Energy Drinks Act: Description, Requirements and Effectiveness

Energy drinks (energy) are gaining in popularity. They are drunk not only by adults, but also by adolescents, and even children. It is believed that power engineers cheer up and increase the performance of the body and brain.

And how do they really act?

The energy industry itself was invented relatively recently, but mankind has been using individual substances from their composition to increase activity and improve tone a long time ago. The action of these components on the stimulation of the nervous system, which is necessary in situations of increased tension, is based. For example, when a person is subjected to debilitating stresses, mental or physical, and is not able to fully relax.

It is in such a situation that the power engineer will be very, very helpful. Manufacturers lure buyers with promises of exclusively positive effects: good mood, a surge of strength and vitality, and activation of brain activity. But take a closer look at the recommendations on the package - more than one or two power engineers a day is highly recommended. So what's the deal? Is everything so rosy in reality?

energy drink law

What components are included in their composition

Energy drinks consist of the following substances:

1. Caffeine. It is his action that stimulates the brain.

2. Carbohydrates - as a light and quickly absorbed by the body source of energy.

3. Mateina (we are talking about squeezing mate tea), whose task is to drown out the feeling of hunger in order to combat excess weight.

4. Ginseng and guarana - medicinal plants with tonic properties. It is understood that they cleanse the liver and remove excess lactic acid from the body.

5. Vitamin B, designed to normalize brain activity and the central nervous system.

6. Melatonin, whose task is to regulate the circadian rhythm, and taurine, which affects the metabolic process.

These main components are available in any of the power engineers. Some of their species may additionally contain glucose, ascorbic acid, D-ribose, L-carnitine and other additives. If an energetic is alcoholic, it contains, among other things, ethyl alcohol.

law banning the sale of energy drinks to minors

Energetics are either coffee or carbohydrate-vitamin. The first is accompanied by a bright invigorating effect. They are suitable for those who currently have a busy rhythm of life (intensive work with a lack of time for sleep, passing exams, etc.) The second variety is addressed to physically active people, most often athletes.

So all the same - benefit or harm?

Manufacturers of these drinks unequivocally declare their benefits. What does it consist of? Why not tone up with a classic cup of coffee? Consider the arguments for:

1. The carbohydrates and vitamins present in the energy sector are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter into an active oxidative process. In this case, the necessary energy is generated for the brain, muscles and other organs. Therefore, energy and indeed our assistants at high loads.

2. Almost all of them are sold in the form of carbonated drinks, so they affect the body faster than a cup of coffee.

3. The invigorating effect of power engineers is longer in comparison with coffee. Manufacturers claim 3-4 hours instead of 1-2.

4. They are convenient to use. A jar of energy, purchased in advance, is always at hand. It can be drunk in the car, on the beach, etc. But this can not be said for coffee.

The energetic activates us to the utmost, invigorates us at the limit of energy possibilities - this is the property of all stimulants. If the reserve energy supply is not replenished in time, the consequences will not be the best.

law on the sale of energy drinks to minors

About harm and contraindications

Constantly taking away our reserves of strength with the help of these drinks, we are depleting our own energy resource and are in debt to the body. Our body reacts with accumulated fatigue, irritation, and depression. In no case should you replace energy rests with natural rest with good sleep.

A day is allowed to drink no more than two cans of the drink. But what happens if the dose is regularly exceeded?

1. First of all, under their influence, blood pressure rises and blood sugar level rises. Diabetics and those with problems with the heart and blood vessels should not drink such drinks.

2. Tachycardia appears. As already mentioned, it is better to forget about energy cores.

3. Frequent use is addictive.

4. After a four-hour (on average) period of stimulator action, you need a good rest. By taking extra doses, you drive yourself into a chemical addiction to stimulants.

5. Caffeine is actively stimulated by diuretic activity, which should not be forgotten. You can not use an energy drink in conditions of severe fluid loss, for example, at the end of a serious workout.

6. Not all components in their composition have been thoroughly studied in terms of effects on the body. They can be contained in doses exceeding the human daily norm by an order of magnitude. In addition, their detailed action has not been studied and is fraught with the most unpredictable consequences.

ban on the sale of energy drinks

It seems unnecessary to warn about the dangers of energy for children, pregnant and lactating mothers. However, the negative points listed above are most often the result of an overdose. When it comes to alcohol-containing energy, the main harm is the use of ethyl alcohol.

