What are black-and-white drawings called. Black and white in painting, graphic, photo and film

Two colors, two opposites, black and white. They are examined from the point of view of classical and new types of fine art: photography and cinema. The advantages of black and white compared with color are considered, the philosophical meaning of each color for human perception is determined.

In painting, drawing, photo and film

what are called black and white drawings of emotions

Black and white, light and darkness. The brightness of the dark lines on light paper. This super-expressive combination in painting and graphics is called monochromy - monotony, since paper is not taken into account. Why monochrome when there are so many different shades? It turns out that such a confrontation is one of the most expressive in the visual arts. And what is the name of black and white drawing?

The difference between dark, light and color

If you make one portrait photograph in color and the other exactly the same black and white, and compare them, then the impression of each will be completely different. Only the lack of color will reveal what will be hardly noticeable in another photo: wrinkles, for example, a strange expressiveness of a look or something else.

That's why color films are more like reality, highlighting something specific, emphasizing something in them is much more difficult.

Such famous tapes as “With a Light Steam” or “Seventeen Moments of Spring” did not acquire anything, having received color, according to many.

For nature under the sun - painting, for the philosophical ideas of A. Durer - graphic etchings. What is the name of the black and white picture? Graphics (the art of drawing, writing and drawing) involves work mainly in the monochrome version, in contrast to painting, the very name of which speaks of the many colors used (as in life).

Graphics - the art of depicting objects with lines and strokes

monochrome drawing

In the East, the graphic originates from calligraphy or the art of writing, where each line had to mean something in both the letter and the drawing. It is in Europe that artists worked with volume, perspective, shadows of their own and cast away, achieving complete resemblance to reality. The East depicted everything very conditionally: only with lines. But as depicted! It is to the ancient oriental drawings depicting people and animals on paper, silk and wood that we owe the expressiveness of our comics and cartoons today, which took all the best from their predecessors.

In the dictionary of foreign words, the word "graphics" is explained as the art of depicting objects with lines and strokes without paints. What are black and white drawings called? Graphics. And cave paintings scratched by primitive people? Also graphics.

Interestingly, a person along several lines is able to understand what exactly is depicted, complementing the missing details from memory. This is especially true of human faces. This is used by the animators. What are the names of black and white drawings of emotions in comics and animations? Graphics, as well as the terms "anime" and "manga", known only to professionals.

Graphics also uses spots and contours.

the name of the pencil drawing is black and white

In addition to lines and strokes, the graphic also uses spots and contours (outlines of the subject). What are black-and-white contour drawings called?

Spots allow you to create a perspective, divert or focus the viewer's eyes on something defined by the artist as the main thing. And much more can. The work of Aubrey Beardsley and the painting of ancient ceramics are unique in this respect. They make you stop, admire and think.

An interesting, albeit undeservedly forgotten, shadow theater, where instead of colored and voluminous figures, the performance is shown by their flat shadows. In the Middle Ages, such theaters were widely distributed in Europe, in the countries of the East, especially in the Ottoman Empire. How expressive were these contour drawings to make the presentation interesting?

What is manga and why are these drawings interesting

black and white drawing

The stories in pictures first appeared in Japan in the 12th century, when a Buddhist monk named Toba painted four sheets of paper with the figures of monks, which depicted humorous stories from their lives. This form of drawing was widespread in medieval Japan, becoming the basis for engravings "ukiyo-e" (pictures of current life), depicting the events and life of residents. All of these are the forerunners of manga.

Manga is a form of art today. Books with a sequential chain of drawings ("series" of drawings), develop a variety of subjects. Everything is here: love stories, sports, humor, eroticism, horrors, pornography, adventure. You can list endlessly. The manga acquired a modern look when Japanese artists became acquainted with caricatures of Europe and US comics after the Second World War. What is the name of a black and white pencil drawing telling an interesting story? Manga

Since the 50s of the last century, manga has been rapidly conquering the world, sometimes pushing back even cinema, or rather, changing the cinema “for oneself”. Because it’s only for the public’s favorite manga that long series of anime or feature films are shot, usually also having success, and very often exceeding the popularity of manga.

Almost all manga is created by artists and published in black and white. Japan spent 420 billion yen on its publication in 2009.

Literally, manga means "grotesques," that is, the image of people or objects in a fantastically exaggerated, ugly-comic form in various forms of art. The term "manga" appeared at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries in Japan. With the release of a series of illustrated albums by Katsushiki Hokusai "Hokusai manga" (Hokusai Pictures), it became widespread. What are the black and white drawings called in Japan? Of course, manga. And in Korea - Manhwa, and in China, Manhua. Seem to be? Because they are represented by the same hieroglyph.

To summarize 2 colors in art

what are called black and white contours

The scope of the article is limited. Therefore, everyone who wants to find out what black-and-white drawings made in a variety of techniques are called and love the graphics can be recommended to get acquainted with the work of such famous artists as J. Callot, F. Goya, A. Durer, S. Dali, Danish cartoonist H. Bidstrup and many others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8467/

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