Motorcycle Zongshen ZS250gs - the new "star" in the "sky" of motorcycles

Every year, more and more new models come to the "firmament" of motorcycle production. I would especially like to talk about the relatively young representative (when compared with giant brands) of Zongshen ZS250gs motorcycle equipment.

He occupies the position of such a “middling” between a sports bike and a classic road bike, which is able to combine the two categories of customers in one device.

After all, Zongshen ZS250gs looks elegant and beautiful. In addition, it is well complex, if I may say so about motorcycle technology. It attracts attention while riding not only with its presentable appearance, but also with its original, comparable only with the bass of a confident man, the noise of an engine running.

zongshen zs250gs
It is unknown, developing the Zongshen ZS250gs motorcycle, the designers set themselves the goal of giving their “brainchild" the recognizable appearance and characteristic sound of a running engine, or they did it by itself. However, such a highlight with baritone is able to raise the rating bar (in the eyes of motorcycle enthusiasts) by several steps, which will certainly give several positive points for such a model.

zongshen zs250gs reviews
This uterine and powerful bass can only be compared with the confidence of the male before the battle. Therefore, the Zongshen ZS250gs is able to leave far behind even expensive "brothers", the sound of working engines which do not stand out in such a characteristic basque. However, it is worth leaving the sound alone, because you will not reach it far. And talk about the nature of this wayward and unique “fighter”.

As motorcyclists say: “Health is the quality of the manufacture of brakes on their motorcycles.” Therefore, let's talk more about the Zongshen ZS250gs, the reviews of which speak for themselves. After all, the manufacturer installed disc brakes on it , while on two wheels (even double-disc on the rear).

In addition, such a “device” is equipped with ABS (anti-lock braking system) and alloy wheels. A little impressive is the presence on Zongshen ZS250gs of a large number of plastic parts. However, such molding is more a tribute to fashion than a constructive necessity. And in most "Japanese" this disease is observed in almost every model.

zongshen motorcycle zs250gs
It may seem to some that a reduced wind fairing is an extra curtsy in favor of the sports direction of such a “device,” however, this factor does not spoil the motorcycle, in general, but gives it convenience when riding and helps to reduce air resistance, in particular.

Now let's talk about the heart of such an original and unique “aggregate”, that is, about its engine. Zongshen ZS250gs is equipped with a four-stroke engine, has one cylinder with a volume of two hundred thirty centimeters cubic and runs on AI-92 gasoline. The appetite of such a “male” does not exceed two and a half liters per hundred, which pleases fans of economical driving. The engine on it is 7.7 horses and is cooled in a simple way, that is, air-forced. A mechanical box was put on such a motorcycle, and its length “went out” no more than two meters.

Ground clearance of as much as 45 centimeters, which is also important on the primer. Weighing such a "miracle" is one hundred and seventy kilograms and is launched from an electric starter. Although no one canceled the opportunity to start from kick.


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