Julienne with tongue and mushrooms. Cooking Methods

This bright and tasty, fragrant and not too complicated dish of French cuisine has long and rightfully taken its place in guest and home menus in many post-Soviet kitchens. Previously, it could be ordered in almost any restaurant in the USSR (but not always of excellent quality). Now it is quite available in preparation for any average housewife. Of course, we are talking about julienne with tongue and mushrooms under a ruddy cheese crust, with sour cream or cream. Well, you can just lick your fingers. Well, let's try and we cook today?

tongue and mushroom julienne

Tongue and mushroom julienne: basic recipe

For its implementation, we need: a pound of boiled to softness of the tongue (in this case beef, but you can take both veal and pork), a pair of medium-sized onions, half a packet of butter, half a pound of mushrooms (but you can take other mushrooms), 200 grams of hard cheese, a glass of sour cream, fresh herbs and salt and pepper. And all this - for 8-10 servings, depending on their volume.

Cooking is easy!

Julienne with tongue and mushrooms - the dish is not too complicated. And it cooks fast enough.

  1. The tongue, boiled to a soft state and previously cooled, cut into thin strips.
  2. Onions, peeled and chopped finely, in oil in a pan, fry until transparent over low heat.
  3. My mushrooms and cut into small pieces - send to the onion. Fry for five minutes at moderate power.
  4. In separately prepared dishes, mix pieces of tongue, mushrooms and onions. Add chopped greens. Salt pepper. Add sour cream - it should not be too thick (therefore, it is better to take a store rather than a bazaar). Mix everything well.
  5. We spread the resulting mass into small ceramic containers (the so-called cocotte makers).
  6. We rub the cheese coarsely and sprinkle the future julienne with the tongue and mushrooms on top.
  7. Now it's up to the oven. We heat it to 180 degrees, place the containers on a baking sheet, and put it in the oven. Bake for about 20 minutes (readiness is determined by the formation of a golden crust on each dish from above). We take the dish out of the oven - and onto the table!


If at your fingertips there are no special portioned heat-resistant forms of small sizes, do not be upset. There is a way out - and it is even tastier than by the traditional method. You can bake julienne with tongue and mushrooms in small buns or tartlets. In the test, it will turn out very original, and the dish will take its rightful place on the table both on holidays and on weekdays. And this dish is supposed to be served only hot as an excellent appetizer for strong alcohol.

tongue and cream mushroom julienne

With cream

We cook julienne with tongue and mushrooms with cream in almost the same way as with sour cream. They just have a sour taste, which is characteristic of a dairy product. Therefore, the end result will come out a bit sweet, with a pleasant aroma of fresh cream. The sequence of actions itself remains the same. Just in the previous recipe we replace one ingredient with another with the same quantities. Cream should be greasy (just the market will be the best fit). We bake the dish in small special heat-resistant containers in the oven (about 20-25 minutes, until the crust forms). We take it out of the oven and cool a little, but not much. Since the dish is consumed hot.

julienne with tongue and mushrooms in tartlets

Julienne with tongue and mushrooms in tartlets

This is a great option in case of sudden guests. Good also for a family gala dinner. For example, on New Year or Christmas. Undoubtedly, we will not cook tartlets themselves (or buns) (if you only want to tinker). A great option - shopping. Just be careful: after all, the baskets / rolls are made of dough, so baking in the oven for a long time is not recommended, they can burn. To prevent this from happening, constantly monitor the process. Reduce heat and reduce cooking time by about a third. And as soon as the blush is "drawn" in the form of cheese melted from the temperature - remove the pan. But in general, it turns out even tastier than in traditional ceramic dishes. And everything is eaten without a trace!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B858/

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