Pelenkino lake, therapeutic mud: feedback on the result

Mud treatment is a popular procedure since ancient times. In Russia, there are many places where peloid therapy is put on a grand scale in sanatoriums, medical centers and balneological resorts. But there are reserved lands where a folk trail is laid, and the cards are mysteriously silent about the sources of healing. The therapeutic mud of Lake Pelenkino is known to many who have received the coveted health on its shores. This object is distinguished by a complete lack of infrastructure, medical and research facilities. Nevertheless, his fame has long stepped over the boundaries of the Azov region of the Rostov region.


Everyone who first arrives at the Pelenkin mud is told a legend about how the healing power of the lake was discovered. It was a long time before the revolution: in 1780, the nobleman Pelenkin was granted lands in the area of ​​Priazovye, where the village of Petrovskoye that he formed now stands. One of the landowner's horses injured her leg, she was released to graze and relied on the will of God. If she recovers, she herself will return, and if not, she will at least be free.

To the surprise of the villagers and gentlemen, the animal completely recovered over the summer. They decided to note with what help a miracle happened, which few hoped for. It turned out that the horse came to the lake, where the smell was unpleasant, the bottom was viscous, and stood there, going into the water almost to the chest. Later, in 1913, the local clerk began to be treated for gout in the same mud and defeated the disease in a few years. The name of the lake was due to the name of the gentleman - Pelenkino. Medical mud has been helping all those suffering for over a hundred years.

pelenkino mud therapeutic reviews


For a long time, local residents and visitors, who learned about the healing power of mud, gathered in the village and self-medicated. When, after self-appointed procedures, four people died in 1923, it was decided to conduct a study of the composition of mud and water. The data received was unexpected. It turned out that the mud of Lake Pelenkino in composition and properties occupy a worthy place among the well-known European and Russian resorts.

In 1925, the Soviet government, represented by the city council, laid the foundation for the construction of the Salt Lake sanatorium. He began to act in the same year. Getting to the health resort was easy: from the pier and the train station, we drove in cabs along the paved road.

pelenkino mud therapeutic

Short term

In 1928, the mud baths consisted of two residential buildings, was equipped with 20 bathrooms and 4 fresh showers, where water was supplied through pipes from a well located in the village. 2 courtyards were also equipped, where the dirt supplied by the trolleys, the engine room, the stable, and the glacier were stored. In the residential buildings there was an outpatient clinic, an office, staff and holidaymakers lived. The lake itself was divided into "female" and "male" halves. Patients were admitted only in the summer months.

The number of places in the sanatorium was 120 units. The medical profile made it possible to provide assistance to patients with metabolic disorders, problems of the musculoskeletal system, joint pains of various etymologies, paralysis, female diseases (gynecology), skin diseases, and much more were healed by Pelenkino's healing mud. The effect was tested on a large number of people, for the period from 1925 to 1928, almost 4,000 people received treatment here.

healing mud of pelenkino lake

Indoor Resort

The leader, organizer and inspirer of the sanatorium "Salt Lake" was Dr. Volobuev N.N. On his initiative, work was carried out to study the beam in which the lake is located. The results showed that the mud reserve is inexhaustible, the beam itself has a length of several kilometers, where small mud lakes are interspersed. He advocated the transfer of the health resort to the category of all-Union sanatoriums, which would expand the infrastructure, build additional buildings and receive state funding. The number of healed people could increase significantly, many diseases could be dealt with using balneological methods of treatment on Lake Pelenkino (therapeutic mud). Reviews were given in the newspapers of the time.

A commission arrived to reach a verdict, but, having not spent 15 minutes in the sanatorium, left, the health resort remained under the jurisdiction of the local authorities. In 1932, as a result of flooding, the hospital’s infrastructure was partially destroyed, it was not possible to restore it by the beginning of the season, and the resort did not work. In 1933, there was a shortage of food in the region, and the hospital was not opened again, the equipment was transferred to medical institutions in the city of Azov, and the buildings were dismantled. A small surge in official interest in the healing properties of mud occurred in 1942 during the defense of the city. Then the wounded from Azov hospitals were taken to the lake for wellness procedures.

healing mud pelenkino effect

Recovery factors

Most visitors come for treatment in the summer, but you can meet the afflicted in the off-season, during this period, mainly stocks of mud for treatment at home are made. In the hot months, tent streets of Lake Pelenkino grow on the banks of the reservoir. Therapeutic mud, reviews of the properties of which are collected by a large number of people who want to get balneological procedures, really help. This was once again proved by full-fledged field studies, which were carried out for the last time in 1928. In narrow circles of experts, it has been argued that the composition and healing properties have not changed much since then.

