Non-government Pension Fund Lukoil-Garant: customer reviews

What do Lukoil-Garant receive reviews? The answer interests many future retirees. Indeed, in Russia at the moment there is an accumulative system for generating pension payments. This means that citizens, in addition to the insurance part, receive additional money. But they independently form these allowances at the expense of a part of earnings. A certain part of the income is stored either in the FIU or in the NPF. It is the second option that is in great demand. Lukoil-Garant just refers to such organizations. But is this company worth attention? How beautiful is she? Determine what โ€œLukoil-Garantโ€ is, reviews will help. It is important to pay attention to some components of a non-state pension fund. They will help to understand how profitable the company is. And the opinions of investors will indicate the integrity of the organization.

Description of Activities

Lukoil-Garant is a private pension fund. This company was created a very long time ago. It helps the population to form part of the pension payments. Here, investors transfer a certain amount of income, then the NPF agrees to pay money from the account. Either monthly in certain amounts, or once and in full. This happens after reaching retirement age. Terms of payment are negotiated.

lukoil guarantor reviews

For the activities of NPF Lukoil-Garant, the feedback received is positive. The thing is that everyone understands what the corporation is doing. It forms the funded part of pension payments and stores the money that depositors transfer. The main advantage of this organization is that NPF offers to slightly increase the total amount of contributions. A similar opportunity is available for all similar companies. Therefore, it does not surprise anyone.


The reviews of the Lukoil-Garant Foundation indicate that this organization awakens trust. Why? All this is due to the huge number of branches throughout Russia. The thing is that Lukoil is a large company. And the pension fund of the same name, too. The prevalence in Russia allows us to be sure that investors are not a scammer.

Indeed, Lukoil-Garant is the largest non-state fund to which you can make contributions "for old age." He has gained some customer confidence. It has long been proven that this organization is not a scammer. So, as some think, you can trust the corporation. But this information is not enough to fully evaluate the integrity of the company.


OAO NPF Lukoil-Garant also earns reviews of a good, positive type for its position in the rating of all non-state funds of the country. It has already been said that this company is one of the largest in Russia. It has been functioning for a long time.

npf lukoil guarantor reviews

In the rating of NPFs, Lukoil is in the top 10 leaders. Below this level, the company has never been located. Different sources indicate a variety of information regarding the rating of a non-state pension fund. Therefore, it is best to focus on the fact that Lukoil-Garant, as a rule, is not just among the top 10 leaders. It is located at 5-7 places.

And this cannot but rejoice. Investors indicate that it is the rating that attracts the company. You can not be afraid that it will be closed suddenly. So, the money will be safe. For many, this is enough to join the corporation under study, as well as leave positive reviews about NPO Lukoil-Garant.

Customer confidence

The next nuance that you need to pay attention to is the so-called level of trust. Or, as it is also called, customer confidence rating. Usually indicates how investors are confident in the integrity and reliability of the company.

private pension fund lukoil guarantor reviews

For this indicator, Lukoil-Garant (pension fund) also receives good reviews. Indeed, according to statistics, the trust of this organization is at its best. Customer confidence is kept at A ++. This is the highest figure of all that currently exists.

It turns out that the foundation can really be trusted and not be afraid. This is a large and reliable organization, it is in demand among the population. It is among the leaders of NPFs in Russia. Is everything really good?

Return level

The non-state pension fund Lukoil-Garant receives mixed reviews for its profitability. This indicator is quite important. Many are guided by him when they choose where to invest money that is deposited on old age.

Lukoil-Garant is not doing as well as it seems. On average, it turns out to increase the account by only 7-9% of the available amount per year. Not too much. Moreover, the organization itself promises a yield of about 12%. Some consider themselves deceived.

Nevertheless, there is a logical explanation for such a difference - inflation. It is due to it that the real profitability of all organizations falls. Therefore, Lukoil-Garant receives positive and not very positive feedback. On the one hand, return on deposits is much less than promised. On the other hand, this is more than many non-state pension funds can offer.

lukoil guarantor pension fund reviews

Customer service

Some also take into account the quality of service. In fact, this indicator often indicates the integrity of the company. A good organization will take care of every customer.

