Funny wedding contests for ransom bride

Surely each of you at least once in your life attended a real Russian wedding. Some have witnessed many weddings and have noticed a trend that they all follow roughly the same scenario, with slight variations. The ransom is the most important part of the wedding ceremony, rooted in the distant past. It may be that the brideā€™s ransom in verse, with contests, is ridiculous, but its essence is always in a comic test of the groom for certain qualities. A wedding procession is always an important step in the life of young people and their loved ones. Much depends on how one of the most significant days passes. In this article, we will tell you in detail about funny wedding contests, as well as about some types of cool ransoms (contests) of the bride for the groom.

A bit of history

Wedding photo

The phenomenon itself originates from the distant past, as already mentioned, and is inherent not only to the Russian people. For example, among Muslims this is the so-called kalym. But only in Russian rites the ransom is measured not only in cash equivalents or gifts, but represents a whole idea, for which they prepare in advance with a special predilection. Its essence is to check the groom for a daring young man, and see how smart he is. On the day of the groom's wedding, many surprises awaited him, which he had to adequately overcome in order to meet his brother-in-law. Therefore, on the way to the bridegroom, the groom met many obstacles in the form of riddles, tasks for strength and endurance. Moreover, upon entering the house (where else it was necessary to get), the bride still had to be found! In modern society, ancient traditions also resonate. Recently, more and more traditional wedding ceremonies have been held. Of course, the same ransom was slightly deformed, but the essence remained the same. If you are lucky enough to be a witness at a wedding, then we hasten to please that the organization of the ransom is now your task. But do not panic, in this article you will find many ideas and competitions for the redemption of the bride.

Redemption of the bride, as well as competitions for the groom

Cool and varied options bring to your attention. Choose your favorite or use everything!

Signature Contests

Hands newlyweds

The whole jolly crowd, led by the groom, goes outside and collects signatures from completely unfamiliar people passing by, causing their bewilderment. A colorful ā€œdocumentā€ is prepared in advance, which refers to the love of our heroes, and passers-by must assure this document. The more signatures, the stronger love will be. If you are more creative, you can make a contest with recording videos from passers-by. After all, everyone has a smartphone. Ask them to say something on their own (just a few words) or some kind of stupid phrase such as ā€œI confirm Petya and Mashaā€™s love.ā€

Quiz on the steps

On the way to the brideā€™s house (which has not been a hut for several hundred years, as you know), pieces of paper with questions about her and her family are laid out on the steps. The groom is lucky if the bride lives on the first floor. A kind of quiz. Questions may be in the style of ā€œWhat was the name of your first teacher, your betrothed?ā€ or "In what year did her parents get married?" If he does not guess, then he pays, of course. Each step is a question. Organizers can submit questions in advance with the participation of the bride. Competitions for the redemption of the bride does not imply an analogue of the game ā€œWhat? Where? When?" Therefore, questions should be simple and fun.

Scold or pay

United rings

We are still talking about steps that do not allow you to get to your beloved sooner. Guests and witnesses lay out multi-colored leaflets, for example red and blue, on all steps. The guy must overcome them (but this is practically impossible). Stepping on a red piece of paper, the groom should compliment the bride, and stepping on the blue - show how he will scold her. If he doesnā€™t want to scold, let him pay! This continues to the apartment itself. But at the entrance he is waiting for continued testing. Because no one is going to backtrack on the bride redemption scenario. Funny contests continue.

Sour water

After climbing the steps our hero is met by the mother-in-law or the brideā€™s girlfriend with a tray with different drinks. Here everything is limited only by imagination, but drinks should be spicy, salty or alcoholic with a tart taste. The host says: ā€œWith which face to drink water, with such a wife and live.ā€ Naturally, the future husband is trying to maintain a cheerful or even neutral facial expression, drinking sour meat, for the amusement of the guests.


There he is waiting for the continuation of the sophisticated scenario of the ransom of the bride with contests. Insidious witnesses (maybe even in the role of the evil Baba Yaga) froze the key to the apartment in a glass of water, wanting to check the narrow-mindedness. Or even a few glasses to completely confuse. The groom needs to somehow melt the water with the help of friends and get the key, check if it suits. You may have to melt the next glass if the key does not fit! It will be a truly spectacular sight.

Drink compote

There is an alternative to competition with keys. If you did not have time to prepare the ice or do not want to bother with this, but you need to torment the groom with the extraction of the key, that is, an option. It is also suitable if the ice has already been melted, but only the front door is open, and there is still a door to the brideā€™s room. He, like all ingenious, is simple. Pour compote into a three-liter jar, and put the desired key on the bottom. The groom is invited to drink all the contents without the help of friends. If it doesnā€™t work, you have to pay.


