What is emotional dullness?

A syndrome such as “emotional dullness” is also called emotional impoverishment in psychiatry. Such a state is characterized by a decrease in emotionality, loss of ability to experience and feelings. A person retains the simplest reactions and shows feelings that are aimed at satisfying basic instincts, while serious emotional experiences are lost.

emotional dullness

Causes of emotional dullness

How is emotional dullness manifested? Symptoms: excessive coldness to people around, lack of empathy and sympathy for friends and loved ones. In some situations, the patient feels complete emptiness, indifference.

According to doctors, the main reason for this phenomenon in relation to other people is significant mental disorders that are caused by organic or physiological pathologies of the cerebral cortex. Such a mental disorder occurs at the initial stage of schizophrenia. The main problem is that there is a threat of complete indifference and indifference, loss of emotional connection with the outside world.

Often emotional dullness leads to dulling in the realm of feelings and emotional experiences. As indifference and coldness increase, the patient develops a vulnerability syndrome, referred to in psychiatry as the “glass and wood phenomenon”. People of the schizoid type have underdeveloped mental protection, they are vulnerable, and emotional coldness is a protective reaction. Also, emotional dullness may appear due to depression and brain damage.

emotional dullness is characteristic of

Treatment methods

The treatment option depends on the reasons that led to the onset of the disease. If emotional dullness is detected at an early age, a child psychiatrist can help. Thanks to modern techniques that combine pedagogy and medicine, it is possible to stabilize the condition of the child.

How do adults solve such a problem as apathy, emotional dullness? To begin with, a study of the brain's health is carried out, the state of the central nervous system is analyzed, various tests and analysis of behavioral instincts are carried out. According to the results obtained, the duration and form of treatment is determined.

apathy emotional dullness

Signs of emotional dullness

We will examine in more detail such a disease as emotional dullness. Symptoms of this disease are well understood by psychiatrists.

A pathological affect is an emotional reaction of rage or anger that arises as a response to an irritant. It proceeds quickly enough against the background of clouding, and the patient practically does not remember the experienced irritation. This condition occurs in the case of organic brain damage, various types of mental suffering.

Euphoria is an inadequate irritant joyful mood. A man is happy with everything, does not notice real problems. He sees the surrounding reality through pink glasses, he even perceives tragic events on the positive. Excessive optimism does not allow the patient to objectively assess the state of his health. Euphoria can occur at the terminal stage of some malignant tumors. A similar phenomenon is typical for somatic and psychiatric diseases.

Moriah is a heightened unmotivated mood with vulgar, flat jokes. Such patients are too excited, this is typical for patients with lesions of the frontal lobes.

Dysthymia is a pathologically depressed mood that appears for no reason at all. The patient perceives the surrounding reality negatively, pessimistically. Dysthymia often leads to suicide attempts.

emotional dullness symptoms


A man lives with the thought of an impending disaster, trouble, this prevents him from living fully. For example, a symptom of this disease is increased anxiety. Emotional dullness is accompanied by a slow depletion of emotional reactions. The patient disappears moral, ethical, aesthetic, intellectual feelings. There is complete indifference to everything that surrounds the sick person, there are constant depression. Emotional dullness is characteristic of sick people who need the help of professionals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8492/

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