Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids: recovery period, care features, tips

Every woman, of course, wants to always be slim, beautiful and attractive. But age takes its toll, and the first signs of aging appear on the face. Usually they appear in the form of skin sacs, wrinkles and overhanging skin over the eyelids. Unfortunately, expensive creams and traditional medicine methods are not able to cope with such a problem. But modern medicine has already gone a long way in matters of aesthetic surgery, so many ladies prefer a procedure called blepharoplasty.

Before eye surgery

Its essence lies in the fact that surgically, the specialist removes excess skin, due to which the eyelids are lifted. Although this is not the easiest procedure, the effect will be, as they say, obvious. The look becomes fresher, the eyes noticeably open and no longer look tired. Age wrinkles become almost invisible. However, the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is very important. At this time, you must always adhere to all the recommendations of your doctor. This will determine how quickly it will be possible to return to an absolutely normal life.

How long does the rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids

Actually this question depends on several factors. On average, recovery takes about two weeks. However, in this case we are talking about the fact that a person has good health, a good immune system. It is also important whether the patient has bad habits that he is not ready to give up.

Some in their reviews say how much rehabilitation after blepharoplasty took them time. Some say that a full recovery came in 10 days, while others took a little more time.

But, regardless of well-being, and after two weeks you need to be very careful about your health. According to doctors, a full recovery occurs only after 2 months. After a few weeks, the patient can return to his usual life, but he still has to carry out all the activities that the doctor advised him. Otherwise, complications may occur during subsequent rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. Some of them are not disturbing. Therefore, it will be useful to know what is considered the norm.

Features of the procedure

What is not considered a complication

Speaking about rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, it is worth clarifying that sometimes the patient can go home immediately after the procedure, and in some cases the doctor decides that she needs to stay in the hospital for a few more days. There is nothing to worry about. But, no matter how quickly the discharge occurred, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the area that has been intervened, there will be great discomfort.

In the first days of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, there may be an increased sensitivity to light and other irritants. The pain syndrome is also considered the norm. However, as a rule, the doctor immediately prescribes painkillers, so a similar problem can be solved. Also, some complain of increased tearing and bruising. This is also considered normal in this situation.

Also, small swelling may appear on the operated eyelids. It also does not mean anything that could cause concern. It is worth noting that, according to reviews of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, puffiness can persist for the first month after surgery. In this case, it all depends on how the skin responds to the healing process.

Before and after eye surgery

Some patients complain that at first they had vision problems. The first few weeks, the image may indeed be blurry and somewhat fuzzy. However, after a while, this symptom disappears, and visual function is fully restored.


Immediately after the procedure, the doctor should apply a cold compress to the treated areas. This will help reduce puffiness. It can also give the patient a painkiller. It is important to consider recovery tips.

Already in the first days you need to begin to perform a set of exercises compiled by a doctor. A few days after the operation, it is worthwhile to carry out the first hygiene procedure. Prior to this, such events may be strictly prohibited. However, even in the following days, one must act very carefully. Water and detergents must not fall into the area in which the operation was performed. At the same time, do not wash yourself with very hot water, even if before that the woman preferred to steam her face.

Use of cosmetics

Additionally, in the first days of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, it is possible, and even recommended, to use disinfectants. This will help stop the possible development of infection. You also need to use certain eye drops, which are prescribed by your doctor.

When the stitches are removed

In this case, it all depends on the healing speed. On average, it takes no more than five days. However, even after the sutures have been removed, the patient must wear a special medical patch for several days, which is intended for the speediest regeneration of the skin.

If rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids proceeds normally, then after 7 days serious improvements will be noticeable. In this case, you can gradually return to your favorite lifestyle. If we talk about when the traces of seams disappear, then they become completely invisible about 10-14 days after the procedure. However, the full effect of the performed operation is achieved in the second month of rehabilitation.

How to speed up the recovery process

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty surgery will be faster if the patient carefully monitors the condition of the eyes and looks after this area. First of all, one should not allow exposure to ultraviolet radiation on operated eyes. Therefore, in the summer, you should not go outside without sunglasses.

Also, experts recommend monitoring your diet. Thanks to the special diet prescribed by the doctor, you can quickly remove swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. It is worth refusing to eat salty foods, as well as spicy foods. For sleep, you should use a very high pillow or roller.

Some use the services of cosmetologists and undergo a lifting procedure. Additionally, it is recommended to do special exercises. They are necessary in order to normalize the process of blood circulation. In addition, exercises help to tighten muscles and keep them in good shape. All this will help to significantly speed up the recovery process after the performed anti-aging procedure.

What is not recommended in the recovery process

There are blepharoplasty and contraindications. These are acute infectious diseases, myopathy, cancer, diabetes mellitus, high intracranial pressure, bleeding disorders, anemia, arterial hypertension, the recovery period after any eye surgery, keratitis or blepharitis, infectious lesions of the cornea, for women - the period of menstruation.

It is worth noting the importance of the patient following the doctor’s recommendations after surgery. Otherwise, complications can be provoked.

