How to know your finger size before buying a ring

When choosing a ring, it is extremely important to know its size, especially in the case when the jewelry is purchased in absentia. For example, a man decided to make a present to his beloved woman. There is nothing complicated in this, it’s enough to show a little quick wit and use the following tips. Let's see how to find out the size of the finger on which the ring will be worn.

Determine the size of your finger

Suppose it happened that you had not had to wear rings before. And if they were, they simply forgot the size. In this case, you can do the following. The simplest thing is to go to jewelry stores and already there to determine the size of the finger for the ring. For these purposes, special samples are used in the store, after the fitting of which the size will be determined.

Well, if you want to decide even before going to the jewelry store for a purchase, then you need to take the ring you already have and measure its diameter using a ruler. For example, its diameter will be 16 mm (1.6 cm), then the size of the finger will be 16.

In the case when it is not possible to measure the ring (due to its absence), you will have to use a normal thread. How to find out the size of a finger with its help? Take the thread and wrap it around your finger. Cut it at the place where the connection of its two ends occurs. Then take a ruler and measure the length of the thread. The resulting figure will be the girth of the finger. To get its diameter, you need to divide the girth of the finger by 3.14. If the diameter you get is not an integer, for example, 16.9 or 18.2, then the size is determined by the nearest value. Accordingly, there will be 17 and 18.

Please note that during the day, by measuring the same finger, you can get slightly different data. The fact is that in the morning the fingers are still swollen after sleep, the same thing is observed in the late afternoon. You can get the wrong measurements even if you take them during your period, after playing sports, and also in very hot or, conversely, very cold weather. Measure your finger in a calm state when your body temperature is not raised or lowered.

If the ring is bought by another person

How to find out the size of another person’s finger? Most often, this question is asked by men who decide to make a pleasant gift to their beloved women. Ask directly what size ring is right for you, ugly and unoriginal. Well, in this case, you will have to use one of the following methods.

  1. You need to take the ring that the woman wears and measure its diameter as described above. If you are afraid to make independent measurements, then the ring, the loss of which your lover will not notice, you need to take with you to the jewelry store.
  2. The second way to find out the size of your finger is to carefully measure it at night when the woman is sleeping. For these purposes, the same thread or a strip of paper is useful. The most important thing is to do everything quietly and without noise.
  3. You can seek help from a lover's friend, if, of course, you can trust her. Let her ask your girlfriend the size of the ring, or together they will try to determine it. The most important thing is to do everything so that your beloved does not suspect anything.
  4. And finally, the last method, more complex, but quite effective. Somehow by chance (or quietly), try on the ring of your beloved on your finger. Pay attention to how deep it sits. If possible, mark with a pen (or remember). Then measure the diameter of the finger at the mark and, based on the data received, make a purchase.

Now you know how to find out the size of your finger. Of course, independent measurements will give only the result β€œby eye”, errors are not excluded. Yet it is better than nothing. Not knowing the size of the finger, it is extremely difficult to choose a ring.


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