Seafood allergy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

At all times, fish and seafood have been an integral part of our diet. Today, you can easily find mussels, shrimp, squid, spiny lobsters, oysters in stores. Therefore, an allergy to seafood for many is a fairly urgent problem. In this review, we will consider the main symptoms and methods of treating this type of allergic reaction.

The nutritional value

seafood value

Fish and seafood contain: valuable protein, fish oil and essential amino acids. Also, this type of product contains a lot of vitamin D. This substance is necessary for the body in childhood. It is responsible for the normal development of bone tissue and teeth. In addition, saltwater fish are high in iodine.

At the same time, the protein present in fish is a strong causative agent of allergies. What is an allergy to seafood? Symptoms will be discussed later.

Key features

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Seafood allergy is characterized by pronounced respiratory symptoms. In some cases, difficulty breathing and sore throat causes one fish smell. When using seafood in acute allergic reactions, a severe asthmatic attack occurs. Often there are states of anaphylactic shock. This reaction can cause even a few milligrams of production. An allergy can develop with any contact with seafood. In some cases, redness of the skin and rashes are observed. Children with allergic reactions to fish may develop dermatitis.

How does an allergen affect the body?

seafood on the table

This issue should be emphasized. How does food allergy to fish and seafood manifest?

An allergen can enter the body in the following ways:

  • through food;
  • respiratory
  • contact.

An allergic reaction, regardless of how the pathogen penetrates the body, can affect one of the systems:

  • respiratory;
  • digestive
  • skin integument.

As a rule, an allergic reaction to fish in children appears before the age of 7 years. With age, her strength does not become less. Sensitivity to the allergen does not depend on how old the child began to eat fish. In addition, an allergen can enter the body even if the marine individual has been excluded from the diet. Some medicines contain fish protein. Also, allergen residues may be present on the walls of containers in which products were stored or prepared. The same goes for the oil used to make seafood. The speed and strength of the reaction to an allergen is in no way related to its dose. Most often, immediate manifestations are observed.

Crustacean Allergy

cancer and oysters

So how does it manifest? It is believed that heat treatment helps get rid of the allergen in seafood. However, when heated, the pathogens of allergies in mollusks and crustaceans are almost not destroyed, they remain active. As a rule, an allergy to seafood is manifested due to the muscle protein of fish and crustaceans - parvalbumin. It contains 113 amino acids. This combination is an antigen for the human body. This explains the high degree of reaction to this protein.

In some elements of the fish, the allergen may be contained in larger quantities than in the rest. In this case, we are talking about caviar. Therefore, with a predisposition to allergic reactions, it is better not to eat this product at all.

Dependence of manifestations on fish species

What could be an allergy to seafood? Shrimps, mussels, squids and other marine life often cause quite serious reactions of the body. However, simple marine fish can also cause allergies.

The most common reaction to date is considered to be Atlantic cod. This is due to the wide distribution of this type of fish. About 25% of children are allergic to cod and salmon. Strong reactions cause shrimp. Even after inhaling their smell, a serious enough coughing attack can occur. The reason is that shrimp meat contains 10 different allergens, among which there is tropomyosin. This protein is highly resistant to gastric juice.


seafood allergy

How to understand that you are specifically allergic to seafood? Symptoms in adults and children are mostly similar. When an allergen is used in food, skin manifestations usually occur, when inhaled, respiratory manifestations usually appear.

The most common symptoms of this type of allergy include:

  • redness of the skin;
  • severe itching;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • sneezing and nasal congestion;
  • itching in the upper respiratory tract;
  • shortness of breath, cough, bronchial cramps;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Is there an allergy to seafood that characterizes gastrointestinal manifestations? Such cases occur, but they are quite rare.

"Non-fish" pathogens

girl closes her nose

Why is there an allergy to seafood? The reasons do not always lie in a specific protein. In the event that you eat artificially grown fish, the cause of an allergic reaction may be the harmful substances contained in the feed. These include growth stimulants and antibiotics. In this case, symptoms such as sore throat and skin rash may also occur.

Another cause of allergic reactions is the presence in fish products of substances that pollute water bodies. It can be pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals and dioxins. The reaction in this case, as a rule, is single and, most likely, is similar to food poisoning.

An allergic reaction can also cause canned fish. In this case, the cause will be food additives, flavorings. It is also worth considering that some types of preservatives can enhance the allergic reaction.

False manifestation

Very often when eating seafood and fish, reactions similar to allergic ones occur. However, in fact, the immune system does not take any part in them. The cause of these symptoms is the content in the fish of substances that stimulate the synthesis of histamine. When this substance enters the tissue, the vessels expand. This can lead to itchy skin and mucosal irritation. Many seafood contains histamine-releasing substances. This fact must be taken into account when making a diagnosis.


How to determine if you are allergic to seafood? Symptoms, causes, diagnosis of this condition - this is information that is usually of interest to allergy sufferers. To detect allergies, a series of tests are usually prescribed to detect IgE. Applied skin tests may also be required. Using a blood test to really identify not only food allergens, but also a reaction to a particular type of seafood. Also, the analysis will determine the level of AT content.



What should I do if an examination revealed an allergy to shrimp and seafood? How to treat this condition? The first thing to do is to limit contact with the pathogen. An allergic person should not even be in a room where seafood is prepared or eaten. Fish markets and shops should also be avoided.

The main condition for treating a reaction to seafood is to follow an elimination diet. If clinical manifestations of allergies occur, the therapy prescribed by a qualified specialist should be followed. From the diet should be completely excluded products containing fish and seafood, to which the patient has an exciting reaction. Try to be careful about the composition of the food you eat. You should not buy products containing disodium inositol, alginate or fish flavorings.

If one of the family members was allergic to seafood, then for cooking fish it is better to use separate dishes. Even in a thoroughly washed pan or pan, even the smallest allergen molecules may remain. This will be quite enough for the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Fish dishes and seafood should be excluded, and meat, eggs and dairy ingredients should be included in the diet. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish are best replaced with unrefined vegetable oils. For allergies to products of marine origin, a special salt can be used as a source of iodine.

To eliminate the manifestations of reactions, it is best to use special antihistamines. Well proven "Tavegil" and "Suprastin". Intestinal enterosorbents such as Enterosgel should also be used to relieve symptoms as soon as possible.

If the main manifestation of an allergy to seafood is the occurrence of rashes and skin itching, then it is recommended to use special glucocorticosteroid ointments and creams to eliminate them. When symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis appear, drops containing anti-allergic components can be used. When dangerous symptoms such as laryngeal edema and anaphylactic shock appear, glucocorticosteroids should be used. Also in this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate. Only a qualified doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment and choose the right dosage of drugs.


fish and shrimp

Today on sale you can easily find a variety of seafood. Many people who are fond of eating such delicacies begin to notice the appearance of signs of allergic reactions. The cause of their occurrence is a specific protein found in marine fish and seafood. The consequences of their use can be various, ranging from simple rhinitis and irritation of the mucous membranes, ending with suffocation and severe forms of edema. To identify allergies to seafood, you need to pass a number of tests and analyzes. If such a pathology is detected, the only way out is to abandon the use of these products. Simple antihistamines can be used to relieve symptoms. In fact, an allergy is a dangerous reaction of the body to certain foods that you must immediately combat!


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