What to give my daughter for 8 years: ideas and recommendations. Games for girls

This article will discuss what to give my daughter for 8 years. You will receive valuable advice, interesting and unusual ideas for the presentation. We will also talk about how to celebrate a daughter of 8 years, so that the little princess and her guests do not get bored.

An eight-year-old girl is at least a schoolgirl. However, babies at this age still enjoy playing with dolls. Just approaching the choice of such a presentation for a little schoolgirl needs to be more painstaking.

Doll for an "adult" girl

Next, we will offer several options for dolls for 8 years. Be guided when choosing the character and hobbies of the little lady. Before you buy a toy, talk with your child. The interests of the babies are changing rapidly, and perhaps what she was fond of a month ago is no longer relevant.

Lady in historical costume

For a serious birthday girl who does not want to part with her toy girlfriends, but no longer plays mother-and-baby dolls as before, a doll in a historical costume is suitable. The first toy lady can be the beginning of a serious collection that she will collect throughout her life.

You can also purchase as a present a set of plastic clay for sculpting. Next, the baby with her mother’s help can make a costume for her. This is an interesting, creative and developing work. Perhaps it will be the first step in the fascination with the history of costume and modeling clothes.

Monster High and Bratz

These heroes and heroines of children's animated series have gained immense popularity among eight-year-olds. It is worth noting that the dolls from the collections are made quite high quality. They have arms and legs on hinges. The hair is well glued and stitched. In the lines there are collectibles that even adult ladies hunt for. Pay attention to which of the heroes the young lady already has. If a girl just wants to collect her collection, it will be much easier to buy a gift.

Doll "Monster High"

Dolls lol

These small dolls, which are packed in a ball or capsule with a multilayer filling, have gained immense popularity among girls from 3 to 12 years old. The abbreviation LOL means "shocking crumbs."

The doll is in the middle of the ball, and in the recesses along the edges are accessories and even pets.

The girl, opening a gift, receives a huge emotional reward. After all, everything that comes in a ball will be a surprise. Psychologists especially advise giving such gifts when a child is forced to celebrate his birthday in a confined space. For example, in a hospital where it is difficult to get positive emotions.

doll for 8 years

Let's move on to other types of presentations. Many babies at this age are actively interested in needlework. A set for a creative hobby in the form of a gift for a daughter for 8 years from her mother can be the beginning of a hobby that will become a matter of life or just a pleasant pastime. Next, we consider options for what to give my daughter for 8 years from presents for creativity.

Sewing machine

Sewing is a skill that comes in handy in adulthood. The idea to present a children's sewing machine is a great solution. One of the best is an option from the Spin Master brand. It is safe because it has a special fuse cap that protects against injuries. With her help, the girl will be able to sew clothes for dolls, kitchen gloves, aprons, toys, pencil cases. If desired, you can even sew a blanket or the first dress. Also pay attention to the fact that the company produces sets with blanks for sewing.

children's sewing machine

Set of young chocolatiers

"Chocolate Factory" is a set for a little chocolatier. To create your own chocolate, you do not need to use a microwave or stove. It is absolutely safe for the baby, as chocolate is drowned in a special container that is included in the kit. Hot water is simply poured into the container, on which a treat is drowned. Anything can be poured from the chocolate mass. The kit includes a variety of molds. They blanks are placed for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. The set also includes beautiful packaging and jewelry. The young craftswoman will be able to effectively present her creation.

Chocolatier set

Knitting kit

So you have not decided what to give your daughter for 8 years? The girl will also need a knitting skill in life. If the first steps in this have already been taken, and she has shown interest, then the baby will be delighted with the knitting station from Cra-Z-Knitz. The kit includes 8 types of thread. From them it is possible to make a cap, mitts, leggings and much more according to the schemes.

Knitting station

Ultra-Modern Gift - Virtual Reality Glasses

This is a great gift for my daughter for 8 years from dad. As a rule, men are more likely to give such gifts, since they are eternal children. Trademark Mattel has teamed up with Google to create View Master glasses.

In order to use the glasses, you just need to download a special application on your smartphone. With the help of eyepieces, you can go on a virtual journey to any corner of the world. Also included are cartridges with which you can view objects in 3D.

