Lactose allergy: symptoms, possible causes and treatment features

Lactose is one of the varieties of complex sugars. It is found in natural dairy products that are digested by the human body through an enzyme called lactase. A small percentage of the people of this enzyme. In this article, we will consider what is an allergy to lactose, symptoms and causes of its occurrence, as well as familiarize the reader with the main methods of treatment for this disease.

lactose allergy symptoms in children

According to statistics, such an illness affects equally both children and adults. And in that, and in another case, it is important to establish the presence of this disease as early as possible, as well as to distinguish it from an allergy to milk. Since these are completely different things. So, in the case of hypersensitivity to lactose, it is completely not necessary to exclude dairy products from the diet, but in case of an allergic reaction to milk, this is simply necessary.


Before we list the symptoms of an allergy to lactose in adults, we will name the reasons for the appearance of such a reaction. The main ones are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If one of the parents noted a lack of enzymes for digesting lactose, then with a probability of up to 25% we can say that the child will be born with this problem. The most characteristic is the genetic inheritance by the inhabitants of Asia.
  2. Sometimes lactose allergy symptoms can occur only after a child reaches 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that this age period is characterized by a natural decrease in the content of lactase in the body.
  3. According to numerous studies, the symptoms of lactose allergy can occur in connection with the development in the body of other diseases associated with impaired activity of small intestine cells, in which the above enzyme is produced.


Now we turn to the consideration of the symptoms of this disease. The symptoms of lactose allergy must be known in order to distinguish between this disease and milk intolerance, which is so common in the adult population. Now we will understand this issue.

lactose allergy symptoms

So, an allergy to lactose will make itself felt only after an hour or more after consuming dairy products, and milk intolerance will manifest itself after 5-10 minutes. In most cases, with an allergy to lactose, the following changes in the body occur:

  • loose stools;
  • flatulence;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • the presence of pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • various manifestations on the skin: rashes, redness, diathesis;
  • itching of the skin;
  • fever;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • headache of a different nature;
  • in some cases, bronchospasm develops, which is most dangerous in childhood.

lactose allergy symptoms in infants

The most severe manifestation of lactose allergy is Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. If these complications occur, medical attention is urgently needed.

In many ways, the symptoms of lactose allergy are similar to conventional food poisoning. However, if such a reaction is not recognized in time, a more complex form of the course of the disease can be allowed to develop.

Galactose allergy

In some cases, an allergy does not occur to lactose, but to another substance called galactose. This substance is also formed by the separation of milk sugar by the enzyme lactase into individual components for its subsequent assimilation. Galactose allergy is much less common. However, its manifestations are no less dangerous. The fact is that the development of an allergic reaction to galactose cannot be noticed immediately after consuming dairy products. Since in this case there is a cumulative effect. When a high amount of galactose accumulates in the body of a child or an adult, an allergy develops, the complications of which are especially dangerous.

lactose allergy symptoms in adults

These include the following condition: impaired renal and hepatic function, hypoglycemia, cataract, delayed physical and mental development of the child. If the presence of an allergy to galactose is established, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of any dairy products and take measures to cleanse the body of accumulated allergens.

Do not confuse allergies with poisoning! Allergic reaction test

Symptoms of an allergy to lactose in adults appear almost the same in all cases. However, often a person does not even guess what became the true cause of the malaise. Since allergy symptoms are very easy to confuse with conventional poisoning. Often, a person encounters lactose intolerance at a fairly mature age, which can be triggered by various diseases or surgical interventions that affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why it is important after any serious surgery to follow the diet recommended by the doctor and turn on the rest of the products gradually, observing the reaction of the body.

If a person has suspicions that his body has developed intolerance to dairy products, he can pass an analysis for an allergy to lactose. Symptoms, although they indicate the presence of a similar reaction, but after all, as already mentioned, they can be confused with the signs of any other disease.

Allergy in children and infants

Now we will consider in more detail how the symptoms of lactose allergy in children manifest. Lactase intolerance is mild to all children over two years of age. This is a completely normal age-related change in the body. Since the need for milk is significantly reduced. It is logical to assume that with a decrease in the need for milk, a decrease in the production of the lactase enzyme by the body occurs. This leads to lactose intolerance.

lactose allergy adult symptoms

Since the child’s body is not yet strong enough, it is difficult for him to cope with any diseases, including various types of allergies. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the child and, if necessary, seek medical help. It is especially dangerous to miss the symptoms of lactose allergy in infants. Since for a tiny organism to cope with an illness on its own is an impossible task. It is possible to suspect lactose intolerance in infants if the child does not stop vomiting and diarrhea after consuming breast milk. Some other signs should alert your mother:

  • lack of weight gain or slight increase;
  • upset stool;
  • various manifestations on the skin - rashes, redness, itching;
  • breastfeeding after 3-5 minutes of feeding;
  • the child tightens his legs, cries and is naughty.

An allergy to lactose can be manifested not only when breastfeeding, but also when feeding a baby with artificial mixtures, which contain soy or cow protein. For infants who are diagnosed with an allergy to lactose, a special lactose-free diet is developed. It is important to timely detect the problem. And also switch to lactose-free mixtures to avoid a delay in the development of the child and other health problems.

lactose allergy symptoms and causes

Intolerance is especially common in premature babies whose gastrointestinal tract is not mature enough to produce the lactase enzyme. Infants born prematurely should be given increased attention from both the medical staff and the parents, especially mothers.


Treatment of an allergy to lactose, if the disease is confirmed by a doctor, should first of all begin with the introduction of a special diet called elimination. Such a nutrition system implies a complete exclusion of dairy products from the diet. It is important to know the composition of each meal you eat. Since the presence of milk may not be visible in it, but it will be present. To facilitate the task, you can create a notebook in which all consumed products and the body's reaction to them will be recorded. An adult can be allowed a small amount of fermented milk products, depending on the severity of the allergy. Since in them most of the lactose is destroyed by bacteria.


If the patient did not notice the presence of milk in any product and an allergic reaction already takes place, it is necessary to seek medical help, where appropriate measures will be taken to cleanse the body. Enterosorbents are used for this purpose, and a drug such as Semiticon may be recommended to relieve symptoms. If allergy symptoms are mild, the patient may take a dose of enzyme supplements containing lactase, which should always be in his medicine cabinet.

lactose allergy symptoms and analysis

Symptoms of an allergy to lactose in children can bring them much greater discomfort than adults. Therefore, it is very important to help the baby in a timely manner. Especially for children, the enzyme supplement “Lactase Baby” has been developed, which can be used at the age of 0 to 7 years.


In order to prevent the development of an allergy to lactose, doctors recommend limiting the use of foods that contain raw milk. The body of an adult digests fermented milk products much faster. Therefore, they should be preferred.


Now you know what an allergy to lactose is. Causes, symptoms, treatment and other nuances of this disease - all these important topics are discussed in detail in our article. And remember that any disease you need to know in person, especially when it comes to allergies, the symptoms of which quite often can be similar to other conditions.


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