in the law and includes four groups that are formed on the basis of such criteria as the degree of potential danger:

  • the first contains objects that constitute an extremely high danger;
  • the second is high;
  • third class - objects characterized by the presence of factors of moderate danger;
  • fourth, respectively, low.

industrial safety

The determination of which class an enterprise belongs to is carried out by the relevant state bodies in the process of its registration.

Security Action Plan: What It Is

The whole range of precautionary measures should be presented in a separate document. As a rule, it is an action plan to ensure industrial safety. Its sample should be formed based on the scope of the enterprise and the types of objects in operation.

industrial safety tests

It is an action plan for a certain period. Entered into force by order of the director of the enterprise, in which:

  • approved plan for the reporting year;
  • responsible executives for each object are appointed;
  • stipulate the timing of the necessary activities;
  • a controlling entity is appointed, as a rule, it is the chief engineer of the enterprise.

Plan design

In what form should an action plan for ensuring industrial safety be formed? A sample of it may be an appendix to the relevant order of the head of the enterprise, drawn up in the form of a table. It should have several sections that cover all types and forms of activity of personnel of the enterprise, aimed at ensuring safety.

industrial safety plan

In general, the table structure includes such indicators:

  • names of activities;
  • names of potentially dangerous objects, indicating what they are;
  • the regularity of service is determined: specific dates or frequency;
  • responsible executors: their positions and surnames are indicated.

The content aspect of the plan

There are also a number of main areas that are designed to implement the plan of measures adopted by the enterprise to ensure industrial safety. A sample of it includes two semantic blocks. The first of them characterizes the equipment itself and the forms of its maintenance. These are diagnostics, examination, risk insurance, equipment with safety devices, etc. The second block is related to the personnel of the enterprise. It contains information regarding its certification, training and professional development, classes and consultations.

What should sections include?

The plan of measures for ensuring industrial safety (sample, shown below) has a somewhat generalized form and includes the main forms of enterprise activity in this area.

No.Name of eventName OPO (equipment, substance)Date of executionResponsible for execution
1Diagnostics of facilities and technical devices in operation
Lifting mechanisms and constructions - cranes

Reg. Number 127

TVET 05/25/2015Ch. mechanic Sobkov M.N.
2Technical inspection of pressure equipmentPressure vessels
Air collector B-6.3 reg.β„– 345-13TD 04/27/2015Chief Power Engineer Peskov S.Yu.
3Replacing equipment with a new oneReg. Number 13310/27/2015 g.Ch. mechanic Sobkov M.N.
4Registration of technical devices put into operation

Reg. Number 156

Reg. No. 157

01/20/2015 g.Ch. mechanic Sobkov M.N.
Activities for working with personnel serving hazardous facilities
5Conduct training courses for personnel in the field of industrial safetyLifting facilities2015.2015Deputy ch. engineer Vasiliev S.P.
Pressure vessels2015.2015
6To conduct certification of personnel in the field of industrial safetyLifting facilities2015.2015Deputy ch. engineer Vasiliev S.P.
Pressure vessels2015.2015
7Provide training for workers involved in the maintenance of hazardous production facilitiesLifting facilities2015.2015Deputy ch. engineer Vasiliev S.P.
Pressure vessels2015.2015
8Conduct preventive checks on compliance with all requirements related to industrial safetyLifting facilitiesQuarterlyCh. mechanic Sobkov M.N.
Pressure vesselsQuarterlyChief Power Engineer Peskov S.Yu.
  1. Diagnostics (TD - technical diagnostics, VET - technical and technical maintenance) of facilities and technical devices in operation. Here is a list of all forms of such equipment with a description of its current status. If a building or device has exhausted its resource, then the possibility and necessity of its extension with the involvement of the relevant authorities is indicated.
  2. Carrying out technical inspection of the equipment which works under pressure. External and internal verification of devices is carried out, which aims at determining its condition, possible safe use, and continuing service within the time and periods specified by applicable standards. Sometimes this section includes a number of other objects that require examination, but have not yet developed an established resource.
  3. Replacing your old equipment with a new one. Equipping technical devices with additional safety devices.
  4. Carrying out the registration procedure for technical devices that are just being put into operation. This requires not only the inclusion in the state register of hazardous objects, but also other equipment used.

In addition to the items shown in the sample, there may be others. For example, inspection of structures related to hazardous industrial facilities. Inspection of buildings that, for whatever reason, are also relevant to them.

Planning activities for working with personnel servicing hazardous production facilities

The second semantic part of the plan can be considered those items that relate to forms of work with the personnel of the enterprise engaged in the maintenance of dangerous categories of technical devices.

  1. Further training of employees of various departments of the enterprise in the field of industrial safety.
  2. Carrying out certification of verification of knowledge of personnel in this area. Here, as a rule, relevant tests are applied: industrial safety.
  3. Various activities related to the training of workers engaged in maintenance of facilities.
  4. Implementation of measures, including preventive checks of compliance with all requirements related to ensuring industrial safety.

industrial safety

Obviously, the preparation of the plan is a creative process, which is to some extent limited by legal norms. That is why the inclusion of certain sections and paragraphs is determined individually based on the objects and technical devices that are used in the enterprise, as well as on the basis of the need for their maintenance by the personnel of the enterprise.

How is labor safety regulated in this area?

Particular attention is paid to such a factor as industrial safety, which is a series of measures aimed at preventing the consequences of accidents. If the latter took place, then to minimize its negative results and consequences.

norms and rules of industrial safety

Sometimes industrial safety is equated with labor protection. Given the characteristics of hazardous industrial products, the first of them acquires special content. After all, it is known that non-compliance with safety standards carries the risk of accidents and causing considerable material damage. For this reason, special attention is paid to the problems of compliance with industrial safety and, as a rule, the management of the enterprise in terms of measures provides for several sections that are directly related to the knowledge and skills of personnel servicing hazardous equipment. In order to certify these employees, the heads of the respective departments conduct tests. Industrial safety in this case may include training activities.

Who can control dangerous objects?

This type of function is also regulated by the rule of law and is assigned to the relevant state body.
At the state level, industrial safety control is performed by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision Rostekhnadzor. It is this body that carries out regulatory regulation of the sphere of industrial safety, as well as a number of such functions as:

  • permissive;
  • supervisory;
  • controlling.

industrial safety control

Also, according to the law, the company itself must carry out control in this area on the basis of requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


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