Here lies another trap. The functions of alcohol and energy are directly opposite - alcohol-containing drinks inhibit the nervous system, and the exciting components of the drink act in the exact opposite. As a result, the ability to control an acceptable dose of alcohol disappears with all the ensuing consequences.

Who is against power engineers

As we see, these drinks cannot be called harmless in any way. The main problem is the lack of public awareness of their composition and potential health risks, coupled with their accessibility even for adolescents and children. This does not create the best situation. That is why in some states, including Denmark and Norway, a law has been passed on the sale of energy drinks. In these countries, energy is equated with medicines, and their sale has been transferred to pharmacies. In other countries, the law on the sale of energy drinks introduces certain restrictions on their implementation up to a complete withdrawal from circulation.

But what about Russia? In recent years, our public has risen to combat dubious stimulants. A number of regions of the country supported the introduction of a law banning the sale of energy drinks to minors. A ban on non-alcoholic stimulants has already been introduced in the cities of Stavropol, Krasnodar, Chechnya, Vologda and many other areas.

law prohibiting the sale of energy drinks

Is a law currently in force banning the sale of energy drinks to minors?

The information on this topic is rather contradictory. Is there a law on the sale of energy drinks as such, no one really knows. Let's try to bring a little clarity in this matter.

The draft law on limiting the sale of energy drinks was submitted to the State Duma in 2014 (in March). If adopted, his access to energy for minors would be blocked. In addition, this bill provided for a ban on the retail sale of such drinks in places related to youth, children and educational organizations, as well as cultural (except for catering), sports and medical.

According to the draft law prohibiting the sale of energy drinks, there should be stopped not only the acquisition, but also any use of such a drink. The ban also included vehicles, both urban and suburban. According to the proposed law, the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks for minors in any public place should be categorically prohibited. Violation of it was supposed to be punished by administrative responsibility.

On the prohibition of alcohol and low alcohol energy

Another draft law on the sale of alcohol -based energy drinks was submitted to the State Duma at the end of the same 2014. They were invited to amend the twenty-sixth article of Law 171-FZ, which regulates the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol. According to him, ethyl energetics were equated with alcoholic products, provided that the alcohol content was in the amount of 1.2 - 9%. If the relevant law on the sale of energy drinks had been adopted, their retail sale would have been banned.

non-alcoholic energy drinks law

This fact is important taking into account the fact that at present any power engineer is available for young people who are quickly getting used to the harmful effects of alcohol.

What are the prospects?

It cannot be said that in our country they are not struggling with the uncontrolled use of power engineers. Experts break spears about the degree of harm they cause. Often the conclusions are completely opposite. Some researchers generally argue that the harm from them does not exceed that of ordinary coffee. And what is the opinion of the authorities?

As we already know, the draft law on the prohibition of the sale of energy drinks has not yet found support among Duma deputies. The deputies decided that the information contained on the packaging of the drink is sufficient to prevent undesirable consequences. The State Duma also did not want to introduce restrictions into the law regarding alcoholic energy. Indeed, in the aforementioned law 171-FZ there are already restrictions on the sale of alcohol to minors. That is, theoretically, the adoption of a separate additional prohibition act does not make much sense.

is there a law on the sale of energy drinks

Where you can’t buy a power engineer

One often hears the question - is there a ban on the sale of power engineers, say, in Moscow? Specifically for the capital, such measures have not been established at the legislative level. According to the law of Moscow city No. 11, adopted in March 2015 and limiting the sale of tonic low-alcohol drinks, the sale of low-alcohol caffeine products (containing ethyl alcohol of less than 9%) ceased in the capital.

At the same time, in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in particular, in the Moscow Region), the law on the sale of energy drinks to minors was forbidden to sell them any tonic drinks, even non-alcoholic ones. The last ones are any alcohol- free drinks that have a special purpose (with the exception of coffee, tea, and those made on the basis of coffee and tea extracts), provided that caffeine is contained in an amount above 0.151 mg / cubic meter. see. For comparison: the caffeine content in Coca-Cola is 0.097 mg / cu. see, making it available for purchase by minors.


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