"Leopard" from cockroaches: reviews, instructions for use. How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever

Cockroaches for humans are very unpleasant neighbors. They can appear in any house, even at the hostess with perfect cleanliness. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort to get rid of these insects, using all known means of control, but to no avail. Someone tried Bars from cockroaches and posted a review of the victory over the Prussians on the Internet. How to use the drug will be discussed in the article.

What is the danger of the appearance of cockroaches?

In the apartment, red insects cause a lot of trouble. Crawling through food products, they carry pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, helminth eggs on them. Often they cause allergic reactions and dangerous diseases.

A large number of cockroaches

The Prussians are often to blame for the failure of electrical equipment and expensive household appliances. If dark traces of insect feces, the remnants of chitinous shells are found in the living room, then you must immediately begin to fight them. For this purpose, a remedy for cockroaches "Bars" is suitable.

Drug characteristics

There are a lot of insecticides for the destruction of ginger Prusaks in the distribution network. As a result of long use of cockroaches, they are already used to most of them. But the “Bars”, designed to destroy fleas and ticks in four-legged pets (cats and dogs) - is something new for cockroaches. That is why the tool is actively coping with their destruction. The drug is sold in the form of aerosols with a volume of 100 or 200 ml in pharmacies and pet stores. It is made on the basis of the strong insecticide fipronil, which has a nerve-paralytic effect. In insects, nerve receptors are blocked, convulsions, paralysis occur, breathing stops and death occurs.


The harmful effects of the drug are evidenced by numerous reviews. "Leopard" from cockroaches helped to get rid of harmful insects once and for all, when many different poisons had already been tried, and the hope for their destruction was lost, users say. It should be noted that the product contains repellents that repel pests, and they are forced to leave their homes. The drug, created to kill insects in animals, does not have a specific smell, which is very convenient for processing any premises.

Precautionary measures

The tool is not dangerous for pets and humans. But when using Barca (cockroach spray), you still need to observe the following precautions:

  • Food should be packed in bags and put in a cabinet or refrigerator.
  • For processing, use rubber gloves and a mask so that toxic components do not get on the skin and respiratory tract.
  • Spray in the absence of children.
Personal protective equipment

In violation of safety rules, headache and nausea are possible. If unpleasant symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Indications for use

As indicated in the instructions for use of the drug "Bars", it is intended for the destruction of domestic four-legged ticks, fleas, lice and lice eaters. It consists of substances that adversely affect the nervous system of pests, cause paralysis with subsequent death. There is also a deterrent effect. In addition, it was revealed that this drug copes well with cockroaches. He not only kills insects, but also scares them away. This tool is recommended for use with a small degree of infection.

How to use "Leopard" from cockroaches?

When using the product, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. To prepare surfaces for processing: to do wet cleaning and to remove garbage.
  2. Put food in the refrigerator, dishes in the cupboard.
  3. Pets out of the apartment.
  4. Move furniture away from walls, close windows and doors.
  5. Wear personal protective equipment.
  6. Shake the can and process the skirting boards and places of accumulation of insects. Keep the can at a distance of about 25 cm from the surface.
  7. Leave the room for two hours.
  8. After that, make ventilation of the apartment, remove dead insects.
Means Bars

Is it possible to remove cockroaches from the apartment forever with the Bars tool? The spray is only valid for two weeks, so re-treatment is required. The fact is that the remedy does not affect the larvae of cockroaches, which during this time can hatch and attack the hosts again. In addition, for greater effectiveness, insect glue traps are hung on the walls.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effectiveness of Barca in the destruction of cockroaches was tested by users through an experiment. It turned out to be effective and with timely processing, insects completely disappear from the living room. The benefits of the drug include:

  • Safety for human health. By manufacturing it for processing animal hair, manufacturers have provided all the requirements for its toxicity.
  • Easy to handle. Means is sprayed from a spray can.
  • Economic use. Spray enough for a large area of ​​the room. Residues can be stored and used as needed.
  • No unpleasant odor. You can not leave the room for a long time.
Cockroach in the sink

The only drawback is its cost, which is 300-400 rubles, which is more expensive than some other drugs. But given its versatility (suitable for the destruction of insects in animals and indoors) and effectiveness, the price is fully justified.

"Leopard" from cockroaches: reviews

An effective spray to protect animals from insects has long been produced by the manufacturer. And recently, it has often been used as an effective means of combating domestic cockroaches. On the Internet there are a large number of positive reviews about this drug, in which the following points are noted:

  • A good result if you use Bars immediately after detecting insects.
  • Helps for the prevention of cockroaches, they do not appear after processing the premises.
  • With a significant accumulation of red Prusaks, you have to use it several times, and sometimes use additional drugs.
  • The tool is suitable simultaneously for the destruction of insects in animals and cockroaches.
  • Profitability: there is enough spray can for processing a large area.
  • Some consumers are not quite happy with the price of 400 rubles.
Dead cockroaches

As the review of reviews shows, “Bars” from cockroaches is quite effective and satisfies a large number of consumers. Some of them got rid of the Prusaks after long failures only thanks to the “Leopard”.


The modern chemical industry invents and produces new drugs for the destruction of domestic pests. They are available in the form of sprays, gels, concentrates and powders. Someone prefers to use folk remedies, but someone likes the old, tested on animals spray "Bars". How to poison cockroaches using this drug, and what result it gives, you now know.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8522/

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