Which rings on which finger to wear: value for women and men

In ancient times, rings were not decoration, but had a ritual and magical meaning. Moreover, they were worn only by priests or rulers. The manufacture of rings was treated with utmost attention. At the same time, it was taken into account for whom it is intended and what is its significance. Which rings on which finger to wear depended on gender, age, status and even time of day. All these subtleties were described in special texts, for example, in Indian ones. But they are encrypted because they are secret knowledge. Let's try to open his veil.

Jewelry Energy

Before you put a ring on your finger, you should be aware that the energy in the human body is distributed in accordance with its gender. That is, the bottom to the solar plexus is yin, and the upper part is yang. This is horizontal.

Vertically, the female side is left and the male side is right. However, this does not apply to the area of ​​the head - here it is the opposite. It is known that right-hemispheric individuals are pure humanities, and left-hemispheric ones gravitate toward exact sciences.

This information is important to understand which rings on which finger to wear. The value of jewelry determines not only its price, but also the energy that it carries. All metals are divided into three types: yin, yang, tao. Accordingly, a ring made of gold will enhance the yang energy of its owner. Silver jewelry will strengthen the "yin"; and iron, stainless steel or white gold are the universal metals of the Tao - they combine the feminine and masculine energies.

which rings on which finger to wear value

Energy management

Now imagine that you put a ring of silver on your right hand. It turned out that the "yin" energy introduced an imbalance into your body, since the right side of the body is "yang." To align the poles and restore harmony, you will have to make efforts that could go for other purposes. It happens that we experience an inexplicable breakdown, not realizing that the reason lies in a finger with a ringlet.

The same thing happens if your gold jewelry is on your left hand. This is equivalent to lowering the red-hot iron into cold water. The energy of your body will be unbalanced, which can provoke excessive nervousness.

Therefore, in the question of which rings on which finger to wear, the value of the left or right hand is very important.

Planetary finger control

It is known that about 400 acupuncture points are located on the fingers. Each of them is associated with a specific body. By acting on a certain point, you can, for example, change the rhythm of the heart.

The influence of jewelry on the body is built on the same principle. The energy of the metal, for a long time in contact with the area of ​​the skin on which the active points are located, can improve or worsen the state of your health. This, of course, does not happen immediately, but a drop wears away a stone. And it is not for nothing that in the ancient Indian treatises the smallest details of wearing jewelry were spelled out.

Let us consider in more detail (in the context of planetary significance) which rings on which finger to wear. Palm reading gives the following explanations:

  • the thumbs (and toes too) are ruled by the planet Mars;
  • pointing - the planets Jupiter and Neptune;
  • the middle fingers are controlled by the “lord of karma” Saturn;
  • ring fingers are controlled by the sun;
  • little fingers commanded by Mercury.

Each of the planets is responsible for a specific area of ​​human life. Therefore, putting on jewelry, we strengthen or reduce the influence of a certain heavenly ruler.

Gem Energy

Rings are made of frames and precious or semiprecious stones. And few people know that they also have a certain energy. You should know that some gems are combined only with silver or only with gold. Dao metals can serve as a frame for any stone.

Let us consider in detail on which fingers the rings of a woman wear and how harmoniously it combines with the energy of their body.

Most often, the ring can be seen on the ring, middle, less often index finger of any hand. This means that the energy of the yang of Jupiter (or the yin of Neptune), the yin of Saturn or the yang of the Sun is activated.

About what may be the reaction of the body (taking into account the side of the body) to a particular metal, was discussed above. Now we will deal with some features of gems.

"Female" energy of stones

Let's start with semiprecious stones, since women often wear rings with them. On which fingers they should be worn and what is the compatibility of the frame and the gem - almost none of the lovely ladies thinks. Let's try to fix the situation.

Amazonite in the processing of "cabochon"

We will study the most "female" stone - amazonite. It is also called imperial. It has a pale green color with whitish veins. It goes well with silver, since both of them are carriers of yin energy. This stone by nature itself was created for a woman who wants to always remain attractive to her husband, to be a good mother to children and to be in harmony with herself. Amazonite has a healing effect on the female body. It should be noted that the most harmonious type of stone processing for ladies' jewelry is the "cabochon". In this case, there is no doubt on which finger to wear a ring with a stone. A woman should wear it on her little finger or on the middle finger of her left hand.

This stone may suit men if their goal is to understand the woman with whom he is in close relationship.

For business women and men

Another popular semiprecious stone is malachite. His energy is also feminine, however, it differs from the characteristics of amazonite. If you are a self-sufficient person with ambitious aspirations, malachite will help you. Its effect will help to distribute your energy between personal and professional spheres.

Malachite in silver

As often happens, it is difficult for a woman to determine priorities, which is extremely unnerving to her. Malachite helps clarify this issue, and you will pay tribute to both work and the disclosure of female sexuality. In addition, this stone has a beneficial effect on the health of the reproductive sphere, and is also a talisman for children. It goes well with silver and steel, and should be worn on the middle finger. As for the choice of a hand, it depends on the sphere that you want to strengthen: if career growth is right, then if a home is left.

