Monthly allowance for children under 16: sizes

Unfortunately, not all parents know that it is possible to receive monetary compensation for children almost before they come of age. Today we’ll talk about how to properly issue a monthly allowance for children under 16 years of age, who should rely on it and what documents will have to be stocked. The fact is that most citizens receive such information not from official sources, but from stories and tips of friends. From here some confusion may arise.

Monthly allowance for children under 16 years of age: who is entitled to receive it?

First of all, the basis for such compensation is the assignment of low-income status to the family. The duration of benefits may also vary:

  • in the general case - up to 16 years;
  • in cases where the child attends an educational institution (department of a day hospital) - up to 18 years;
  • in exceptional cases, when the child is still not graduated or is a graduate student - up to 24.

monthly allowance for a child from 7 to 16 years old

A monthly allowance for children under 16 can be accrued to the following categories:

  • full / single-parent families;
  • children whose parents serve on conscription (conscripts);
  • working / non-working, studying parents;
  • children of military personnel;
  • children whose parents refuse to pay child support.

To receive benefits, you need only two conditions:

  • the average monthly income per member of your family should be less than the minimum subsistence level adopted by law;
  • the child must live exclusively with parents.

A monthly allowance for children under 16 cannot be accrued if:

  • the parents of the child are deprived of their rights;
  • he was transferred to the full state support;
  • the child is adopted and raised by guardians, in this case other payments and benefits are provided.

In order to make the most efficient use of taxpayer funds, social protection authorities have the right to check the living conditions and maintenance of a particular child and make sure that the allowance is spent as intended.

How to get the

In order to find out if you are entitled to a benefit, you need to contact the social protection authorities (EHPS) at the place of residence and write a statement stating the average monthly income of the family in terms of each member for the last 6 months.

the amount of monthly benefits for a child under 16 years old

Documents for a monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age must be submitted as follows:

  • application - a form can be requested at the social security department or downloaded on any state website;
  • passports of parents (copies / originals), where there is a mark on registration in the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate (original / copy) of the child or passport if he is already 14 years old;
  • help from the housing and communal services about the composition of your family;
  • earnings data for the past 6 months;
  • employment records of parents (originals / copies);
  • a certificate from the educational institution about the child's education;
  • bank statement about an open account.

Based on the submitted documents, social protection authorities make a binding decision on accrual of assistance within ten business days. You need to know that the entire procedure for applying for benefits will have to go through every year.

Some features

In some cases, some documents for a monthly allowance for a child under 16 will have to be submitted additionally.

Citizens who are divorced at the time of applying for benefits should be added:

  • divorce certificate (original / copy);
  • a document (certificate) on the presence / absence / delay of alimony.

Parents with the status of individual entrepreneurs:

  • permission to conduct IP activities;
  • income statement for the past 6 months.

Foreigners will also be asked for a residence permit, while nonresidents will have to submit a certificate stating that no cash benefit was assigned earlier at the place of registration.

Benefits for 2015

documents for a monthly allowance for a child under 16

Since payments of this kind are regional, it is difficult to determine the size of the monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age. For example, in this article we will provide data for 2015 relating to St. Petersburg.

So, the amount of monthly benefits for a child under 16 in this region is as follows.

From 0 to 1.5 years:

  • 2 thousand 684 rub. - for the 1st child;
  • 3 thousand 031 rubles - for 1 child from an incomplete family or when one of the parents is a conscript;
  • 3 thousand 463 rubles. - on the 2nd and each of the subsequent children, including for single-parent families, and on children of military servicemen on conscription.

From one and a half to 7 years:

  • 779 rub - for each of the children;
  • 1 thousand 125 rubles. - for children of the draftee or in single-parent families.

From 7 to 16/18 years:

  • 723 rub - for each of the children;
  • 1 thousand 45 rubles. - children of conscripts or living in single-parent families.

Of course, in other regions of Russia, the size of payments may differ significantly from those indicated. In general, the fluctuation can occur in the range from 300 to 1,500 rubles.

Income-independent payments

monthly allowance per child under 16

In some cases, the state is obliged to pay parents additional compensation (allowance) for raising children, regardless of what level of average per capita income the family has. So, the cases and sizes of benefits:

  • 5 thousand 311 rubles. - A disabled child from 0 to 18 years old;
  • 11 thousand 966 rubles. - A disabled child from 0 to 18 years old with special needs;
  • 5 thousand 311 rubles. - a child from 0 to 7 years, both parents of which are recognized as disabled persons of I and / or II groups;
  • 7 thousand 374 rub. - the same + the child himself is a disabled person aged 0 to 18 years;
  • 3 thousand 688 rub. - monthly allowance for a child from 7 to 16 years old, when both of his parents are disabled people of I and / or II gr .;
  • 5 thousand 311 rubles. - HIV-infected child from 0 to 18 years old;
  • 8 thousand 855 rubles. - a child with celiac disease;
  • 3 thousand 463 rubles. - children from large families in 2014/2015;

As already mentioned, these data are valid only for St. Petersburg, in other regions of Russia the size of payments may be different.

Increased benefits

monthly allowance for children under 16

It is worth mentioning that in some cases the amount of the monthly allowance for a child under 16 can and should be increased. In an increased amount, for example, you can get monetary compensation for a child from an incomplete family. Such a family can be recognized as one where one of the parents independently brings up one / several children, while:

  • There is an assigned status of a single father / mother;
  • one parent died or was found missing by court order;
  • father / mother are deprived of their parental rights;
  • a court decision (order) to recover alimony from a second parent is not enforced in practice.

Also, the increased allowance should be paid to the child / children of the military serviceman who is in military service on conscription. These include sailors, soldiers, sergeants, foremen or cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education until they conclude a contract.


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