Penalty for overdue insurance in 2015

According to the law, each car owner must annually insure his car. A compulsory policy that must be acquired is compulsory motor liability insurance. However, some unscrupulous drivers are in no hurry to renew the new contract and continue to drive on roads with an expired document. Naturally, this is prosecuted by law, and for such a violation you will need to pay a fine. About what they charge a penalty for overdue insurance in 2015, will be described in this article.

penalty for overdue insurance

Policy expiration date

When concluding a new insurance contract and paying it, you first need to inquire about the duration of its validity. It is simply necessary to find out this fact, so as not to ask the inspector: “What is the fine for overdue insurance?”.

In the recent past, it was possible to purchase OSAGO for a minimum period of only three months. In 2015, the policy period increased to one year. Thus, after twelve months after the conclusion of the insurance contract, the driver is obliged to extend CTP or purchase a new one from another insurer. If for some reason the car owner could not buy a new insurance or simply forgot to do it, then the company without the participation of the insurer automatically extends the term of the obligatory contract. If, two months before the termination of the policy, the driver informed the insurer that he would not renew the contract, then the company terminates it the next day after the expiration. Thus, the car owner is left without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, unless, of course, he has bought a new one in another organization.

what is the penalty for overdue insurance

Overdue insurance and accident - consequences

Often such situations occur that in the event of an accident the perpetrator has an expired compulsory motor liability insurance policy. What to do and what is the penalty for overdue insurance in this case? The fact is that there are several options, depending on which the penalty will be calculated. For example, there is a policy validity period, and there is a period of use of the vehicle for insurance. If the car owner uses the car for only a few months of the year, then this period is indicated in the insurance contract. If he got behind the wheel that month, which is not prescribed in the policy, and had an accident, then his compulsory motor liability insurance will be considered expired. Then the offender faces an administrative penalty, which is issued by the traffic police officer. The penalty for overdue CTP insurance will be 800 rubles. It can be paid at any branch of the bank or through payment terminals using the payment system. By the way, the culprit of the accident, and not the insurance company, will restore the damage caused to the injured party.

Penalty for driving with expired insurance

In the event that the car inspector stopped the car and the driver did not have a compulsory insurance policy, he will write him a fine of 500 rubles.

fine for driving with expired insurance
Indeed, there are times when OSAGO remains at home because of ordinary forgetfulness. Then the car owner can appeal such a decision of the traffic police officer in court. Only this should happen no later than 10 days from the date of issue of the protocol. This fact does not mean at all that the presence of a valid policy allows drivers to ride without it. Thus, current insurance must be in the car at the moment when the driver drives it. Its absence is an offense, and then an administrative penalty in the amount of 500 rubles will be charged from the car owner and equated as a fine for overdue insurance.

How to renew the policy?

It is enough to come to the office of the company and write a statement on the extension of its validity. The agent will make these changes to the database and register a new contract for another year. The driver only needs to pay for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance at the rates that will be in effect during the next period.

traffic insurance penalty for overdue insurance

If the car owner was caught driving a vehicle at the wrong time indicated in the contract, in addition to having to pay a fine for overdue insurance, he would also have to pay extra for the policy.

How to enter another driver

There are options when the vehicle is registered with the company, and the driver who drives it fits into the insurance. If this does not happen, then in case of stopping and checking documents, a fine will be issued to the company. Therefore, before sending your employees to the route, you should make sure that they all have the right to drive this vehicle. In order to include persons who will also drive a car in the insurance policy, it is necessary to inform the company agent when concluding the contract. The calculation coefficient will then be slightly different than when calculating per driver. A logical question arises: "How much will the fine for overdue insurance be in this situation?" Everything remains the same as with individuals, that is, for refusing insurance - 800 rubles, for forgotten insurance - 500 rubles.

how much is the penalty for overdue insurance

If the new driver appeared after completing the policy, then you should immediately go to the organization’s office and pay an additional amount for making changes to the calculation of insurance.

Useful Tips

Thus, from the above it can be concluded that there are several types of administrative penalties for the absence of a policy. And what penalty for overdue insurance a traffic police officer will write will be decided exclusively by him depending on the situation. The most serious offense, according to the law, will be the driver’s refusal to insure his motor civil liability, for which he needs to pay 800 rubles. And so every time he is stopped. In other cases, as mentioned above, the fine will be 500 rubles and the removal of license plates in all situations.

Naturally, it will be cheaper to buy one policy than to pay a penalty for overdue insurance every time. Moreover, the amount of sanctions is increasing every year, and soon they will be equal to the full cost of the annual contract for the protection of motor civil liability.


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