This gem is also suitable for men, especially if they work in a women's team: it allows you to better understand female psychology. Those who are fond of esotericism and paranormal phenomena, malachite will help in the management of primitive otherworldly forces (elementals).

Symbol of fidelity

When entering into marriage, the couple exchange rings. This rite has a history dating back to pagan times. On which finger did the woman wear the engagement ring when she got married? To answer this question, it is necessary to recall the way of life and the historical realities of that era.

Times were turbulent: disputes over lands, raids of hostile tribes, the need for constant readiness to repulse the enemy ... The man was the defender and support of the woman. When they walked together, she was to the right of her husband, since he held a sword in his left hand. In case of danger, he could protect the woman with his right hand.

Wedding ring

Therefore, the man wore the symbol of marital fidelity on his right hand, and the woman on his left. The widow wore a wedding ring on her right hand, and the widower on her left.

Today, the question on which finger a man or woman should wear a wedding ring is decided differently, depending on the culture and customs of different countries. But common practice in most countries of the world is to wear the symbol of marriage ties on the left ring finger. Since ancient Egypt, it is believed that it is from him that the energy of love for the heart flows. In Russia, the situation is different: wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the right hand, wedding rings are worn on both the right and left hand. Therefore, it cannot be said that in our country there are strict regulations.

Rings for marriage are acquired, as a rule, in a simple form, taking into account the fact that they are worn constantly. Sometimes women wear one more on top of the engagement - with a stone, which indicates how important this union is for her. And many more wear an engagement ring and a wedding ring on one finger.

Symbol of apollo

Palmistry claims that the sun god Apollo rules the ring finger. If you choose jewelry in a jewelry store, then, most likely, the first fitting will be on this finger.

Ruby with diamonds

The metal of Apollo is gold, which goes well with precious stones: diamond and ruby.

The patronage of the sun god is very important for the successful outcome of any undertaking. Therefore, the answer to the question on which finger wear the ring of luck, the answer is obvious. The influence of Apollo is expressed in an optimistic mood and surge of energy, and this is the key to success.

We list which rings are worn on the ring finger, with which semiprecious minerals:

  • tourmaline of different shades;
  • red jasper, which has the ability to protect from trouble;
  • carnelian, which is a "doctor" from many diseases;
  • pomegranate that can give courage and energy to its owner;
  • topaz used for meditation practices;
  • amber, which cures thyroid diseases and gives optimism;
  • citrine, popular with medieval merchants for their ability to bestow insight.

Important warning: it is not recommended to lend rings to the ring finger to anyone. Thus, you can attract into your life deception and even the destruction of the marriage.

Statement of intent

As a rule, young people claim the most serious intentions with an engagement ring. Which finger it is on will depend on the era and on traditions. For example, in Russia until the beginning of the 20th century, this was evidenced by decoration on the index finger. Today it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

Engagement ring

And on which finger the engagement ring is worn in the USA - you can see it in numerous melodramas with a happy happy end, where the main character puts it on the ring finger of the heroine's right hand.

An interesting question is the design of significant jewelry. It can be either strict, without frills, or in the Baroque style - it depends on the taste and financial capabilities. A moderate-sized diamond surrounded by a discreet setting is the traditional engagement ring. Which finger to put it on - you already know.

How long will pass from the moment of engagement to the Mendelssohn march - this issue is decided individually. As far back as the century before last, this period usually lasted one year. Perhaps the question of which finger they wear the ring before the wedding will be unnecessary. All on the same nameless right.

Mars Energy

The thumb is connected with the energy of Mars. In the body, she is responsible for the processes occurring in the brain, as well as in general for the region of the head and neck. Therefore, putting a ring on your thumb, you activate memory, logical thinking and volitional qualities. If you have enough of them, then you should not "overload" the body with this energy. With a breakdown, Mars will help you recover them.

One should carefully approach the issue of choosing a stone for a ring, since Mars lacks a sense of humor. Additionally, activating aggressive energy is highly undesirable. Therefore, for the thumb ring, select stones of cool tones: blue, green or turquoise.

By the way, the story with the duel of A. S. Pushkin is indicative in this respect. He wore a thumb ring with an emerald, which he considered his talisman. However, on the day of the duel with J. Dantes, the poet for some reason put on a ring with a carnelian. And as you know, this is a stone of orange-red color ...

It should be noted that the rings on the thumb are worn more often by men. For a male signet ring:

  • lapis lazuli, which gives its owner the quality of concentration;
  • green turquoise, especially if it is set in gold;
  • aquamarine, preferably a greenish tint;
  • emerald;
  • green and blue sapphire;
  • citrine and other yellow stones.
Tiger eye signet

Undesirable in this case will be jewelry with stones of blue and gray. And it must be borne in mind that the metals of Mars are tin and iron. Gold is related to this planet, but indirectly - through the element of fire.

