The cure for prostatitis. How to effectively get rid of the disease?

Prostatitis, according to statistics, affects every second man. Recently, the number of cases of this disease has increased, mainly due to a sedentary lifestyle of people who work in offices and prefer to rest on the couch at home. What to do if such a diagnosis is made? First of all, you need to understand that the doctor prescribes the treatment of this disease, and it should be comprehensive, consisting of taking medications and exercise, designed to remove stagnation in the pelvic area.

You can buy a prostatitis medicine in a pharmacy without a prescription. Let us consider in more detail what medicine offers us.

The drug "Prostalamin" is a dietary supplement. The composition of the tablets contains protein and nucleoproteins obtained from the secretion of the prostate gland of cattle. He has no contraindications, and the duration of therapy is about two weeks. Cernilton, a prostatitis medicine, contains pollen extract from plants, which helps eliminate swelling and inflammation in the prostate. The only contraindication may be pollen allergy. As antibacterial therapy, very often patients with prostatitis are prescribed the drug "Lefoktsin". In addition to a pronounced antimicrobial effect, it affects the activity of spermatozoa, they regain activity only 4 months after taking the drug. Another medicine for prostatitis is the Omnic medicine. Thanks to tamsulosin, which is part of it, it is able to normalize the bladder and prostate gland in just two weeks. However, this drug is contraindicated in people with acute renal failure. When prescribing the drug "Prostan", you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to take it for six months as an additional therapy. The medicine for prostatitis "Vitaprost" can be prescribed in the form of tablets or suppositories. Take a maximum of 10 days. The herbal preparation Permixon, which is based on creeping palm extract, is also effectively used to treat prostatitis. Take it for a month. To prevent narrowing of blood vessels, along with other drugs, patients with prostatitis are often prescribed pharmaceutical preparations Prazosin, Alfuzozin and Proskar.

A special place in the complex treatment is occupied by exercises against prostatitis. The usual morning warm-up, long walks, swimming, playing football and volleyball, and especially yoga, will help to overcome this ailment faster. There are special complexes of exercises for prostatitis, the meaning of which is to increase blood flow in the pelvic area.

It is clear that this includes various types of squats, swinging legs, lifting up and raising legs to the sides (lying on your back). Due to the movement of blood will pass through the vessels faster, eliminating congestion. Such gymnastics will be effective only with daily exercises and repetitions of each exercise 10 times.

In folk medicine, herbs from prostatitis have long been known and widely used. They are used, including for the prevention of this disease. Herbal tea made from pear, chamomile and goldenrod can be recommended to keep at hand for every man.

Grushanka rotundifolia is one of the most effective folk remedies. Her broth, pleasant in taste, resembles tea. Two teaspoons per glass of water will be enough for a single dose. On the day you need to drink 2-4 glasses of such "tea."

Umbrella anus, another ambulance for prostatitis. It is used in the same way as grushanka, and more often these two plants are combined. The course of treatment is about three weeks.

You can still make a decoction or tincture of red root. Of course, for the treatment of prostatitis, all means are good, but it is worth remembering that self-medication does not replace the advice of a qualified specialist. Therefore, before taking any of the above funds, you should definitely visit your doctor.


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