Cosmetics for a young lady

Little girls love mom's cosmetics, shoes, bags and clutches. Parent's cosmetic bag for a little princess is a real treasure. Therefore, special cosmetics for little fashionistas will be a great gift for 8 years.

One of the best brands that produces baby cosmetics is Markwins. The company has 30 years of experience in this business. The sets include bright nail polishes, lip glosses, shadows. With all this wealth, the baby will feel like a real star. The Barbie set is especially good with a cover in the form of shoes or small suitcases.

Jewelry for girls

Babies adore bright jewelry, like mom's. Favorite occupation of little beauties is trying on mother's beads, bracelets, clips and earrings. If your baby loves this occupation, then buy her a kit from the Charm U brand. The starter kit has the following composition:

  • backpack,
  • a bracelet,
  • 8 charms (pendants),
  • stickers.

The set is created in such a way that each fashionista can show individuality and create her own jewelry. In the meantime, all the pendants are not involved, then they can be stored in a convenient backpack. Later, jewelry can be supplemented by purchasing additional sets.

jewelry for girls

An interesting and useful gift will also be a high-quality board game. The benefit of their assortment now in stores is the widest. Next, we noted some of the most popular.


This game is played with pleasure by children of different ages. Even the most restless child quickly delves into the conditions of the game and tries to win with excitement. The parties are exciting and fast, so they do not have time to bore the guys. Choose this option if you still do not know what to give your daughter for 8 years.


The game consists of wooden bars, from which you need to build a tower. Each player must place an element so that the tower does not collapse in his turn. Particularly careful should be the participants who install the latest structural elements. The player to lose the tower will lose.


This game has won the sympathy of children around the world. Its meaning is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible, dropping them into a common pile. Cards are screened out according to a certain attribute: color or number.

How to celebrate daughter 8 years old?

Eight-year-old is already a fairly independent girl. She will have a desire to independently develop a birthday theme, invite guests, and think over games. Give your daughter the opportunity to be independent. Next, we discuss the ideas of the holiday.

For sports girls

If your girl is an active and athletic child and there are many boys in her environment, then invite her to invite guests to play paintball or go to the laser tag. A sea of ​​emotions and a good mood for the guys and the birthday girl will be provided!

Gambling attractions

If your baby is a gambling and courageous girl, then invite her with a group of friends to mark her birthday in an amusement park. Children will receive a lot of impressions and adrenaline. This birthday baby will remember for a long time.

Children's holiday at the climbing wall

Do you think that climbing walls or rocks is not a game for girls? And here it is not true. If young ladies are friends with sports, then going to the climbing wall would be a great idea. Parents may not worry. It is absolutely safe and healthy. This type of relaxation trains all muscle groups. Here you can come up with various games for girls and boys. For example, divide the guys into two teams and arrange the stages. At the finish line or along the route, you can hang small presents.

Ideas for True Ladies

Kids who love a calmer pastime can invite friends home and arrange cozy gatherings. The pastime options are given below.

pajama party

This is a fairly popular idea for a party recently. Favorite pajamas, plus pizza and other goodies, as well as friends in funny clothes for sleeping. What could be better and more comfortable? In such an atmosphere it is so nice to share secrets, dreams and plans! You can arrange pillow fights, play a twister, fight in a sea battle.

pajama party

Holiday script

Parents can also write a festive themed script for the baby. Your favorite cartoon, movie, or hobby could be an idea. You can develop a script with a birthday girl. If funds allow, then you can turn to professional animators.

"The publication"

Does your daughter love to shine? Loves fashionable things, shopping, selfies? If funds allow, then you can send her with her friends to a fashion store and accessories for buying gifts. It can also be a trip to the cinema for the premiere of a good movie or cartoon. Then the children can visit the cafe, where the birthday girl will blow out the candles and treat the guests with a birthday cake.

A smart gift for a daughter at 8 years old on her birthday will be a walk around the city in a limousine. Little girls will feel like real celebrity. No desire to spend huge amounts of money on a limousine? Rent a carriage with a festively decorated carriage for your daughter and her friends, and let her marry a fun company around the city.

Now you know many options for what to give your daughter for 8 years. This is a wonderful age when the baby already begins to feel her involvement in the charming world of women. Feels his feminine appeal, learns to be a mistress in the house and an independent person. Whatever present you choose, may it benefit your daughter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8538/

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