How to put on OZK: the order and standard of donning. Combined Arms Protection Kit: Dimensions, Purpose

Protecting the skin of a person from biological and toxic substances, from radiation damage, the combined-arms protective kit also reduces the infection of uniforms, shoes, equipment and individual weapons. How to wear OZK according to the standard, and will be described in this article.

how to put on ozk


OZK is made in combination with the filtering means of individual protection. If he is worn in advance, this can protect the fighter from the consequences of a nuclear explosion (light radiation), from open flames and fire mixtures, he will not be so destructively affected by almost all thermal factors, in addition, the equipment under the kit will not suffer too much. It is not intended to be worn continuously, it is used periodically, but how to put on an OZK quickly, every soldier should know, and do it on time.

If contamination with poisonous substances is assumed, threatened with biological damage or radiation, then combined-arms protective kits are specially treated for repeated use. A protective kit is assembled directly in the units, where fighters also learn to confront chemical and biological infections (primarily how to put on OZK).

Kit components

Protective raincoats with covers (OP-1M), gloves, OZK stockings, gloves and stockings are ordered and delivered separately to units and warehouses. A complete kit should consist of seventeen components. This is OZK OP-1M protective raincoat, a protractor with a back loop and a thumb loop, steel frames, four brackets, a central pin and eighteen pieces, cloak holders, a strap, raincoat covers, gloves and a stocking, protective stockings, gloves summer BL-1M and winter gloves with insulation inserts BZ-1M.

The OZK device is packaged in covers as a set, and the fasteners and pegs are in gauze bags. Judging by the configuration, the military personnel need special knowledge on how to put on OZK. First, the kit must be airtight. To ensure this quality for him, the bottom of the sleeves is pulled together with elastic bands, and the size of the hood needs to be adjusted with a protractor. The sleeves themselves are fixed with loops that are worn on the fingers. OZK raincoat fastens on pegs.

cloak ozk


In order to put on a raincoat of a combined-arms protective kit like a jumpsuit, holders, a central peg, rubber straps and fasteners are designed. There is a special pocket on the left sleeve for storing spare fasteners and pegs.

Putting on the OZK is carried out in stages, however, it is possible to very quickly transfer the cloak to the fighting position as a cape. This is facilitated by a case designed for storage or carrying using steel frames on the back. It is made of simple fabric, and the cloak itself is made of rubberized fabric, and it is also good in bad weather.

On the case for convenience, there are two pegs in the holders and two straps with slots for them to quickly fasten everything. Two pairs of steel frames are needed for attaching a cloak in a case on the back. The ends of the straps are connected by a braid so that the cover opens as quickly as possible. Putting on OZK in a full set is sometimes impossible, but the conversion of the cloak into the form of a cape occurs instantly.

putting on ozk

Stockings and gloves

Protective stockings consist of a pair of the actual stocking, six pegs and braid (2 pcs.). Pegs are fixed on a piece of rubberized fabric. Stockings on legs are fastened with the help of braid and straps. The osoyuzki are made of pure rubber, and the bootlegs are made of rubberized fabric.

Protective gloves in the kit are used in two types: summer BL-1M and winter BZ-1M. The first - with five fingers, and the second - with two, both of them are made of rubber, but insulation inserts are included in the winter kit. The marching and ready positions require stockings and gloves in special covers.

The order of putting on OZK

As already mentioned, a protective cloak can be used in two forms when in a fighting position - as a cape worn in sleeves, and as a jumpsuit. The cape is used when the enemy suddenly uses napalm, toxic chemicals or bacteriological aerosols.

A cloak-cloak is put on at the signal of "Gaza" or "Chemical alarm" after a command or independently according to the first, even unreliable, signs of the enemy using biological or chemical weapons on the ground. It is also necessary for everyone outside the shelter to lay down their weapons, temporarily stop breathing and close their eyes. Then you should act quickly. Remove the headgear and helmet, put on a gas mask, exhale, resume breathing and open your eyes. Recall the order of putting on OZK.

ozk donning order


If the cloak is without a cover, you need to unfasten the hood protector on the roll to open it, if it is in the cover, then, pulling the ribbon sharply, simply open it. Throw a cloak over your shoulders, put on a hood and smell the floors. Then it is necessary to lie down or sit down so as to cover shoes, uniforms, headgear and helmet, weapons with a cloak. This is necessary in order to protect everything from infection.

