Lion man in love and marriage

male lion in love
A man, according to the horoscope - Leo, will never remain in the shadows. He is charming and attracts attention, even when sleeping. He realizes that he is worthy of such adoration, and can use it. Without worship, compliments and universal admiration, the Lion withers like a plant without water. This is an expansive personality who envelops in his charm all around. A lion needs to feel himself in the center of universal attention and events, and he acts in a variety of ways: either by extravagant actions, or by a catchy suit. Lions have a pleasant appearance, radiating charm, a beautiful athletic body, they captivate with a radiant smile. This is sunny nature - optimistic, energetic, generous.

Lions are extroverts, they are not inclined to delve into themselves, and therefore may not always be sensitive. These are sensual and vibrant men, attracting many women and themselves indifferent to female charm. Even possessing the most beautiful of women, Leo will carefully look around - and this is not a manifestation of windiness, rather - the result of intense life energy and hunter instinct. At the same time, Lions are prone to despotism. They will jealously control their beloved woman, not giving their rivals a single chance. In his career and work, Leo manifests himself in the same way: generous, soft, charming, he, thanks to his energy and natural strength, achieves fabulous successes. Despite the fact that he loves to be in the spotlight, he is never finely selfish.

horoscope lion

Lion man in love

The Lion Man is a very difficult “to tame” character. It’s not easy, because it’s difficult to attract his attention - it’s just very simple. It is enough to demonstrate his sensual beauty to him, to flatter him in time and subtly, to be independent, but at the same time let him know that he is a king. A woman should be able to accept gifts, because Leo in love will be happy to literally fill up her beloved with flowers, expensive and exquisite presents. He is ready to do bright and extraordinary acts in the name of love. Of course, there is a share of pride in this, but modesty in love is not for Leo. The Lion Man in love is inventive and passionate - a magnificent lover, wasting himself with truly royal generosity. It’s impossible to get bored with him. But do not think that the temperamental Leo is limited to physical relationships. No, he is generous and sincere. Not possessing any special subtlety of emotions and the mystery of some other signs of the zodiac, the Leo man in love gives all the best, bringing into the relationship all the fervor of the senses that he is capable of. He is able to worry about a woman, suffer wildly, tremble in anticipation of a date and fall into indefatigable anger if he sees that the woman he is interested in is flirting with another.

lion in love

Lion man in love: how to conquer

Why is Leo difficult for living together? The fact is that the woman he needs is appropriate. A lion in love is even a little theatrical: a woman who does not tolerate publicity is not ready to be a queen, at least during a trip to a restaurant, he is unlikely to be a good partner. He appreciates the woman’s ability to be spectacular, stunning. At the same time, he needs a wise woman with strong nerves, because she should calmly perceive his so-called “glances to the side” and easily endure his jealousy. He also does not tolerate coercion, it is difficult to negotiate with him. In most cases, everyone forgives him for his charm, but if a woman decides to openly argue with Leo, she must understand that his fiery nature will not allow him to admit his wrong. That is why the best partner for Leo is a woman with a truly feminine cunning and wisdom, one who will be able to impress upon him that the crown is exclusively on his head. He really appreciates coziness and comfort; he needs a partner who can balance him and “scratch behind the ear” in time.


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