"Di-Chlorine-Extra": instructions for use, composition, active substances

Disinfection is mandatory in all medical and child care facilities. For these purposes, the Di-Chlor-Extra tool is often used for tabletting, the instructions for use for which suggest the possibility of widespread use for disinfection of various hard surfaces and much more. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are packaged in plastic jars. Quantity varies: 60, 100 and 300 units.

Di Chlorine Extra: Description

Scope of use

"Di-Chlorine-Extra" instructions for use are quite clear. The tool is intended for use in the following situations:

  • Disinfection of all types of medical facilities. It is allowed to use the drug for the treatment of even non-anatological departments.
  • Processing of cleaning equipment, plumbing fixtures in hospitals.
  • Disinfection of dishes and linen of patients being treated in a hospital.
  • The destruction of microbes on the shell of eggs.
  • Disinfection of physiological substances (feces, urine, blood, sputum, serum) when infected with various infections.

It can be seen that the scope of use is quite extensive, and the tool is suitable for the destruction of even especially dangerous viruses and bacteria.

Di Chlorine Extra: how to apply

Current composition

The instructions for use of "Di-Chlorine-Extra" indicate the entire active composition, which is quite aggressive, but when used for its intended purpose does not harm others. The tablets have a white color and a specific smell of chlorine. The drug has the following composition:

  • DCC NA NA;
  • sodium carbonate;
  • adipic acid;
  • stabilizer.

There are also additional components. These include surface-active substances, the amount of which is not controlled, however, they should be no more than 4% of the total volume.

How to store the drug

The instructions for use of "Di-Chlorine Extra" indicate that the product requires compliance with special storage conditions, namely:

  • Be sure to tightly close the packaging after use;
  • the temperature in the storage place can be from -30 to +40 degrees, it must be protected from direct sunlight and moisture;
  • there should not be medicines and food nearby;
  • the product should be protected from possible use by children.

The drug is not recommended for pouring into other containers, it must be stored in packaging from the manufacturer.

"Di-Chlorine-Extra": instructions for use, how to breed

The method of use of the drug depends on the situation and the specifics of the institution. So, if disinfection of hard surfaces is required in a medical institution where viral and bacterial infections are fixed, then one tablet is used per 10 liters of water. Such treatment is allowed in a room where patients are present.

If you need treatment of the room where cases of tuberculosis infection are recorded, then 10 tablets must be taken four tablets.

With a diluted solution, wipe all surfaces in a medical facility. "Di-Chlorine-Extra" - tablets, the instructions for use which say that to successfully get rid of viruses and bacteria, you need to use 100 ml of the finished solution per square meter. If irrigation is necessary, then already use 150 ml.

Di-Chlorine Extra: Composition

Special Usage Recommendations

If individuals show hypersensitivity to chlorine, then processing with this tool cannot be trusted. Employees are also not allowed to work with the solution:

  • having chronic respiratory diseases;
  • allergic diseases.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to prevent the solution from getting into the skin and eyes, all disinfection work must be carried out in a protective gown and rubber gloves. It should be borne in mind that if the concentration of the finished solution is from 0.015 to 0.06%, then the respiratory system can not be protected by special means. If surface treatment with a preparation with a concentration of active components in excess of 0.1% is necessary, it is important to use standard respirators, as well as safety glasses for the eyes, which have a sealed base. In this case, it is necessary that patients leave the room. After processing, it is important to carry out a general cleaning and ventilate the chamber until the persistent smell of chlorine disappears.

In hospitals, Di-Chlor-Extra is widely used. Instructions for use in medicine suggest its use in the presence of patients only at a concentration of active chlorine in solution of less than 0.015%. In all other cases, it is necessary to remove people from the premises and conduct thorough ventilation.

"Di-Chlor-Extra": instructions for use in kindergarten

In children's institutions, disinfection is also important, therefore, the drug is used there. It can be used to process toys, corrosion-resistant products, and cleaning equipment. However, in this case, only the immersion and soaking method is allowed. In this case, children should not be present in the room, during the procedure the room must be ventilated, and the containers with liquids are tightly closed with lids.

In children's institutions, with the help of this tool, dishes are also disinfected. To do this, it is soaked in a solution with a concentration of 0.06%. The exposure time is 30 minutes, then the sets are processed and thoroughly washed with brushes and brushes.

Kindergarten disinfection

Eggshell disinfection

Instructions for use "Di-Chlorine-Extra" for processing eggs involves their preliminary washing and purification from contamination. Next, disinfection is carried out by immersion and irrigation. In this case, a solution is used, prepared at the rate of one tablet per 10 liters of liquid. Eggs must be immersed in a prepared container and allowed to stand for two minutes. Next, use manual egg washing in running water.

It should be understood that the tool is allowed to process eggshells and is recognized as harmless only if all the conditions clearly specified in the regulatory documents are met.

Egg processing

Other uses

Di-Chlor-Estra can be used to disinfect food industry premises where fish, meat or vegetable products are produced. Using a solution, it is necessary to treat all hard surfaces:

  • cutting tables;
  • vegetable peelers;
  • shipping trolleys;
  • sinks;
  • bathtubs;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • cutting boards, knives.

For disinfection, you need to take two tablets per 10 liters of water. The exposure time is 30 minutes. After that, all inventory and other items that the products will subsequently touch should be thoroughly rinsed in running water.

"Di-Chlor-Extra": instructions for use


"Di-Chlor-Extra" is intended for safe disinfection in medical, child care facilities, as well as in the food industry. Subject to breeding standards, bacteria and viruses are destroyed, and no harm to human health is observed. However, when working with the product, it is important to comply with all the requirements of personal protection and it is advisable to carry out processing in a room where there are no people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8526/

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