If the raincoat is placed in the unfolded state on the ground, you need to take it with both hands by the top and put it on like a cape, throwing it over the head with one wave. Then immediately use an individual anti-chemical package. When the primary cloud passes, you need to discard the cloak that is already infected, put on a helmet for protection, remove the stockings from the cover, put on and fasten them, remove the gloves from the cover, re-treat your hands with the IPP package and put on the gloves immediately. If the first signs of sarin damage appear, a poisoning agent should be used from an individual medicine cabinet. If chemical or bacteriological anxiety has occurred to military personnel when traveling in open vehicles, a stop is made whenever possible in order to put on a general-defense protective kit for the OZK.

ozk donning rate


You need to put on the OZK in advance as soon as the command “Cloak in sleeves, gloves, stockings! Gases!” Sounds You must immediately put down your weapons and put on stockings. Tie two braid on the belt, fasten the straps, put on a helmet for protection, put on gloves, open the cloak’s cover, put it on so that the loops on the lower sleeves hit the thumbs over the gloves. Then put the hood on the helmet and fasten the cloak. After that, take a weapon.

If all these actions are carried out in a shelter or in a building, after the command "Wear a protective suit! Gases!" you need to immediately put down weapons, quickly remove equipment and a bag with a gas mask, a hat and a helmet, glasses and a respirator (if they were wearing). Then put on OZK.

suit l 1

How to quickly put on the entire kit

Put the raincoat in the cover on the ground, put on stockings, fastening it on the straps and fastening the braid on the belt (on the belt), open the raincoat cover, grasp the holders and put on the raincoat so that the cover is under the raincoat on the back. Put on the sleeves, thread the ends of the holders into the frames below the cloak and fasten them there, fasten the holes on the peg in the center, first the right floor, then the left one, fastening them, fasten the pegs on the floors of the cloak so that each one covers the leg - left floor left, and the right sex is the right. After this, it is necessary to fix the peg holders below the central one, fasten the side straps, wrapping them under the knees.

Now only the top pegs remained unfastened. Field equipment and a bag for a gas mask are put on over the cloak, the gas mask itself is put into a combat position. It was the turn to put on a comforter, to fasten it and tuck it under the jacket, then put on a hat and a helmet, on it - the hood of the cloak. Now fasten the top pegs, wrap the sleeves. To get gloves, put them on so that the low sleeves of the cloak were lowered on the gloves, and the loops were on the thumbs. Take a weapon. In areas of toxic chemicals contamination, the procedure for putting on OZK in the form of overalls is the same, only the gas mask is in the “Gases” position and cannot be removed while putting on the kit.


To remove the infected cloak, which is worn with a cloak, you need according to strictly defined rules. Turn to the side from where the wind blows, put or put a weapon. If the cloak with a cover - untie the holders, slightly holding them, pull out of the frames. Lift the cloak over the holders and drop it so that the infected side lands on the ground. If there was no cover, you need to drop the hood from the head, untie the holders from the belt, raise the cloak and throw it back.

When traveling in open transport, military personnel remove the OZK after stopping and disembarking. The cloak infected with toxic chemicals or bacterial aerosols, worn in the sleeves, is removed only if there is no possibility of its disinfection and degassing. The overalls are also removed after the "Remove the protective kit" command.

When removing the OZK, it is necessary to carefully monitor that open areas of the body do not touch the infected external side. If necessary, degassing is carried out with the IDP-1 formulation. First of all, weapons, a protective helmet, a gas mask, a case for glasses. When the kit is removed, you need to immediately move away from the infected one to the windward side, handle equipment, uniforms, shoes and a bag for a gas mask with a DPS-1 package, and then remove gloves and a gas mask.


The standard for putting on OZK for an assessment is excellent:

  • In the form of overalls - 4 min. 30 sec (a command is given: “Wear a protective suit! Gases!”).
  • In the form of a cloak - 3 minutes. (a command is given: “Wear a raincoat in sleeves, stockings, gloves. Gases!”).

The standard for putting on OZK is worked out during training and classes. For this purpose, only serviceable, fitted, tested and assigned to specific military personnel kits are used. The size of the OZK is the most important for fulfilling the standards. All protective equipment and instruments for monitoring and reconnaissance (chemical or radiation) should be fully equipped, properly installed and fixed in place.

The norm will be considered fulfilled if during the inspection the fulfillment conditions are met, there are no violations of safety requirements, manuals, instructions and charters. The student receives "unsatisfactory" if at least one mistake has been made that can lead to both personal injury (which means defeat) and damage to weapons or equipment, that is, to an accident. The modern and lightweight protective suit L-1 is shown in the picture. It is more accessible to use, even fishermen and hunters often buy these for themselves.

Combined Arms Protection Kit


When the standards are implemented in the use of skin protection products (whether it is OZK, L-1 suit, etc.), the execution time increases by a quarter, but if the standard is set for respiratory protection (respirator, gas mask), it increases by ten percent.

If the temperature is below -10 Celsius or above +30, as well as during heavy rains or snowfalls, the time increases by twenty percent. If the standard for putting on OZK for night actions is set, by this time 30% is added.


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