Soup flour dumplings: recipe with description, ingredients, cooking features

Obviously, the first hot dish helps to improve the internal state of a person, not only at the physical level. Then why do many avoid soups in any form? Tired of these liquid dishes with rice, pasta and cabbage. Yes, cooking them is simple, but then the desire to eat them disappears. You urgently need a recipe for dumplings made from flour for soup. In addition to flour, products that are part of the product are found in all refrigerators and cabinets. And it pleases! Right at this moment we open the top of the most favorite flour dumpling recipes. Photos of delicious products only add to the desire to try such an unusual dish. Immediately you will want to try a hearty soup with a similar additive.

What are dumplings?

Product Preparation

If you still have not met this product - we will eliminate this gap. Dumplings are pieces of dough made according to various recipes. Basically, they complement liquid first courses, making them more satisfying and interesting. Soup dumplings can be added to a full-fledged soup (with potatoes and other ingredients) or they can be served in chicken or meat broth as an independent dish. Recipe dumplings made from flour for soup will allow you to cook both options and choose the one that you like more.

You can cook products in one of two ways. Most put the blanks in a practically ready soup for 5 minutes. Another part of the housewives prefers to boil the dumplings from the flour for the soup according to the recipe separately and add the right amount to each portion of the dish.


Dumpling feed option

The option does not include complex or unfamiliar elements. Such dumplings, although they have a fairly modest composition, are often used.

To prepare this recipe for dumplings from egg flour and water, you will need:

  • flour - 130 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking the classic version

The flour must be sifted. Possible small inedible inclusions are removed and the product is enriched with an additional portion of oxygen, which allows our dumplings to become softer in the finished form. Break the egg into flour and add salt. Add a little cold boiled water and begin to knead the dough, which in the end should turn out to be quite elastic, but not very cool. We remember the main rule: the steeper and tougher the dumpling mass was, the heavier the products will show themselves in the dish.

From the finished dough, roll the tourniquet and shred it into small pieces of 1-2 cm. We will send these preparations to boiling soup and begin to cook 5 minutes until they appear on the surface of the broth. Keep in mind that the finished product tends to increase in size.

With cheese

flour, egg and cheese dumplings recipe

Recipe for dumplings for soup made from flour and cheese chips makes them easier. Cheese perfectly binds components in boiling water. In addition, the cheese flavor will give the dish a unique aroma and, possibly, pungency. Everything will depend on which cheese is used in the recipe for making dumplings for soup made from flour and cheese. Ingredients:

  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • cheese - 20-50 grams;
  • salt - on the tip of a teaspoon.

Technological process

In a bowl, beat the egg with salt and water. Enter the flour, all that is indicated in the recipe. Mix the dry component with the egg mixture, breaking the lumps. The result is a very thin dough, usually frit pancakes from this. We wipe the cheese on a fine grater and pour it to this test. Mix.

Cheese dumplings can be prepared from the resulting mass: grab them with a teaspoon previously moistened in clean water. This is done so that the dough slides well from the device. Put the taken cheese base in portions into the soup five minutes before it is ready. You can cook dumplings, as an independent dish in the broth or on the water. When they rose to the surface of the broth, it means that you can start tasting.

Lenten Dumplings

In addition to the recipe for dumplings from flour and eggs, there is a way to create them without using egg mass. Would you like to try this option?

Components for lean dumplings:

  • 2 large spoons of flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • loosening powder - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

Step-by-step cooking technology

Cooking them is easy. It is also convenient that you do not need to cut the dough on the plane of the table and then remove everything, spending time. In a deepened dish, whisk with a whisk or fork all the components described above. Pay attention to the destruction of lumps from the dough. The fewer they are, the tastier and more tender the products will show themselves in the soup.

With the help of a convenient format spoon, you need to send the finished dough to a soup boiling on the stove, about 3-5 minutes before full readiness.

Rice dumplings

rice flour dumplings recipe with soup

An interesting recipe for making dumplings from flour, eggs and rice, ground in a coffee grinder. Slightly unusual. But for a change, you can sometimes cook them as an independent option, or as an addition to soup. Ready for the rice flour dumpling recipe? Then to the point!

We will need the following list of ingredients:

  • 120 grams of dried rice;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 230 milliliters of water;
  • butter - 90 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • hard cheese (optional) - 4 tablespoons.

Make dry rice flour. Use a coffee grinder, it will show itself perfectly in this situation.

How to make rice flour dumplings

Cooking Choux Dough

Take a pan with a thick bottom. In it we will make choux pastry. We heat the water to a boil and add salt and the whole norm of oil to it. In a boiling composition, add flour from ground rice. We mix everything thoroughly, reducing the power of fire to the minimum values. In this mode, cook the rice composition, without stopping stirring for about two minutes. During this time, the mass in the pan will turn into dough. But we need to add a couple more ingredients.

Pour the cheese first grated on a grater. Mix the hot composition. The resulting sticky dough has cooled slightly. We will add eggs to it. First, break one egg and very quickly interfere with it in the mass. A certain amount of acceleration is required here. When the first egg is completely mixed with the dough, do the same with the second. The result is a glossy plastic mass.

Dough, similar to cream, can be laid out with a teaspoon or tablespoon in boiling soup. However, if you want to serve dumplings of a more refined shape, use a pastry syringe with the appropriate nozzle or take a pastry bag.

Rice dumplings recipe with photo

Squeezing the mass out of the bag (syringe), cut the required amount with scissors directly into the liquid, so you can control the length of the dumplings. After raising the products to the surface, do not rush to remove them. Continue cooking over low heat for 1-2 minutes.

Cornmeal dumplings

Dumpling Corn Recipe

The recipe goes well with aromatic types of soup. Spicy products give the dish an appropriate flavor.

What we need:

  • cornmeal - 200 grams;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic (you can use garlic powder);
  • turmeric - generous pinch;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - pinch;
  • favorite dry herbs;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • water - approximately 250 milliliters.

But in fact, you need as much flour as the dough takes. It can have a different level of gluten in the composition.

Make delicious dumplings

Stir all dry components into containers. Mix flour, turmeric, pepper, salt and garlic powder with sugar, pepper and salt. If you use natural garlic, then, after peeling, push it through the press into this mixture.

And now we will add water. Need exposure and leisurely. Water was poured a little - they mixed the composition, poured a little more and mixed again. In this way, we make dough for dumplings until it takes on the necessary consistency. We continue to knead the thickened base for corn dumplings with the help of hands.

In order to make sure that the dough turned out as it should, we pluck off a piece of a thick composition and begin to roll between the palms, forming a ball from this mass. The workpiece does not fall apart, keeps its shape? So you can sculpt dumplings. The size of each piece is slightly larger than a hazelnut.

Cook the resulting dumplings in boiling liquid (or in soup) two minutes after surfacing. Turn off the stove, cover for 5-10 minutes, so that the aroma of dumplings and their taste combine with the taste of the finished soup.

You can cook these dumplings separately. In the soup, add to each according to his needs.


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