How to choose a wedding contest at the table?

How to cheer people up at a wedding, if the toastmaster went away somewhere or was not hired at all? There is a way out of this situation. All that is needed is cheerful, cheerful music and interesting contests.

table wedding contest

Competition 1. "Mirror"

It is very important to choose the right wedding contest. People at the table are often bored, so guests need to be entertained even there. So, the first competition for fans to sit near the plate is “Mirror”. Both men and women can participate in it. Each participant is given a mirror in front of which the player must pronounce various compliments to his reflection. But only at the same time you need to make everyone present as good as possible. The winner is the one who will cause more laughter of others.

Competition 2. "Congratulations"

Another interesting competition for the wedding, at the table in which you can play without any problems. All invited guests take part in it. So, for each letter of the alphabet, a certain guest must say a congratulatory speech to the newlyweds. And the more words that begin with this letter, the better. The winner is the one who adheres to the conditions set best.

wedding table competitions

Competition 3. "Postcard"

A very funny wedding contest , at the table it’s quite appropriate. For this, the guests are divided into two teams (preferably from nearby people). The facilitator gives one piece of paper and a pencil for one group. In turn, each player will have to write an answer to a specific question. For example, the host says: “Who?”, The player writes: “Dear newlyweds!” Next, the leaflet is wrapped on top so that the next participant does not see what is written there. Next is the answer from the next person to the next question of the host. For example: “When?”, The answer: “On this important day”, etc. Again, the leaflet is tucked up. And so, until the questions run out. Having deployed such a postcard here, it will be interesting to read what exactly the guests wrote to the young. Most likely, those present will ride with laughter. The team that congratulates the bride and groom will like the victory.

Competition 4. "Reading the mind"

Another fun entertaining competition for the wedding, at the table it will be very relevant. To do this, the leader must temporarily become a psychic. So, for example, he approaches the bride and reads her thoughts, and at that time the appropriate music should play. All these manipulations can be done with the matchmakers, close relatives and all participants in the celebration. Here are just a preliminary need to select a competent musical accompaniment.

wedding second day script contests

Competition 5. "Toast"

Everyone knows that brevity is the sister of talent. Choosing wedding table competitions , why not beat this saying? So, you can invite guests to say a short, but the most informative toast. The winner is the one who best performs the task.

Competition 6. "On sobriety"

If the wedding lasts the second day, script, contests - all this should also be present at the celebration. Why not amuse the guests now? On this occasion, a sobriety contest will be relevant. So, the leader should speak the words to which the guests should speak in chorus their diminutive form. For example, “goat” - “goat”, “mother” - “mommy”, etc. Be sure to say the word “vodichka”, because guests will most likely answer “vodka”. Then the presenter will make everyone a happy diagnosis of "increased butylism."


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