How to cook jelly from a pack: tips and tricks

Even our distant ancestors loved cooking jelly. Berries, fruits, vegetables could be the basis for making a tasty and satisfying drink. If your house has starch and jam, it is very easy to make jelly. You can also use the semi-finished product and spend even less time. Today we will tell you about how to make jelly from a pack. And also you will learn a lot of interesting things about this drink and get useful tips from experienced housewives.

berry jelly

Interesting Facts

Kissel is loved by both adults and children. Are we familiar with this drink? We bring to your attention interesting facts that will be interesting to a large number of people.

  • Kissel appeared in the days of Kievan Rus.
  • Today it is difficult to imagine, but several centuries ago they did not drink this drink, but ate it with a spoon. In appearance, it resembled jelly or aspic.
  • In Moscow, there are streets on which dwellers once lived. So called people who know how to prepare a delicious drink.
  • The usual sweet taste of jelly in ancient times could be sour, since wheat and rye broth was used in its preparation.
  • The drink is very popular not only in Russia, but also in Germany, France and other foreign countries.

Beneficial features

Kissel is not only a very tasty treat, but also this drink has a number of medicinal properties. This can be read on.

  • Kissel helps normalize metabolism.
  • The drink can be used with different diets, as it has a low percentage of calories.
  • Persons who have problems with the intestines, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal system, must definitely include kissel in their diet (we will describe how to prepare a concentrate pack later).
  • Relieves pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Helps increase the efficiency of the brain, and also gives a charge of vigor for a long time.

These are just some of the beneficial properties that jelly possesses. You can talk about this for a long time, but let's move on to cooking. Read more about this.

Briquette jelly

Essential Products

How to cook jelly from a pack? This question is of interest to many housewives. You can get the answer by reading this article. First of all, let's prepare all the necessary products for this. So we need:

  • Water - a few glasses.
  • Briquette or bag of dried jelly - one.
  • Sugar - if you like a sweeter taste. Although many housewives do not add this ingredient.
  • Favorite jam - two to three tablespoons. You can do without it.

We have listed all the necessary products. As you can see, there are very few of them. All of the listed ingredients are prepared, and we can proceed to the main action.

Kissel from packages

Jelly recipe from a pack

Even a child under the guidance of an adult can cook it. Each pack has detailed instructions on how to cook jelly. But what if the necessary information is printed too finely or is not always clear? Take advantage of this article. Here is described in detail about how to cook jelly from a pack.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You came up with a brilliant idea to treat yourself and your family with an old drink. In the store you bought a briquette or a pack of jelly.
  2. Take a small pan or deep bowl. Open the bag and pour the contents into it.
  3. We also need a saucepan in which the jelly will be cooked.
  4. How much water per pack of dry mix do we need? One litre. Pour three glasses of cold water into the prepared container and place on the stove. Do not forget to turn it on!
  5. Take one glass of boiled water. Pour the liquid into the plate where the jelly concentrate is located. Now you need to thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Try to break all the lumps.
  6. When the water that we put on the stove boils, we proceed to the final action. The concentrate that we diluted with water is poured, gently stirring, into the pan.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly. After one or two minutes, you can turn off the stove and rearrange the jelly so that it does not boil.
  8. Close the prepared drink with a lid so that it is infused.
  9. Fifteen minutes later, you can pour into beautiful mugs or glasses and enjoy the pleasant taste of your favorite treat.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious jelly

How to cook jelly from a pack: tips and tricks

Some housewives even get such a simple dish with lumps or too thin. How to cook jelly from a pack? We have already talked about this, but there are some features that must be considered if you want the drink to be rich and tasty. Let's get to know them:

  • It is worth taking the amount of water for diluting the concentrate that is indicated on the package or pack.
  • Do not know how to cook jelly from a pack? In no case do not bring the liquid to a boil, otherwise the drink will lose all its beneficial properties.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date of the concentrate, which must be indicated on the package.
  • The unique taste and aroma of jelly from the pack will be given by fresh berries or slices of your favorite fruits. They will need to be thoroughly washed and, if necessary, cut, and only then added to the finished drink.
Briquette jelly


We told you how to cook jelly from a pack, be sure to indulge your home with this tasty and healthy drink. Try to cook it not only from a concentrated mixture, but also from fresh berries, jam and other ingredients. And also you can change the already familiar taste of the drink by adding cinnamon, vanilla or cloves.


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