As for which finger to wear a ring with a stone on a woman, ladies are advised to refrain from activating the energy of Mars, as this can lead to migraines, nervous breakdowns and uncontrolled aggression.

Jewelery before marriage

It is impossible to imagine that the girl did not wear jewelry before receiving the engagement ring. As a rule, she receives gifts from parents in honor of adulthood or completion of studies, etc.

Therefore, let's talk about which finger to wear the ring to the girl. It all depends on what qualities she wants to strengthen. However, young ladies are full of romantic dreams, and therefore most often unknowingly put rings on the ring finger of their left or right hand.

If you approach the choice of jewelry with skill, then you need:

  • determine the tasks that you set for yourself;
  • choosing the right stone;
  • selection of the appropriate metal for the frame.
Girl with jewelry

Therefore, the answer to the question of which finger the unmarried people wear the ring on depends on the priorities of the young girl. If she is determined to achieve certain goals, she needs a balanced state of mind, which makes it possible to wear jewelry made of silver or iron on the middle finger. It is controlled by Saturn, which means that by activating this energy, a girl can overcome obstacles on the way to the goal. Stones for a ring should choose cold shades. Red or pink, set in gold, will most likely bring great disappointments in personal life.

Now back to the question of which finger the "save and save" ring should and should not be worn. The middle finger is designed specifically for him. But the nameless one, especially on the right hand, is strongly discouraged, since it is likely that you can remain alone. This applies to both men and women. Symbolically, wearing a ring on this finger counts you as either a monk or a "bride of Christ."

Jupiter's influence

The index finger is controlled by the planet Jupiter. However, if you were born at night, then Neptune will have a greater influence on you. Their energies are somewhat similar, but opposite in some ways. In particular, Jupiter belongs to the fire element and manifests itself accordingly. He is expansive, angry, wasteful, authoritative and ambitious. Wherever he appears, it is impossible not to notice him. He is extremely inquisitive and likes to philosophize.

All these qualities can occur when the index finger is activated. Which rings are worn on it depends on the goals of the owner. However, it is safe to say that a frivolous attitude to the choice of jewelry can turn into many troubles. Therefore, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Stones for the ring, choose blue or purple shades.
  2. The best frame will be tin, and after it - gold.
  3. Men should wear a ring on their right hand.
  4. Women are better off putting jewelry on their left hands.
  5. Silver as a setting is not recommended.

As for the influence of Neptune, upon its activation mystical abilities appear in a person, there may be prophetic dreams, creative insights. Intuition grows, a person becomes more susceptible to music, poetry, theater; he is drawn to travel or he can begin to study psychology. This is the positive influence of this planet.

Negative manifestations of Neptune will be all sorts of vices and addictions - from alcohol to narcotic. Perhaps vagrancy, loss of will and meaning of life. If the horoscope has indicators indicating the likelihood of such events, then the selection of Neptune's activators should be treated with extreme caution.

The stones of Jupiter and Neptune are as follows:

  • all gems of blue and turquoise hues;
  • sapphires are blue, green, star;
  • aquamarine aquamarine;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • turquoise, however, you must verify its authenticity;
  • amazonite, although it is more suitable for women;
  • opal;
  • beryl.
Sapphire in gold

You should be careful about opal, since it is a stone with strong energy, which can subjugate the owner.

In the Middle Ages, only influential aristocrats, rulers and hierarchs of the church could afford a ring on the index finger. The influence of Jupiter contributes to the development of self-confidence and the formation of charisma.

Mercury Influence

The little finger is controlled by the planet Mercury, which manages contacts, negotiations, short trips, rhetoric and calligraphic handwriting, intelligence, writing, drawing, acting and medicine. Any will be suitable as a frame for a stone. But the mineral itself should be selected with full awareness. This is especially true for women, since the little finger is in charge of women's health. All precious and semi-precious stones of green and yellow shades are suitable, for example:

  • yellow minerals: carnelian, citrine, amber, golden topaz;
  • green minerals: emerald, chrysoprase (works well together with gold); chrysolite, amazonite, green turquoise, jade, green jasper, etc.
Emerald in white gold

Addition: jasper perfectly affect various aspects of life, but when wearing several rings with different shades, they neutralize each other, and their effectiveness is zero.

You should know that people with a strong influence of Mercury can be easy to climb, full of plans that do not materialize; prone to empty talk and flirting. But it can be very creative personalities with a creative approach to business and a broad outlook.

Jewelry comes into our lives in different ways: they can be received as a gift or accepted as an inheritance, you can purchase or find. The best option is a gift. In this case, all the positive qualities of the decoration are included immediately. Inheritance also begins to work instantly, but just what about the information that the subject has absorbed? Therefore, you should consider competent cleaning. Items found should not be worn. Bought need time to "make friends" with the owner.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8594/

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