Looking in the mirror

Firstly, under no circumstances should you scratch or rub your operated eyes. It is important to adhere to standard hygiene rules. Some, in order to speed up the recovery process, begin to use various healing ointments. In no case should you do this. Such compounds can easily provoke too strong tissue growth. Because of this, unpleasant scars can remain on the eyelids, which will be practically impossible to get rid of.

Recommendations of specialists

Doctors recommend in the first few days to exclude any activity that is associated with the work of the visual organs. The eyes should never be strained. Therefore, you should avoid working at a computer. Also, doctors do not recommend writing or reading, even if it is a favorite handbook. Otherwise, dry eyes can be triggered.

The standard condition is that in the process of rehabilitation after surgery for blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, it is important to abandon serious physical exertion on the whole body. Especially doctors do not recommend abruptly turning your head or bending over. If the head is lowered for a long time, this will provoke a large flow of blood to the visual organs. This can lead to a sharp increase in eye pressure, which is undesirable after such operations. It is also necessary to completely exclude classes in the gym.

Lovers to take a bath in the bathhouse are strictly forbidden to visit the baths and saunas for at least one month after the operation. The same goes for any heat sources. Even a hot shower can cause microscopic hemorrhages in the eyes. It is desirable that the region of the eyes is generally predominantly at rest. Do not once again touch them with your hands or strain too much.

Beautiful doctor

Throughout the recovery period, you should refrain from using decorative cosmetics, even if the products are expensive and from a well-known manufacturer. It is also worthwhile to stop wearing contact lenses. These bans are usually valid in the first few weeks of the recovery period. But it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient himself. Therefore, even after this period, it is worth some time not to have any serious impact on the eyes.

Another important recommendation is that during the recovery period it is better not to drink or smoke. Such bad habits provoke unnatural expansion or narrowing of blood vessels, which does not very well affect the condition of patients.

Skin Care Features

If such an operation is performed, then this does not mean that at the initial stages of the recovery process, the patient will not need any efforts. On the contrary, you need to perform special exercises, use cold compresses and instill eye drops daily. Gymnastics for the eyes is also needed in order to restore visual function and muscle activity faster. Exercise helps to avoid stagnation of lymph.

In addition, some patients complain of hematomas after the procedure. In this case, again, it is recommended to do exercises. They will help to quickly get rid of terrible bruises at first glance.

Some women inject Botox a few months after the procedure. Such an event is not prohibited by doctors. But you need to make sure that the healing went well and there are no inflammatory processes in the body.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids by day

Usually, after the operation, the doctor draws up for the patient a kind of calendar in which all the necessary recommendations for each day are indicated. Recommendations may vary from person to person. But mostly tips are standard. Therefore, it is worth considering rehabilitation after upper blepharoplasty by day.

In the first day after the operation, it is necessary to ensure that cold compresses are applied to the affected eyelids. Such an action will help prevent swelling and the formation of unpleasant hematomas. Also, from the first day after the operation, you can take painkillers.

From the first to the third day, it is necessary to instill special drops containing antiseptic drugs. This will help eliminate the possibility of developing an infection. At the same time, you can gradually begin to do exercises for the eyes.

On day 3-5, the patient is scheduled to visit a surgeon, who must evaluate his condition and remove the stitches. It’s worth planning another trip to the specialist for a day. He will remove special stickers. By the end of the week it will be possible to notice that puffiness has begun to subside. Serious bruises under the eyes should disappear. By day 10, traces of hemorrhage will decrease. After 2 weeks, the marks from the seams should completely disappear or become barely noticeable.

Doctor consultation

Such rehabilitation every day after upper blepharoplasty is considered standard, but in some situations it may take a little longer. Do not worry about it. When the swelling subsided, and the traces of the procedure became less noticeable, you can begin to do makeup. However, you need to ensure that the cosmetics are of high quality, and in no case could provoke an allergic reaction.

If we talk about how long the result of such a procedure lasts, the effect can last for 10 years. This is a rather long time. Therefore, it is worth suffering the first two weeks after the procedure. Although blepharoplasty is not the most pleasant procedure, and recovery does not occur in one day, the torment is worth it.

Possible complications

In rare situations, patients are not faced with the most pleasant consequences of the procedure. For example, some have come across unprofessional craftsmen. This is not uncommon today. Therefore, before agreeing to such an operation, you need to make sure that the surgeon is indeed a qualified doctor, and he has a license to perform such procedures.

If the patient himself violated the rules of recovery, then he may encounter suppuration and the inflammatory process at the seams. There is a risk that keloid scars will form. In rare cases, asymmetry of the eyes is observed. If you constantly scratch the visual organs, then this can provoke a divergence of sutures. After surgery, bleeding may open. In rare situations, the lower eyelid is turned outward. In some people, their eyes stop closing. Most of these problems can be solved by a doctor. But it’s better not to bring this up and not to provoke complications that may require another operation.


Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids is a serious process. Only with careful implementation of all the recommendations of a doctor can we talk about a speedy recovery and a return to a familiar lifestyle. It is important to understand that any improper actions on the part of the patient can provoke a complication of the condition. The recovery period is a guarantee that the result of the procedure will remain for many more years. Therefore, it is important that the rehabilitation every day after blepharoplasty is carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the surgeon.


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