Maca Peruvian: reviews, properties, application, effectiveness

Currently, people prefer natural remedies. As a rule, a herbal preparation acts as effectively as a medicinal product, but has fewer side effects. One such remedy is Peruvian poppy. Reviews about this plant say that it increases libido, gives strength, eliminates many diseases, including infertility and impotence. It is a natural aphrodisiac.

Distribution area

Peruvian poppy comes from the genus Klopovnik cabbage family. It grows on the high plateaus of Peru and Bolivia, as well as in the northwestern latitudes of Argentina at an altitude of 3500-4450 meters above sea level. The plant has been cultivated in South America since ancient times. Only in Peru, planting poppies occupy up to 50 hectares. It is grown on plateaus subject to a sharp temperature drop, and easily tolerates such a climate (including frost). When grown on other soils and under different climatic conditions, it does not form root crops.

poppy peruvian reviews

The plant is popular with the local population. Here it is eaten and treated with various diseases. In a processed form, Peruvian poppy (reviews of men claim that after taking it increased potency, there was a desire for sexual relations, and sensations after intercourse became brighter) is most often used as a biologically active food supplement.

The chemical composition of the plant

Peruvian Maca has a valuable composition, which includes 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, 8.5% fiber, 2.2% lipids. It has a particularly positive effect on human sexuality. This result is achieved due to the content in the root crop of special proteins and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The composition of the poppies is enriched with amino acids, among which stand out: phenylalanine, arginine, tyrosine, histidine. They are involved in many processes in the body and are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses involved in sexual desire and in reproductive functions.

What other valuable substances does Peruvian poppy contain? Reviews of some men, by the way, indicate the futility and inefficiency of the plant. They say that after taking it, no improvement in the intimate sphere has occurred. Why is that? We will talk about this below. In the meantime, we note that poppy is rich in fatty acids. The main ones are linoleic, palmitic and oleic. Styrene, tannins and sannonins, vitamins (E, C, B 12 , B 2 and B 1 ) and minerals (iron, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus) are present in the chemical composition of the root crop.

In addition, the plant contains substances with the characteristics of an aphrodisiac. Plant alkaloids have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, and thiocyanates and glucosinolates have an antitumor effect.

peruvian poppy reviews

Plant application

Peruvian poppy (reviews of some people claim that after the first week of use increased working capacity, fatigue has gone) is used in food in raw, fried, boiled and dried form. The dry root is soaked for several hours, and then boiled until soft. Used for making cereals, jams, juice and various cocktails. The leaves of the plant are added to tea.

The root endowed the Inca warriors with strength and endurance, thereby helping to win the battle. Women in South America have been using Maca for several millennia to relieve fatigue, increase stamina and stress resistance.

The properties of root vegetables have been used in folk medicine for more than two thousand years.

Effects on the body

popa peruvian for men reviews

Peruvian poppy (reviews of some women say that the plant should be used carefully, otherwise you can reduce libido to zero and lose all your energy) is a powerful aphrodisiac. It affects the entire body. The root is used to restore energy and strength. They are supplemented by dietary and sports nutrition. The plant has a positive effect in the treatment of impotence and infertility. It has a general strengthening effect. To all of the above, it is worth adding that Peruvian poppy:

  • replenishes the vitamin-mineral deficiency;
  • inhibits the aging process of cells;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors, including cancer;
  • strengthens the circulatory system;
  • increases the protective functions of the body;
  • regulates metabolic processes;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • Helps overcome stress, anxiety, and depression
  • relieves fatigue and improves performance;
  • increases libido;
  • contributes to muscle building;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive and reproductive systems.

According to traditional healers, the correct use of the plant will help to get rid of not only a number of diseases, but also strengthen immunity, potency, and have a positive effect on health.

Indications for use

The Peruvian poppy plant is used to enhance sexual desire and increase potency. An indication is infertility in women and impaired prostate function in men.

Peruvian poppy plant

They use root crops for chronic fatigue and to normalize the menstrual cycle. Partially reduces the symptoms of menopause and helps fight insomnia. It is used for malnutrition and amnesia. Maca is useful during periods of physical and mental weakness. It acts as a replacement for anabolic steroids, as it stimulates the growth of muscle mass, without changing the hormonal background.

Root crops are given to animals to increase fertility.


Peruvian poppy is safe and therefore practically has no contraindications. However, doctors warn: do not use the plant in case of its individual intolerance. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from taking it, since poppy can change the hormonal background.

Subject to the doses indicated in the instructions, side effects do not occur. In case of an overdose, the appearance of symptoms such as diarrhea, flatulence, a sensation of abdominal pain.

Maca for men

viagra poppy maca reviews

What is good Peruvian poppy for men? Reviews say that after using this plant, stress resistance appeared and sexual impotence disappeared, thus, this tool has a positive effect on the stronger sex. Enhances sexuality. Regulates testosterone production. Strengthens libido, strengthens an erection, promotes a longer sexual intercourse. Increases the percentage of successful conception, as it improves sperm quality and stimulates sperm motility.

The root crop should be used for:

  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • decreased potency;
  • unstable erection;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • difficulties to conceive a child.

Peruvian poppy is widely used in sports nutrition. According to some athletes and trainers, plant-based dietary supplements make training more effective, restore strength, increase stamina and help build muscle.

The following drugs with the addition of root crops are widely used: Masa on Now, Viagra Maca (Maca). The reviews claim that it is able to significantly extend the sexual intercourse and dietary supplement "Mac Vibe."

The root effect has the most powerful healing effect. Powder and dietary supplement with poppies extract have a lower concentration and are less effective. Peruvian poppy powder (raw organic) retains its properties well.

How to take a plant

Knowledgeable people say that Peruvian poppy (properties, reviews, applications described above) to achieve the greatest effect should be used in raw form, but most often it is sold in the form of a dry powder.

maca peruvian properties reviews application

The root crop is able to accelerate the heartbeat, so its use begins with small doses. For prevention, take from 1 to 3 teaspoons of powder per day. If the plant is used in complex therapy, then the norm is 10-12 g per day. The drug is taken for six days, and on the seventh take a break. The full course is three months. Before the second course, give the body a rest for a couple of months.

Powder for oral administration is added to drinks and food. If the plant is used as an aphrodisiac, then it is consumed two hours before sexual intercourse.

Maca Peruvian: reviews

This plant has gathered a lot of different opinions about itself. Someone claims that poppy powder helps solve potency problems. In addition, people note an improvement in health status, an increase in vitality, and libido. They say that they forgot about stress, and sexual intercourse has become more vivid, and sex itself has become more frequent. Increased performance. The tone and immunity increased. Many homeopaths note that the plant is safe and does not cause side effects.

raw peruvian poppy powder

At the same time, some men believe that Peruvian poppy (reviews about it, therefore, are negative) does not always give the desired result. Some people did not feel any changes in the intimate sphere even after a month's course of admission. Such people claim that potency has not increased, and believe that this is another "divorce." There are those who, after consuming the powder, had a headache, drowsiness, and a loss of vitality and libido was observed. What can be said about this? In general, adherents of alternative medicine refer to the individual characteristics of each person and people's intolerance to any components in the composition of the drug.


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