What is sports insurance for a child and why is it worth it to get

Each of us, of course, knows about the benefits of sports, especially for the children's body. However, do not forget that any sports activities are associated with a certain trauma. To protect the health and life of a little athlete, parents just need sports insurance for the child. Rosgosstrakh, Max, Advant, Ingosstrakh2 and many other companies have long expanded their insurance products and are happy to offer such a service.

sports insurance for a child

Why do I need to take out sports insurance?

Given that children are much more active than adults, and often simply unable to sit still, many sports sections (even chess clubs) simply do not accept children who do not have an insurance policy. Thus, coaches at least partially relieve themselves of responsibility for the injuries of their wards. Moreover, sports insurance is obligatory for competitions, training camps and various contests and trips, because more often than not in “pre-competitive” euphoria, children absolutely forget about caution.

Injury is present in any sport, so it is fundamentally wrong to assume that if your kid is fond of drafts, then he does not need insurance. So if your health and safety of your child is dear to you, it is necessary to draw up a policy. Moreover, this type of insurance is provided already from the age of two. The main thing is that the baby attends classes at least once a week.

What is covered by such insurance

Sports insurance for the child Rosgosstrakh
Of course, each parent, giving the child to one section or another, seeks to choose a sport that would not only be of interest to the child, but would also have a low risk of injury. Nevertheless, the most popular sports are just the most traumatic. It is this disagreement that the high-quality sports insurance for the child is designed to solve.

It is generally accepted that men's sports are more traumatic than women's, but this is not so. Of course, football or hockey suggest increased activity, which is fraught with falls and fractures, and nothing can be said about contact sports - karate, boxing, aikido, sambo and others. But the girls in this matter are also not far behind: figure skating, acrobatics, gymnastics, ballroom and sports dancing - this is not a complete list of sports that occupy a leading position in the list of the most traumatic.

Additional Items

If a young champion goes to competitions in other cities or even abroad, then sports insurance for a child must be expanded with additional points. There you can include relief of attacks in chronic diseases, search and rescue, payment of travel and accommodation of one of the relatives in case of an emergency, transportation of the patient to the place of permanent residence, evacuation by helicopter and others. The cost of the policy increases slightly, but parents can be calm: if something happens, their baby will not be left alone with trouble.

sports insurance for baby reso

Sports insurance cost

Probably one of the main questions that parents are interested in is how much will sports insurance cost for a child. Its cost in each case is calculated individually and depends on many indicators.
Here is some of them:

  • First of all, the price of the policy depends on the sport the child is involved in - the more dangerous, the more expensive.
  • Duration of the policy - it is important here how many days the insurance is issued. The policy can be issued for the whole year, or you can additionally protect the child for only a few days, for example, during the competition. Of course, the shorter the term of the policy, the cheaper it is.
  • Sum insured - it’s important to understand that the higher you expect in case of injury, the more expensive you will have to pay for insurance.
  • Coverage - the cost of insurance, valid only in Russia, is much lower than the price of the policy for traveling outside the country.
  • The child’s age is usually the younger the child, the more parents will have to pay for insurance.
  • The cost of the policy is also affected by additional items included in it, such as, for example, the treatment of injuries with the use of expensive equipment.

Features of the contract

If you decide that sports insurance for a child is a simple matter, then you are mistaken. Do not rely on the integrity of the manager of the insurance organization. Before signing the contract, carefully study it. Especially carefully study those clauses of the contract where the conditions are specified, in violation of which you will be refused payment of compensation.

sports insurance for a child

For example, if an athlete, in violation of requirements and warnings about danger, continues to exercise and gets injured, he will have to be treated at his own expense.

Pay special attention to the item on the detection of alcohol in the blood. Of course, each parent is sure that his child will never drink alcohol, but practice shows that adolescents, escaping from careful control (for example, when traveling to competitions in another city), sometimes allow themselves too much.

Also, be sure to pay attention to the amount of the deductible - this is the minimum amount that is excluded from the total payment. For example, if the deductible is 1000 rubles, and the child’s treatment cost 900 rubles, then the insurance company should not pay anything at all.

How to get paid

sports insurance for a child cost
What to do if you already have sports insurance for your child - RESO, Renaissance, Rosgosstrakh or any other company? What to do if your child is injured and what documents need to be prepared?

First of all, if you get any injury, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The doctor must definitely record the accident and give you a certificate that you will need to receive the payment.

After that, it is necessary in the near future - usually within no more than 3 days - to notify the insurers of the accident in any way available to you. Employees of the company will advise you on further actions and tell you which documents you need to prepare. Most often, this list looks like this:

  • application for payment;
  • insurance policy or its copy;
  • civil passport of one of the parents (the insured);
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • Beneficiary's TIN and bank account details to which compensation will be transferred.

If the athlete received an injury incompatible with life, a death certificate (original + copy), plus a doctor’s opinion on the cause of death, will also be required. If any disability group is identified, the doctor’s opinion on the reasons for receiving it, as well as a copy of the MSEC certificate certified by a notary.

sports insurance for competitions
In addition, you will need all receipts for medicines, medical services and any other documents confirming the expenses that you incurred in connection with the occurrence of an insured event.

Choosing an Insurance Company

This is one of the most important points that you should pay attention to if you need sports insurance for a child. AlfaStrakhovanie, RESO-Garantiya, Ingosstrakh, Renaissance, Liberty - which company to choose? Of course, the choice of an insurance company should be taken very seriously. Before concluding the contract, do not be too lazy to collect more information about the insurer. Here can help feedback from friends, Internet users in various forums. Especially carefully study the negative comments, because it is in them that you can often find information about various pitfalls. Visit several offices and carefully study the proposed conditions.

Sports insurance for a child is a very responsible and important matter, therefore it is worth entrusting it to professionals. A quality policy will help parents feel calmer, and will give confidence to a young athlete.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8598/

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