In this area, NPF Lukoil-Garant has received mixed reviews. In general, many emphasize that the service as a whole is pleasing. You can contact your nearest company branch for any questions. And the citizen will definitely receive answers. Also, the many benefits include the so-called virtual personal account. It allows you to order account statements via the Internet, as well as monitor the status of the deposit.

On the other hand, claims are often expressed in relation to the speed of customer service. Many remain unhappy with this component. Employees do not work too fast. But at the same time, they will certainly help every client.

My Account sometimes fails. But such cases are rare, no one is safe from them. Therefore, despite some shortcomings, the quality of service at Lukoil-Garant remains at a fairly high level.

About the contract

Attention deserves a contract that is concluded with all investors. NPF Lukoil-Garant receives positive reviews for it. For what reasons?

This organization offers a detailed cooperation agreement. All the nuances and features are prescribed in the contract. Here you can see questions regarding the transfers made, and everything related to upcoming payments.

Lukoil Guarantor Customer Reviews

Also, the consequences of terminating the contract are not hidden from citizens. All risks and losses incurred by the depositor are also prescribed in the agreement. This approach pleases - you do not need to once again find out this information from company employees.

Secret contributions

Nevertheless, Lukoil-Garant receives not the best customer reviews for one feature. Many NPFs have it. What is it about?

The thing is that the investors of the studied company often indicate that their funds from the PFR are transferred secretly to Lukoil-Garant. That is, people unexpectedly discover that their money is in the fund under study. This causes dissatisfaction of some citizens.

There is nothing surprising in this phenomenon. If you carefully study the statistics, then this kind of complaint comes from officially employed citizens. Lukoil-Garant enters into agreements with employers on the transfer of part of employees' salaries to form their pensions, or rather, the funded parts. The boss should notify everyone about this, not the NPF. Therefore, claims to the organization are inappropriate.

The opinions of lawyers

Lukoil-Garant receives various reviews. What do lawyers in general think about this company? What advice can they give to citizens?

Lawyers have no complaints about the non-state pension fund. He offers a detailed contract, provides information about his work upon request. The right to enter into agreements with employers is not an unlawful act. And in this case, as already mentioned, the employer must notify all new investors.

NPF Lukoil Guarantor Customer Reviews

Therefore, lawyers point out that Lukoil-Garant acts quite legally. You can not be afraid that the rights of citizens will be violated. Therefore, a closer look at the studied pension fund is worth it. At least in order to invest the money set aside for old age in a responsible and conscientious organization. The absence of written notifications about the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the PF is a minus, but it does not violate the established legislation.

Disputes surrounding the license

Some say that Lukoil-Garant revoked the license. This news appears in some reviews. It makes many potential investors doubt the stability of the company.

In fact, such news is nothing but a hoax. Lukoil-Garant is a large and sustainable company. She has a perpetual license in 2016. This pension fund continues to conduct its activities legally. Therefore, you should not trust the opinions that speak of revoking the license. What other nuances do you need to pay attention to?

About Payments

From now on, it is clear what reviews the non-state pension fund Lukoil-Garant receives. Special attention is recommended to pay. What do they say about them?

Lukoil-Garant usually pays cash to its depositors on time, as agreed and prescribed in the contract. But sometimes delays are possible. They repel some potential participants.

Such a situation is normal. Small delays in payments are not cause for concern. Moreover, numerous reviews indicate that these events do not occur so often.

reviews of the Lukoil Guarantor Fund


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? NPF Lukoil-Garant receives mixed reviews from customers. This company is far from ideal, but it still offers pretty high-quality services. Not suitable for those who want to get a good return on existing deposits.

But if the main selection criterion is the stability of the organization, then Lukoil is 100% suitable. You can not be afraid for the revocation of the license. It certainly won't happen anytime soon. After all, it has already been repeatedly said that the corporation under study is among the leaders of non-state pension funds in Russia.


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