Is it possible to get a job pregnant: possible ways of employment

Can I get a job pregnant? This question is asked by many young women who have learned about their interesting situation. Of course, practice shows that it is rather difficult for pregnant girls to get a job, nevertheless, it is possible. Especially if a woman has a good education, work experience and a very rare, but demanded specialty. Learn more about how to get a good job for an enterprise of the fair sex in an interesting position, learn from this article.

Small introduction

woman in position

It's no secret that employers most often refuse to hire a pregnant woman. This is primarily due to the fact that a lady in an interesting position needs special working conditions, and she will soon go on maternity leave, and will have to look again for a new employee in her place. This prospect will not please any employer.

Moreover, by law, the head of the organization cannot refuse to hire a pregnant woman because of her interesting position. If the latter still refuses to find a job, then the girl can go to court or the prosecutor's office to protect her interests.

It must also be said that the pregnant woman has the right to demand from the personnel department an official refusal of employment with an indication of the reasons. Because only with such a document can it defend its interests in various instances.

What happens in practice

pregnant employee and boss

Despite the fact that it is impossible to refuse a pregnant woman a job, the head of the enterprise will find many reasons not to take the latter to work. Therefore, a woman in an interesting position needs to be prepared for the fact that she will not be expected at any enterprise with open arms.

Moreover, if the latter still wants to work and her state of health, as well as the gestational age, allow her to do this, then she may not speak at the interview that she will soon become a mother. But if a woman is accepted into the state and then it turns out that she is in an interesting position and is going on maternity leave, then negativity on the part of her superiors is unlikely to be avoided. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to prepare in advance for this.

Job opportunity

pregnant at work

Pregnancy is the happiest time in the life of any woman. But more often than not, this period is overshadowed by the fact that they either want to dismiss the latter from work, or, on the contrary, are not being accepted anywhere. But why is this happening? Can I get a job pregnant? Indeed, very often the heads of organizations violate the law and do not want to have any official relations with an employee who will soon become a mother.

To get a job, being in an interesting position, you can, most importantly - know where to get a job. For example, in a private organization, a pregnant woman is likely to be denied employment. Because the head of the company simply does not want to pay the last maternity - this is unnecessary and unnecessary expenses (this is exactly what many entrepreneurs think).

Therefore, it is best for pregnant women to try to find work in municipal or state institutions. The likelihood that it will be possible to work calmly there before the decree is several times higher than in a private enterprise. Moreover, during this period of time, a pregnant employee will be able to establish herself as a good and qualified employee. Therefore, if desired, a woman in a position can still find a job in some enterprise and go on maternity leave.

Legal regulation of this issue

protection of the rights of pregnant

Here, I would immediately like to say that the Labor Code is the main normative act regulating the labor of pregnant women and all other workers.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains all legal norms prohibiting the dismissal of expectant mothers from enterprises, as well as sending them to harmful and hard work. Moreover, it is labor legislation that provides for maternity payments to pregnant women, the possibility of transferring them to light work.

Also, it should be noted that the Labor Code prohibits refusing to hire for reasons not related to the professional qualifications of citizens. For example, a woman is an experienced lawyer, but she was denied a firm due to the fact that she is in an interesting position and should soon go on maternity leave.

Given the above, we can conclude that the labor law stands for the protection of pregnant women and does not allow management to violate their rights. Although in practice most often everything happens in a completely different way.

Where to go

pregnant refused to hire

Is it possible to get a job for a pregnant woman if the woman has absolutely nothing to live on and especially to provide for her unborn child? Unfortunately, but at the present time very many young girls face similar problems.

Here it is necessary to say that for faster employment, you need to seek help from the employment service. They will register a pregnant woman as unemployed and will try to find a suitable vacancy for her.

Do not hide your interesting position from the employees of the employment center. Moreover, you can only register with the labor exchange when a woman has the opportunity to work (up to seven months of pregnancy). In addition, only for a short time is there a chance to find a really good and suitable job and show your professional abilities. This must be taken into account.

As a rule, in the employment center they give directions to certain organizations that require employees. Therefore, a pregnant woman may well find a job before maternity leave. Thus, providing himself and his unborn child with a small material content.

Why do not accept

manager and employee

As previously stated, the heads of organizations are not particularly willing to hire pregnant women. Nevertheless, they cannot refuse them either. Because this can entail negative consequences for the employer if the pregnant woman seek protection of her rights in a judicial authority or prosecutor's office.

But why, nevertheless, the heads of the institutions do not want to accept women in a position in the enterprise staff? The main reasons are as follows:

  • pregnant women will not be able to fully work, they constantly need to attend antenatal clinics, take tests and undergo specialists;
  • the latter, by law, cannot work on hazardous and harmful work;
  • all pregnant women who are officially employed by the company should be paid maternity leave and leave to care for a child up to three years; in this regard, the organization loses an employee who will need to seek a temporary replacement;
  • women in position can demand leave at any convenient time, and the boss cannot refuse;
  • pregnant women cannot be dismissed from the enterprise (except in cases stipulated by law);
  • women in position can ask the boss to establish a part-time regime for them, and the latter cannot refuse;
  • for violation of the laws relating to the labor activities of pregnant employees, the chief may be held liable (administrative and even criminal).

