Drinks come from the USSR. Citro: Soviet citrus lemonade with vanilla

Since Soviet times, those who were born in the USSR and those who spent the young years of their lives in it have many memories. Many of them are associated with certain aspects of everyday life, life, leisure. Often from people of the “generation of the Soviet Union” one can hear nostalgic memories of how delicious and special the products were. A pie that could be bought for 5 cents, or delicious ice cream for 7 cents. About these seemingly trifles, our parents remember with trepidation and pleasure.

A special place in the life of Soviet children and youth was occupied by soda from a machine gun - refreshing, sweet, delicious. And, most interestingly, dyes and other chemicals (of which there are plenty of modern drinks) were practically not used. Finding a completely natural sweet soda was easy. For example, everyone’s favorite Soviet citrus lemonade with vanilla. This is not to be found now. We will talk about what kind of drink it is and what other soda the people gave the Soviet era.

Soviet citrus lemonade with vanilla

The composition of the Soviet Citro

Along with other soda, this was in special demand. It was prepared from infusions of citrus fruits such as orange, lemon and mandarin. They were the spicy and aromatic basis of the drink. Prepared Soviet citrus lemonade with the addition of vanillin. Apart from this spice, no other flavorings were used. The composition included only natural syrups with sugar and citric acid.

It is difficult to imagine a more natural and at the same time so tasty soda, which was called "Citro" (or "Extra-Citro"). Translated from French means "lemon" (citron). Today, this word is often used as a household name to refer to sweet and sour carbonated water with a citrus flavor and aroma.

Interesting fact about the Citro

Interestingly, in the school canteens of St. Petersburg, only Citro lemonade is officially allowed to be included in the menu. It is designed specifically for baby food and does not contain any preservatives, dyes or other harmful additives.

Soviet lemonade

Other carbonated drinks come from the USSR

But Soviet citrus lemonade with vanilla is not the only tasty drink that has been remembered since the days of the USSR. There were others, including Lemonade, Duchesse, Pinocchio and Tarhun.

Lemonade, for example, was made from a mixture of lemon infusion and apple juice with sugar, lemon and color. Its peculiarity was that it had a peculiar caramel-lemon flavor and for a very long time emitted carbon dioxide, already being poured into a glass.

And Duchess was named after the famous pear variety. From it he prepared. This drink was especially aromatic, light and perfectly quenched thirst.

There was also another rather popular Soviet lemonade, named after a fairy-tale hero - “Pinocchio”. Its composition of tastes is somewhat more complicated - it combines sweetness, acid, and a little bitterness (which added a special highlight to the drink). Soda "Pinocchio" had a beautiful golden color and was characterized by a high content of carbon dioxide.

And who does not remember the bright, joyful color of Tarkhun lemonade? For the first time he went on mass sale in the 81st year and immediately fell in love with the Soviet population. Only the emerald green color was worth it! “Tarragon”, among all other components, included tarragon extract, which gave it a special, “herbal” flavor. True, during the Soviet Union, a special green dye was used to create the desired shade, which many manufacturers today refuse because of its harmfulness.

citrus lemonade

Instead of a conclusion

There were many other delicious soda pops - this was Cream Soda, Bell, and Pepsi Cola. But still, Soviet citrus lemonade with the addition of vanillin, Citro, was and remains especially loved. It combines everything that is needed for a perfect sweet soda - an unusual taste, a pleasant fruity aroma and the absence of unhealthy additives. No wonder he was made the only permitted lemonade in the school menu of St. Petersburg.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B852/

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