How to log out of Facebook? And why is it so convenient on social networks?

In social networks, millions of people of different ages, incomes and social classes are currently sitting. Many can even be called regular, active users who spend a significant part of their free time on such portals. At the same time, it’s interesting how to leave Facebook, no one teaches such people - they master the social network interface intuitively, at the subconscious level, remembering the main combinations and actions. Why it happens? We will talk about this in this article.

Simplicity of the interface of social networks

how to log out of facebook

So, you should start with the fact that most sites that have the ability to chat with their friends (most of them can be called social networks with confidence) have a very simple, intuitive interface. As a rule, it does not apply any revolutionary decisions that turn our ideas about sites upside down. No, even if you just go to Facebook, My Page, My Messages, My Friends and other sections here are structured intuitively - within the user's visual reach. We can say that each of us, visiting the main page, sees these headlines. With their help, you can go where you need to complete an action.

If we compare how to log out of Facebook with the mechanism for logging out of another network’s account, for example, VKontakte, we will notice a lot in common. In fact, this is a complete analogy - you need to click the “Exit” button located in the upper right corner (only on the US portal is it “hidden” under the drop-down arrow, while the Russian network has simplified user access to the exit button). Perhaps we do not notice this, but the basic navigation characteristics in both social networks are very similar.

how to get out of facebook messenger

Facebook and others "teach" us

Another factor to keep in mind is the learning effect of the “monsters”, which are the largest social networks. To some extent, they set the development trend, given that millions of people get used to the appearance, location of buttons, their characteristics.

Spending many hours on your account page, you no longer think about how to log out of Facebook, you just intuitively look for the "Logout" button. Most often, the user does not even realize what exactly he wants to do. Especially if we go to your favorite page, to a group or profile of a famous person - we do this “automatically”.

The habit is stronger than it might seem

If it seems to someone that he can easily “resist” the habits that this or that portal imposes, he is mistaken. If we are used to getting out of Facebook, then starting working at Odnoklassniki or VK, we may experience some inconvenience. People who spend less time online are more likely to encounter a problem because they will not know how to get out.

To counter this, social networks themselves are trying to "hook" users on their services, to make people think: "This is my own," "It's convenient here," and so on. Such a user, according to various reports cited by Internet companies, will be the most loyal.

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Read the "instructions"!

There is another way to explain to users how to exit the messenger. Facebook, for example, launches special informative sites that provide instructions for working with applications. After reading them, you can navigate even in the standard “Messenger” at the highest level.

What to do if you can’t get used to the social network interface? Do not despair! Over time, this or that site, regardless of its structure and device, will become familiar to you. The main thing is to have a desire to stay on it. For example, if all your friends are on Facebook, then you can get used to it pretty quickly.


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