Do not underestimate the classics - scenarios of bride redemption in verses with contests. The groom should read to his future wife a poem that he had prepared in advance. Composed or learned, it does not matter, the main thing is that the bride likes it. You can act impromptu - compose on the go. But in this case, you need to build on the character and temperament of the groom, because not many in this case are not taken aback. But friends in case of impromptu can help, it will turn out even funnier.

Recognize the bride

Nice couple

These are already almost classical, but not losing their zest contests for the redemption of the bride. Original ideas are not always original. Sometimes it's just a well-forgotten old. So, the essence of the competition is that the bridegroom, who finally got into the house, has a new task - to find out her lover among other girls. There are tons of options. For instance:

On the finger

This refers to the nameless ones, on which an engagement ring is put on (the bridegroom is blindfolded and allowed to take turns touching the girls' fingers).

Lip prints

All girls and women paint their lips with bright lipstick and leave their imprint on a sheet of paper, and the groom guesses what imprint belongs to his beloved.

By smell

The girls, generously choking on their spirits, stand in a row, and the subject takes turns trying to hear the smell of her beloved from all the scents. Blindfolded, naturally. To simplify, you should spray handkerchiefs with different perfumes and let them smell the groom in turn. If you have not guessed, let him pay.

A kiss

Our hero is blindfolded, and the female part of the guests takes turns kissing him on the cheek.

In this likeness, the brideā€™s ransom contests suggest a very large number of variations that cannot be completely enumerated - this is by shoes, by touch, and even by photographs of navels, which the toastmaster canā€™t imagine!

And attentiveness

flower composition

The bridegroom is offered several photographs of the bride, previously modified in the graphics program ... These photographs, respectively, should be prepared in advance, but we are sure that someone present has the Photoshop program. He must guess what is wrong with her. You can change the color of the eyes or draw a sixth finger on the hand.


This is the most fun and creative test. It is better to use it from the moment the groom and his friends drove up to the porch. Then the leader stops them, he says that "we will not let you, well, well done, until you sing a serenade." But so be it, we will help you with some tools. They give all the guys the simplest things that can make sounds - pots, a can with groats, whistles, pipes, which is enough for imagination. Friends help, and the groom must sing a serenade for his beloved, aloud and loudly. Of course, he comes up with on the go and is unlikely to succeed in rhyme, but it will definitely be fun. The task is considered completed when a bunch of radishes, for example, is thrown from the window in approval. Or until a police outfit caused by neighbors arrives. Redemption of the bride in verses with contests as a variation is also possible. But we assure you that serenade is much more fun.

Heroic Power

Of course, we will check the groom and the heroic strength. In modern conditions, of course. Let's imagine what it might look like:

- raise two friends in their arms;

- crouch a hundred times;

- push yourself off the floor;

- break the broom.

If some task fails, friends always come to the rescue, contests for the ransom of the bride are intended for them, too, anyway. For example, the groom is very unlikely to cope with the task with a broom himself. In this case, if friends do not help, you will have to pay. These are the rules.

Check and wit

Well, since our fiancƩ successfully passed all contests for strength, creativity and endurance, it remains to check him for his wit and quick wits. For this contest, papers with various chaotic words are put in a hat or container. And our hero should, pulling out one word, on the go invent a story about how they will happily live with their future wife, using these words. Yes, so that she was colorful and eloquent and everyone listened to her. Competitions for the redemption of the bride are cool a priori, so do not take the task too seriously. In the end, the ransom involves in the event of a failure to pay.

Congratulations to the young


When the already narrowed one finally got into the apartment, unraveled all the riddles and guessed his bride from a dozen other beautiful girls, showed strength and intelligence, he is offered the final and most touching test. It is an oath of allegiance. All the guests gather, here you can already do without the help of friends, yet this is a very secret speech. We warn you, this test can cause an uncontrollable stream of tears of tenderness in the older generation. Speech can be prepared in advance, it will be nice if this speech comes as a surprise to the girl. If you want to make jokes after all, then there is an option to complicate the task with, for example, five words that the groom must use in his speech. Of course, they are the most chaotic and completely unsuitable, for example, ā€œpumpkinā€, ā€œpigeonā€, ā€œoceanā€, ā€œelectric sawā€ and the like.

Wedding rings


Summing up, I want to say that this scenario does not end the bride redemption in verses with contests, jokes and jokes. Years of experience in weddings have led to the fact that contests can be found for almost every taste. The main thing in this matter is a competent presenter, or a host, or witnesses, those people who take on the organization. They should try to direct all the ransom trends (and this is not a five-minute affair) in the right direction, avoid awkward moments and maintain a certain degree of fun among the guests.

We hope that the article was interesting for you, and you were able to find answers to all the questions you need. Thank you, dear readers. Have a great holiday and lots of fun.


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