Bleach for disinfection - application features, effect and reviews

The importance of disinfection is hard to deny. This is an integral part of the processes in any production, in medicine in catering. Yes, and just at home it is difficult to maintain crystal clearness without the use of special drugs. The most affordable and famous is chlorine. This poisonous substance helps defeat bacteria and insects, fungi and mold. Therefore, a caustic solution is used to disinfect all surfaces since ancient times. Today, despite the abundance of soap detergents, bleach for disinfection continues to be widely used. For better or worse, let's figure it out together.

bleach for disinfection

general description

Many of us are so accustomed to the smell of "White" that we can no longer imagine cleaning without it. Actually bleach for disinfection was widely used everywhere in schools and hospitals, kindergartens and premises. It is a white powder that has a pungent, unpleasant odor, but has excellent whitening properties.

What is the danger?

When working with this substance, be sure to use rubber gloves and a mask. It can affect the respiratory system, so you can not forget about safety. Bleach for disinfection is an indispensable, but very aggressive tool. It can damage the coating, so test on a small area first. If, after ten minutes, neither the color nor the structure has changed, then you can carry out cleaning.

Once again we draw your attention to the fact that bleach for disinfection should not be used without protective equipment. It is toxic in all manifestations. Once in the body, it can negatively affect the state of health. Exposure to the skin is also undesirable, in this case, rinse the affected area with water and consult a doctor, because this can lead to a serious burn.

how to dilute bleach for disinfection

Clean and mildew resistant

The bleach solution for disinfection can have a different concentration to solve different problems. Very often in winter, mold begins to gather in the corners. This is especially true for private homes with stove heating. To cope with mold, dilute 30 g of dry powder in a liter of water. You got a working solution. After rehabilitation it is important to ventilate the room very carefully. Caustic fumes are dangerous for the body, therefore, during cleaning, there should be no people or animals in the room.


After the general cleaning has been carried out, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness. For this, a mother liquor is used, which is then diluted for specific needs. To prepare the concentrate, you will need to take 1 kg of bleach. It will need to be diluted in 10 liters of water, that is, in a proportion of 1:10. Now leave for a day so that an insoluble precipitate forms.

bleach solution for disinfection

Instructions for use

Above, we examined how to dilute bleach for disinfection. Now about how to use it. To wash the floors and rinse dishes, use a weak solution, 0.5%. That is, half a liter of the initial concentrate is bred into a bucket of water. It used to be used in hospitals to sanitize hands. It was prepared simply using 250 ml of concentrate in a bucket of water. For washing floors and appliances in technical rooms, a 5% solution is used. To prepare it, take 5 liters of a 10% solution in 5 liters of water.

dry bleach for disinfection

If you have pets at home

Who has cats and dogs, they know about specific problems that are becoming commonplace. These are not only spots of urine, the smell of which is quite difficult to remove. Pets often start parasites, the larvae of which can wait on the floor for their time. Moreover, bleach for disinfection of premises can be used to destroy bacterial infections, including tuberculosis and viral infections, hepatitis, fungus, including candida, as well as all kinds of infections. Therefore, if you have pets, then you can not forget about disinfection. But there is no need to constantly use it, especially since bleach is toxic. But periodically processing the room is not only possible, but also necessary.

Chlorine perfectly removes stains from urine and the smell from them, however, for some animals, the smell of chlorine itself is an incentive to update the β€œtags”. If such a feature is observed for your pet, then it is best to change the disinfectant.

bleach tablets for disinfection

Chlorine and water

The bactericidal properties of this substance have so far not been able to surpass any other means. Chlorination is still the main water purifier. This method is used in urban water utilities, so water is cleaned in pools and wells. Chlorine for disinfection of water should be used strictly in accordance with the dosage, otherwise you will feel an unpleasant odor, water will cause irritation on the skin, and it will become completely unsuitable for drinking.

What to consider:

  • The pH of the water should be 7.2-7.6. If the water is hard, then the complete dissolution of the powder or tablets will have to wait a very long time. Therefore, additional measures will have to be taken to mitigate it.
  • It is recommended to take cold water for the solution, because the warmer it is, the less chlorine it can dissolve.
  • After applying chlorine, wait at least 20 hours. During this time, a complete reaction will occur, and the water will again become clean.

It is quite difficult to calculate the dosage, as different manufacturers produce funds of different concentrations. It is necessary to adhere to the instructions. At home, they often use White. This is a solution of sodium hydrochloride. Consumption - about 1 liter per 10 cubic meters. meters.

Wells also need to be chlorinated. For this, capsules or 1% solution are used. Dry bleach is not used for disinfection, as it is very difficult to dose. It is very convenient to use capsules. They are lowered to a depth and periodically changed. This measure eliminates the risk of developing intestinal or other infections.

bleach for disinfection of water

Tablet form

Today, no one measures by eye, pouring or pouring reagent into water. To do this, there is bleach in tablets. For disinfection, it suits much better. It is sold in a pharmacy and in a hardware store. A popular remedy is Abacteryl Chlorine. Such products dissolve well in water and can be used to prepare solutions for sanitation.

Unlike chlorine powder, the packaging clearly indicates in what proportions the tablets should be placed in water. Each of them contains 1.5 g of active chlorine. They are packaged in plastic cans of 300 pieces. Because of this, users sometimes express their dissatisfaction, because it is very difficult to use such a quantity on the territory of their home. On the other hand, it is a non-perishable product; it can be safely stored for a long time.

bleach for disinfection of premises

Popular solutions

If at hand there is no bleach in solution, powder or tablets, then the use of improvised means such as vinegar and ammonia, a saturated solution of sodium chloride and soda, and linseed oil will help out. They are often combined with each other, iodine is added. But ethanol should not be used - it can adversely affect the appearance of many materials. It is especially not recommended to combine ethyl alcohol with chlorine-based disinfectants. Judging by the reviews, all these tools are quite effective, but can not replace bleach. Despite the fact that progress does not stand still and new cleaning and disinfecting agents appear, it does not lose its relevance. Using it for general cleaning from time to time, you protect your home from bacteria, parasites and mold.


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