LovePlanet: dating site reviews

Today we have to find out what LovePlanet reviews are getting. This resource has been living on the Internet for a long time, enjoying great popularity. But why is this so? Indeed, for communication, many try to use social pages and networks, rather than dating sites. Are there really any features that really attract? Or is this resource not used for its intended purpose? About all this - further.

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LovePlanet receives user reviews quite often as a dating service. So, this is precisely the goal that this project will have. Here, according to many users (and the creators too), you will be able to find your love and build a serious relationship. For girls, it is emphasized that this particular project will help to find a decent groom and successfully marry.

That is, is the most common, albeit fairly new dating site. He has no features. You must register, then fill out the form and communicate. Nothing more. No specifics, no differences from analogues. But this project is in great demand among the public. Why?

Is free

Recently, on a variety of dating sites, creators are trying to cash in. In other words, they are trying by all means to make a profit from the project. Normal, but it repels. Especially when it comes to a dating site, which has not yet made any special impression on you.

Registration for LovePlanet is free of charge. Moreover, communication here, unlike some analogues, also does not require any expenses from you. Yes, there are paid services, but they do not belong to the main functionality of the resource. And without them you can safely communicate. For example, if you wish, you can โ€œwind upโ€ your profile with your profile and put it in first place in the search bar. And nothing more. There is no need to pay for messages that you send to other users, as well as for reading letters and using the full standard functionality. LovePlanet receives very positive reviews for this. After all, as already mentioned, more and more dating sites require money for registration and for using the resource.


The main role for any social network is played by the user profile. This is the so-called business card, which allows you to read information about someone, as well as tell about yourself. The more complete the data published here, the better.

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On LovePlanet, โ€œMy Pageโ€ is almost your autobiography. If you wish, you can fill in all the fields that are only available. And in the end, you get a similar description of your personality. So in this sense, users are only happy. At the first registration you do not need to spend several hours filling out a profile - you can do this at any time convenient for you. Only the faster you fill in the data about yourself, the better.

Please note that the LovePlanet My Page also contains information about who you are looking for and why. This is a huge advantage that users often emphasize. That is, in a specially designated area (usually under your profile picture) information will be published about the people you are looking for: age, outlook on life, habits, and so on. All this helps to find a soul mate that best suits your requirements. A dream, not a dating site! Yes, and completely free.


On LovePlanet, dating will definitely bring you a lot of pleasure. And this resource also receives positive reviews for its simplicity. That is, the structure of the site and its design, made in simple and discreet colors, are what attracts you so much. It won't take a long time to load such a page. This is a huge advantage, especially for weak computers and slow Internet.

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Thus, LovePlanet is a simple but nevertheless elegant site that will help you find new friends and even build a family. This is exactly how many users who joined the project assure. No attachments, all for free. Nobody obliges you to anything. So this resource is really worthy of attention. But what to expect from him?

Lecture hall

It is very difficult to predict. After all, LovePlanet (Moscow and other cities use it) is a dating site. And here you can come across a different audience. In principle, as in any social network. But as practice shows, Love Planet has its own characteristics.

Which ones? For example, there are a lot of girls. And of different ages. You can meet both teenagers (despite the fact that the site is intended for a more adult audience), and more adult girls. Guys are less common, but men, especially those aged, are not uncommon. So carefully study the profiles of those with whom you communicate. This will help you filter communication and not get involved with unwanted members of the opposite sex.

In principle, with this resource you can find a person of any age. Most often they use LovePlanet, reviews about which are mainly pleasing to teenagers and young people. From about 14 years old. This is normal for most sites.

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Everywhere the Same

But just here the main positive aspects of the resource end. Why? The thing is that some users, especially those who are really looking for a soul mate for a serious relationship, face some problems. They also appear on social networks, but they have been found there much less often lately.

What are you talking about? The fact that LovePlanet is actually no longer a site for ordinary dating, but for sexual encounters. We can say that this resource is suitable for those who want to find a person for intimate relationships, usually without obligation. It is such users that are most often found there.

So if you do not want to once again encounter a similar phenomenon, it is advisable not to register on the site. LovePlanet reviews are not getting the best reviews from users with serious intentions precisely for this reason. It seems to be a good site for a serious relationship, but in fact - a storehouse of debauchery, but very well veiled. Just what some people need it so much.

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Many after these "surprises" are interested in how to remove LovePlanet. And here even greater problems begin. Getting rid of an existing account will be quite difficult. If you once registered here, now you have to try hard so that the resource does not bother you anymore.

To get started, delete all the information about yourself, preferably along with the photo. Next, use the special form. It is located in the profile settings. There, indicate any reason for the removal (for example, that you found your soulmate). Now you have to follow the special link that will be sent to you by e-mail and read the instructions for further actions.

Usually you will be required to no longer log in to LovePlanet. Yes, the resource will still send notifications and reminders to you by mail, but you should not give in to the temptation. About 6 months after the manipulations, your profile will be deleted. But if necessary, you can restore it. This is the only way to get rid of the annoying dating site LovePlanet, which in fact does not always cope with its tasks and is more suitable for frivolous and free people.

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Nevertheless, you can see a lot of positive opinions about the resource. is a place where you can just spend a pleasant time, find new friends, and also find love and build a real family! That's what the creators say. And some users too.

But where does LovePlanet get positive reviews, and even with an emphasis on serious relationships, if in practice it is more of a resource for finding accessible girls and guys? The answer is simple: all this praise is bought. Users are paid to attract a new audience. Indeed, the creators also make a profit for the visits. So trusting all the positive opinions about the resource is clearly not worth it.


What is the end result? LovePlanet user reviews earn mixed reviews. In any case, we can say this: if you need an easy relationship without commitment, then this resource is right for you. Otherwise, it is better to stay away from him.

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He copes with his task. On LovePlanet you can really make dating. Itโ€™s just that the site is no longer helping to find a serious relationship, but to sexual partners. Register here or not, everyone decides for himself. In any case, if you do this, there will be no divorces or monetary losses. Only then get rid of the profile will be quite difficult. But this is not such a problem.


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