Where is the starter relay of the VAZ-2112? Location, purpose, replacement and device

The starter relay performs an important function on any vehicle, regardless of model. Damage to this device causes the machine to not start. Drivers who are engaged in self-repair of the vehicle need to know where the VAZ-2112 starter relay is located and how to fix it if there is any malfunction.

What is a starter relay

The mechanism is designed to supply power to the electric motor of the starter. At this moment, the battery charge is transferred. Simultaneously with the supply of energy, it performs the function of pushing out the bendix, while the element engages in the flywheel. It depends on the starter relay on the VAZ-2112 whether the main mechanism will start and the motor will start, or not. If suddenly this device fails and does not turn on, you need to carry out diagnostics and repair. To do this, you should study the detailed operating instructions and find out where the starter relay on the VAZ-2112 is located.


The item looks like a small square box with four connectors. It consists of an anchor in the housing containing an electromagnet with a winding. Its work is provided by electrical contacts and return springs.

starter relay

The electromagnet is represented by two independent coils with holding and retracting independent parts. The first of the devices is docked with the housing and attached to the control input. The retracting coil goes to the control terminal and communicates with the electric motor of the starter.

Principle of operation

The relay is necessary to start the engine system, so it was mounted in the gas pump. When power is supplied to the contact communicating with the control, electromagnetic induction appears inside the coil. This occurs under the influence of current, with the help of this process a magnetic field appears. Anchor pull helps compress the return spring.

At the same time, the bendix is ​​pushed out, which connects the motor and starter with the help of a flywheel. The positive terminal supplies power to the retractor winding. In this case, the contacts close together. The anchor is at this time inside the coil, in which the magnetic field ceases to be generated. When starting the power plant, the power is turned off, and the anchor is sent to the starting position using the return force. Contact opening occurs. During this process, the bendix stops interacting with the flywheel.

Structural features

A device such as a starter, drivers call each other a starter, since it helps to start the machine. It is practically no different from similar mechanisms. However, if you want to purchase a starter relay on the VAZ-2112, then you need to remove the part from the car and take a store with you. This item is different from similar in size. You can purchase the device from the VAZ-2111 or 2110 models, since it is completely identical.

vaz 2112

On the twelfth Zhiguli model, the installed starter is modest in size. However, this small device is very functional. The technical documentation describes how the structure of the mechanism differs and where the VAZ-2112 starter relay is located. In the photo you can consider the main and additional blocks.

In these vehicles, injection power units with 16 valves were installed. In order to avoid differences in electric current, a relay is used. When the electrical circuit is turned on, this device passes current, gradually equalizing the voltage to a value of 80-340 amperes. Such a range of indicators is explained by the fact that the first parameter of the relay gives out at rest, and the second - in the operating mode. As soon as the vehicle stops, this circuit opens and the circuit turns off.

Where is the starter relay VAZ-2112

In order to diagnose or repair this mechanism, you need to find a small cover at the bottom of the torpedo. There is a special button for fixing, which leans down. You can study the diagram attached to the instruction manual. It noted where the starter relay VAZ-2112 for 16 valves is located. If it is necessary to remove or replace this element, then you need to carry out repairs, and then install all spare parts in the reverse order. It is recommended to use the instruction from this unit.

fuse box

Looking at the starter relay VAZ-2112 in the photo, you can see that additional safety devices were installed on top of the block. They were intended to protect a specific group of devices. However, the starter relay is by default located on the right side of the second in a row, when viewed from above.

How to check device operation

When any devices on the car stop working, the driver must first check the fuses or relay circuit. After a complete diagnosis is made, it will be possible to conclude what exactly became faulty and how to fix the problem. Diagnostics is performed in the following order:

  1. Take two small wires with a length of 35-45 cm and attach them to the battery
  2. Directly connect the wire coming from the negative terminal of the battery to the relay, taking into account the polarity. Do the same with the wire that comes from the positive charge terminal.
  3. After connecting the VAZ-2112 starter relay, make sure that the relay has retracted the core, and a characteristic click should be heard
  4. If retraction has not occurred, then the relay is faulty.
wire test

When the diagnosis is fully carried out and the cause of the failure is identified, the old relay must be replaced. It is recommended that you inspect the starter and carry out its maintenance for preventive purposes. To do this, the back cover is unscrewed after all dirt has been cleaned from it. Then the condition of the bendix brushes and forks is determined. Masters advise to inspect the starter regularly so that it does not fail somewhere on the road.