Given all the above factors and features, it becomes clear why, nevertheless, leaders are not willing to recruit women in the position. Nevertheless, many of them have to take such a step in order to avoid problems with the law.

Through friends

Can I get a job pregnant? The answer here will be positive, although in practice this happens very rarely. Moreover, it is easier for a woman in a position to find some kind of work through her friends. Because, as practice shows, not every boss will accept an unfamiliar lady in the organization’s staff who is expecting a baby. The head of the organization will find thousands of reasons to refuse to find a pregnant woman. Therefore, if a woman in a position has a good education, work experience and is a first-class specialist, then she will be able to find a job faster through friends who know about all her professional achievements. Otherwise, the search for a suitable vacancy can drag on for a very long time.


Can pregnant women get a job officially? Yes, but the chances of women awaiting the appearance of the baby are not significant in this case. Moreover, at present, many employers who have their own company are trying to recruit people informally in order to pay less taxes.

Despite the fact that, by law, pregnant women must not be denied employment, managers do not always try to comply with applicable labor standards. If possible, they simply close the available vacancies and answer the latter that there are no empty seats.

Can pregnant women get a job officially, but without a probationary period? The answer in this case will be only positive. In addition, the woman will have to provide her boss with a pregnancy certificate so that he does not set her a probationary period. Because it should be so by law.

Frequently Asked Questions

As previously noted, the work of pregnant women is protected by law. The head himself cannot terminate his official relationship with an employee in a position.

Nevertheless, many women often have many questions about employment during pregnancy, dismissal and maternity payments. What do women who are expecting a baby to know?

If a woman got a job and found out that she was pregnant, then she should register with the antenatal clinic and then bring a certificate to the head confirming her interesting position. This is necessary in order to be transferred to easy labor.

No need to be afraid to talk about your pregnancy at work, because all the same, sooner or later, all employees will find out about it. Although it is possible that for the boss - this news will not be entirely joyful. Especially if the employee has been working at the enterprise relatively recently.

Many women also often wonder whether it is worth getting a job pregnant. If there is a suitable vacancy, it is best to go to work before maternity leave. Especially if the woman is not married and she does not have material support from relatives. The main thing is to go through an interview and prove to the boss that, despite her position, the new employee is an excellent specialist and knows her job responsibilities.

Fear dismissal

the boss dismisses the pregnant

Many women in modern times are simply afraid to become pregnant and have children. This is primarily due to the fact that many managers are very negatively disposed towards pregnant employees and are trying to dismiss them even before maternity leave. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of this. After all, you can dismiss a pregnant woman only upon liquidation of the organization (you need to warn about this for two months) or the termination of the IP. You need to know this.

Once again, it is necessary to return to the question of whether it is possible to get a pregnant woman's job or to wait for childbirth, and then look for a suitable place? It is quite difficult for a woman in a position to find a suitable place of work. However, it is possible. After all, after employment, a woman will go on maternity leave and receive the payments due to her.

Useful advice

Can a pregnant woman get a job? Of course, yes. But you need to do this before the onset of seven months of pregnancy. After all, then a woman will become disabled and will have to think only about her unborn child and prepare for childbirth.

Therefore, it is important to start looking for work immediately after the woman finds out about her interesting position. As a rule, in the second and third month of pregnancy it is quite possible to find a suitable place. Indeed, during this period of time, a woman can work and even show good success in her work.

For information

Is it possible, being pregnant, to get a job? Yes, at the same time, a woman can at the interview inform her manager about her interesting situation, but until the belly is visible, it is better not to do this. Especially if the work does not involve the performance of heavy physical work and the latter will not overstrain greatly.

For the period of work before the decree, you need to establish yourself only on the positive side. A pregnant woman should be very conscientious about her duties, and try to visit a doctor only in the evening. So you can mitigate the reaction of the boss to the news that the new employee is going to soon on maternity leave.

How to get a job for a pregnant woman without harming her health? In this case, you need only say that you do not need to look for a place in an industrial enterprise where everyone works only physically. Moreover, even having got a suitable job, the expectant mother should not overstrain and get nervous so as not to harm the health of the unborn baby.


Pregnancy is the most beautiful and happy time in the life of any woman. During this period, she should be surrounded by the care and attention of her relatives and friends.

But sometimes girls think not only about their situation, but also about how they will support their child. Nevertheless, if a woman got a job as a pregnant woman, will she be paid maternity leave, as required by law? The answer in this case will be positive. Otherwise it can not be. The head has no right to dismiss a girl in a position.

In a situation if a woman got a job pregnant, will she be paid maternity leave before delivery? This question is often asked by employees, to whom the boss promised to transfer all the due payments, but did not. The answer here will be yes. If a woman does not receive maternity, she must appeal to the prosecutor's office, and then to the judiciary.


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