What to give to a foreigner: gift options, nice souvenirs, a large list of ideas, special preferences, unusual packaging and tips for choosing the best gift

Going to visit relatives abroad or expecting a foreign friend, you do not need to rack your brains for a long time regarding a gift. What souvenir to give to a foreigner is described in this article. Cool ideas and useful tips on choosing the best gift will help to truly please a guest from abroad.

Tasty presents

For those who do not know what to give as a keepsake of Russia, you should pay attention to domestic sweets. The list of the most popular and beloved by foreigners sweet gifts includes:

  • Belevskaya marshmallow - delicious and delicate. You can buy it in almost all hypermarkets. Traditionally, it is made with apple flavor, but there are also new items with cranberries or currants.
  • Chocolate. The Alenka chocolate is traditionally presented. It is she who is associated among foreigners with the chocolate industry in Russia.
  • Tula gingerbread cookies are the most delicious sweets in Russia. They are also an unchanging symbol of Tula.
  • Honey. This locally made product is considered the tastiest in the world. A jar of honey will save you from the uncertainty of what to present to a foreigner as a souvenir from Russia.
  • Jar of jam. Only in Russia they can cook real raspberry jam. A jar of this yummy from the personal cellar will conquer any guest of the country. And so that the gift brings even more pleasure, it should be beautifully packed and decorated with a tag with a name.
  • Pickles from a personal cellar. There may be pickles or tomatoes, sauerkraut and other delights. Foreign guests will definitely appreciate this present.
  • Wine. Crimean wines are very much appreciated both in Russia and abroad. Such a gift will be a pleasant aftertaste of the long-awaited meeting.
  • Pine nuts are not only very tasty, but also healthy. As you know, foreign comrades greatly appreciate this.

Do not know what to give a man a foreigner? In this case, a win-win option would be a jar of red caviar.

what to give a man a foreigner


Thoughts about which souvenir to give to a foreigner often do not lead to a final decision. So, to make the gift not only beautiful, but also useful, you should give clothing items. It is with most of them that foreigners associate Russia. In the list of such useful souvenirs:

  1. Beautiful and very warm Pavloposad or Orenburg downy shawls.
  2. Modern and somewhat modernized boots.
  3. Warm and cozy mittens with local embroidery.
  4. Sweatshirt with print "I love Russia".

Any of these gifts will be a warm and pleasant memory of a cold and hospitable Russia.

what souvenir to give to a foreigner

Kitchen utensils

All people spend a certain part of their time in the kitchen. Therefore, gifts that will be stored in this room will remind of themselves daily. The list of the most popular souvenirs of this type includes:

  1. Painted dishes - it can be both Gzhel and Khokhloma.
  2. Clay pots - presenting such a present, you should write a recipe.
  3. Imperial porcelain - a legendary set with a great history, will be the best answer to the question of what to give to a foreigner.
  4. Birch bark dishes are another local piece of furniture. Foreign guests can be advised to store sugar in it. During each tea party, a foreigner will remember his giver and enjoy a wonderful gift.
  5. Samovar is a true Russian souvenir. He is one hundred percent causes thoughts about Russia. Now not only traditional samovars are sold, but also electric ones. In this regard, foreigners can not only enjoy its incredibly beautiful and unusual appearance, but also arrange real Russian tea parties.
what to give to a foreigner from Russia

Souvenirs for the soul

Matryoshka is the first that comes to mind at the thought of what to give to a foreigner. From Russia it is the best traditional souvenir. Painted doll with beautiful eyes and rosy cheeks. Surprising for the guests of Russia is its unusual composition. Inside the matryoshka there are six more similar pupae according to the โ€œone in oneโ€ principle. The demand for nesting dolls among foreigners is simply enormous. In this regard, it becomes obvious that such a gift will bring its owner only positive emotions.

But nesting dolls are not the only favorite souvenir. A gift in the form of a beautifully illustrated book with Russian folk tales will also surely win the heart of a foreign guest. He may not be able to read it, but he will certainly review the most beautiful illustrations more than once. Calendars, painted caskets, porcelain dolls - this also should not be left aside.

souvenir from Russia with love

Purely male gifts

In this case, we are talking about the three main attributes of a Russian peasant. This association was invented by foreigners themselves, but the Russians actively support this idea. The top 3 men's gifts come from Russia:

  1. Hat with ear flaps. Now on the street itโ€™s unlikely to meet a person walking in this headdress. The Russians left him in the days of the Soviet Union. Perhaps in the remote villages there are still grandfathers with such caps, but they can not be found in the city. But in souvenir shops this accessory is presented in a variety of variations.
  2. Vodka. Foreigners are sure that Russians cannot live without this strong drink. So that they understand that it is always impossible to drink it, you should give the guest such a gift. Having tested it, he will understand all the delights of Russian life.
  3. Balalaika. You do not need to be a musician to put this musical instrument at home. For a long time, guests of Russia believe that bears with balalaikas walk on the streets here.

These three pillars of male gift giving will conquer any foreigner.

what to give the foreigner <mixchars> https </mixchars>: //my-calend.ru/data/source/podarki/chto-podarit-synu-na-23-fevralya-2.jpg

How to pack a gift

Beautiful packaging is the key to a successful presentation. After the decision on what to present to a foreigner as a souvenir is made, you should think about packaging. For example, when packing sweets and books, you should pay attention to kraft paper. The gift wrapped in it should be tied with twine, under which you can put a card with local beauties. Larger gifts can be stacked in a wicker basket tied with a bow. Such a presentation will not leave indifferent any foreigner, while the packaging will be very useful in everyday life. If you decide to pack a gift in a regular holiday package, then there is a way to surprise a foreigner. You can attach a note with warm wishes to the handle of the package. Decorating gift boxes, you should give preference to cones and nuts.

what to present to a foreigner in memory of Russia

What you should not give

If for Russians all gifts are good, or, as an old saying goes, โ€œthey donโ€™t look a gift horse in the mouth,โ€ the situation with foreign guests is much more serious. Knowing what you can give to a foreigner can protect you from a lot of troubles. Here are some important features of the mentality of residents of other states:

  • Packaging. It is not worth the Chinese comrade to present a gift in blue or white packaging. They have this color of mourning. For the same reason, you cannot pack a gift for a Brazilian in purple, and for a Japanese in red paper.
  • The number of flowers in a bouquet. Although it is customary to give an odd number of flowers abroad, the number 13 in this matter is unacceptable. A bouquet of 12 flowers will not be suitable for the Austrians, 17 for the Italians, and 4 and 9 for the Japanese.
  • A toy. There is a strict legislative restriction for residents of Malaysia. They should not be given toys in the form of dogs and piglets, as there are many Muslims in the country who consider these representatives of the animal world unclean.
  • Writing notes. Friends of South Korea cannot sign notes or write messages in red ink. They will take it as a gesture aimed at breaking off relations.

These rules are extremely simple, but only the slightest non-observance of them can very dramatically change relations with a foreigner.

what can be presented to a foreigner

Typical Presents

For those who have a small budget, a wide range of products is presented in souvenir shops. The most popular souvenir is a fridge magnet. You can also buy a pen with a symbolic inscription or a calendar with an image of your favorite city. T-shirts featuring local attractions will also cause a storm of emotions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8482/

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