Causes of breakdowns

The most important cause of a malfunction of the VAZ-2112 starter relay is the burnout of the contact plates inside. Other failures that also frequently occur in this mechanism include:

  • short circuit of the minus terminal;
  • clogged contacts
  • malfunction of the armature on the solenoid relay;
  • burnout of the winding;
  • breakage of wiring.

These malfunctions in the relay occur due to the fact that poor-quality consumables are used. They quickly fail and wear out. Experienced drivers already determine when a breakdown is detected by the sound of the engine. For example, after the key is turned in the ignition switch, the starter continues to rotate, but the engine is idling, or with a characteristic buzzing, when the engine develops medium speed and the starter does not turn off.

How to take off

In order to remove the starter relay VAZ-2112, you need to disassemble the entire system. Therefore, this mechanism is removed with the starter. On the other hand, this is even better, because at the same time as the repair, it is possible to carry out the prevention of starter breakdowns. To remove the starter, you need to call on a flyover or a viewing hole. Further, the removal of the part is performed in the following order:

  1. Disconnect the battery, thereby de-energizing the vehicle.
  2. Remove the mudguard or other protection.
  3. Find the nut at the bottom of the starter and unscrew it
  4. Disconnect the terminal located on the solenoid relay.
  5. Release the upper nut that holds the starter
  6. Unscrew the tape with a flat screwdriver and remove the relay by pulling slightly on the housing.

If this unit is removed with effort, then you need to slightly raise it to unhook it from the mounts. Care must be taken so that the spring inside the mechanism is not lost. Often she pops up and gets lost. Now that the device is disconnected from the starter, you can perform a fault diagnosis and find out what caused it to break.


When it is already known where the VAZ-2112 starter relay is located, you can begin to repair it. It is not necessary to immediately buy a new part, experienced drivers first try to fix it. There are only three outputs on the device that are needed to connect the wires. The first is designed to supply power to the ignition switch. When the key is turned, the contacts close, and the desired voltage is transmitted to the relay coil.

Other outputs have a larger diameter. They are designed to connect to the starter and battery. Most often, clogging or oxidation of contacts on the nickles occurs. To fix the problem, you need to unscrew the bolts and remove the nut and washer, which is located at the output of the relay.

retractor repair

After that, you need to disconnect the outputs from the winding with a soldering iron. Sludge and other clogged nickles are removed using fine sandpaper. If the wear of these elements is too strong, it is better to replace the VAZ-2112 starter relay. No need to replace the device with a broken wiring. In this case, you just need to replace the wires, and the relay will again work properly.

Additional starter relay

In order for the starter to last longer, an additional VAZ-2112 starter relay is installed. This is necessary for the controller responsible for the proper operation of the vehicle. When the crankshaft accelerates to 500 rpm, the controller gives an additional relay command to turn on the starter. This mode of operation prevents the starter from starting arbitrarily and eliminates engine overheating even during prolonged operation.

Also, an additional relay on the VAZ-2112 starter is needed in order to exclude accidental sintering of contacts from the ignition switch. This often occurs due to wear on parts. In addition, an additional element turns off the starter power in time if the power plant is already running, and the key is in the "starter" mode. Thus, the ignition switch contacts are unloaded and the engine is not damaged.

installation of an additional relay

Such a device was not installed on all models. Now masters of car service when buying VAZ-2112 cars recommend preliminary checking if it is on the car. To do this, you need:

  1. Inspect the mounting block. It is a hinged type relay, so it can be easily seen among other fuses.
  2. Start purging the cylinders. If there is an additional relay, the starter will turn on in automatic mode.

In the event that this element is not available on the car, you can install it yourself. However, experienced repairmen claim that there is no urgent need for it. Moreover, manufacturers of modern domestic and foreign cars often refuse this mechanism.


These parts do not require ongoing maintenance. However, the resource of their work is small - about 2-4 years. This device is serviced as needed. If the driver knows where the starter relay on the VAZ-2112 is located, then it is easy to replace it with a new one. The cost of these units is low, so it is better to put a working relay instead of a damaged relay.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8510/

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