The basis of balneological rehabilitation includes a set of natural factors, they are in the area of ​​Lake Pelenkino. Medical mud, the composition of which includes iodine, bromine, metal oxides and nitrous oxide, gypsum, limestone, living bacteria, hydrogen sulfide and other elements, are unique in their effects on the human body. "Bouquet" of mud and brine many put on his feet.

Pelenkino mud therapeutic how to get there

Stories of experienced: Pelenkino (therapeutic mud) that heals

The pond is located in an ecologically clean area. A fish swims in the water, and waders - waders, ducks, loaves. The healing mud of Pelenkino in the Azov region is popular not only among local residents. People come here for free procedures from all countries that were once part of the Soviet Union. On parked cars there are numbers of all regions of Russia, there are visitors from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Tatarstan, Belarus. The unity of peoples was not lost, it just acquired new forms.

Numerous adherents of treatment tell many stories about the victories over the disease that were obtained on the shores of Lake Pelenkino (therapeutic mud). Reviews of regular visitors testify to miracles. For example, they say that when traveling in a wheelchair and taking a mud course, a person can leave on his own feet. Legends about the results of the procedures go around the sanatorium camp countless. Some of them may be exaggerated, but there is a reasonable grain in the stories.

According to studies conducted in 1928, peloids and brine have great potential. Therapy on Lake Pelenkino (therapeutic mud), has a beneficial effect on skin diseases (psoriasis gives up very quickly), joint diseases (gout, arthritis, arthrosis, etc.). Mud applications help the rapid healing of wounds, as well as gynecological diseases, contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin and the body as a whole.

Pelenkino mud therapeutic composition


Some people come to Pelenkinskaya mud every year, someone spends here only the weekend. Everyone here is attracted by the desire to receive healing from diseases that cannot be dealt with medically. Everyone who is preparing for the trip should know what they have to face on the shores of Lake Pelenkino (therapeutic mud). Reviews talk about the lack of showers with fresh water, which should be considered when going on a trip. The applied dirt should be washed off after 10-15 minutes with water from the lake, and after a while it is necessary to take an fresh shower. You will have to deal with this problem yourself.

There are also no toilets, parking lots, dining rooms or cafes. The flow of cars to the "wild" resort is quite large. According to some reports, up to fifty cars arrive daily in the summer season, and even more on weekends. Those who come for a few weeks put up tents within a small grove on the shores of Lake Pelenkino (therapeutic mud).

Reviews about comfort are negative, but many people do not pay attention to everyday difficulties. The resulting effect of the treatment covers all the problems of life of an independent spa man. It is believed that mud with the best characteristics should be stocked on the opposite shore from the place of arrival and residence. In those places, it has a more delicate consistency, has a small number of foreign inclusions.

It is worth remembering that mud therapy is not a harmless procedure at all, uncontrolled use of pelioids can harm the whole body. Without the recommendations of a specialist, it will be difficult to get the desired result on Lake Pelenkino. Reviews of treatment lovers tell that sometimes a consultation can be obtained directly on the spot, in a neighboring tent. But how safe this treatment is, no one knows, everything is comprehended empirically.

therapeutic mud pelenkino of the Azov region

Specialist voice

According to medical professionals, bathing in the waters of the lake and using its mud is not at all harmless. The situation around the reservoir has long become unsanitary and every year threatens to explode in some kind of disease. For decades, no one has tested or tested water, dirt, or brine for safety, the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Bathing in the same place as people with skin diseases also puts a healthy person at risk, not to mention those whose immunity is compromised.

There is no information about outbreaks of infectious diseases, but it is worth remembering such an opportunity in order to take appropriate measures of personal safety. Going to Lake Pelenkino, it is necessary not only to think over the route, but also to stock up with fresh drinking water, a set of tourists for the trip, antiseptics.

Find without a map Lake Pelenkino (therapeutic mud)

How can I get to:

  • From Rostov will go to the city of Azov.
  • In Azov, drive to the fork and turn towards the city of Yeysk.
  • After passing the railway crossing, turn right at the roundabout and follow the sign toward the village of Samarskoye for about 7 kilometers.
  • After passing the village of Pavlovka, turn right (dirt road).
  • Get to the lake.

To go to Lake Pelenkino or to prefer a more civilized way of gaining health is for everyone to decide. But any road or place gives new impressions, expand the circle of acquaintances and open new horizons for adaptation.


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