Investment boutique "Ankor Invest": reviews, address, minimum entry

When we receive education, master new skills, improve our professionalism, engage in physical education, improve our health through proper balanced nutrition programs, or take care of our children, we invest in our future. This description gives us an overview of investments.

anchor invest reviews
Investing in general is a bit like a modern computer game. As well as in it, for a long time it is necessary to perform many important and necessary, but not always understandable and pleasant, and sometimes even risky actions of different difficulty levels, in order to ultimately receive bonuses - health, strength and endurance, material well-being, emotional stability and much more - all the weapons that, like in the game, in real life make us stronger, making up invaluable capital and new growth opportunities.

But our world is material and based in many respects on material values. This is not to say that money rules the world: nevertheless, a person has strong spiritual needs, but they have a significant impact on the quality of life of each person, sometimes determining his fate.

In addition, progress is driven by capital. To create and build it is necessary to use financial instruments. And here our lexicon should be replenished with such concepts as "capital accumulation", "investment", "brokerage company" and so on.


Speaking of accumulation, we, first of all, present simple accumulation or deposits in banks. The advantages of such a capital increase are in the extremely low risks of loss of savings thanks to the Deposit Insurance Agency. But the required amount will be created for years, if not decades, because its growth depends on those small periodic replenishment of the main amount that a citizen or bank capitalization makes, interest on the deposit, because interest rates currently do not even approach the level of inflation. Therefore, now using simple accumulation to create capital is irrational. This so-called "grandfather" method is characteristic of a stably developing economy with the confidence of the majority of the country's population in a socially protected future.

Currently, it is convenient to use bank deposits not for accumulation, but for the preservation and operational use of relatively small amounts of cash accumulations.

Among those who like to use banking products, banks with a history and a well-known brand enjoy greater popularity and trust. For example, Sberbank. It is believed that such banks are stable, they are not in danger of losing their licenses, and the depositor will not have to spend his time and efforts returning his savings.

But, as a rule, such banks give low interest on deposits that do not even cover inflation. Higher interest should be expected from small little-known regional banks. The search for customer depositors is an urgent need for them, and they are ready to fight for them with higher interest rates, promotions, gifts when making a deposit.

Currently, even taking into account the frequent withdrawal of licenses from banks and their closure, thanks to the deposit insurance program, depositors no longer worry about the safety of their savings. You can keep an amount comparable to the value of the apartment on the deposit and not worry about its safety if the bank collapses.


The long-term accumulation of material wealth currently does not allow avoiding the loss of savings from inflation, and certainly does not ensure their rapid growth.

Therefore, in order to quickly acquire capital, many resort to such a simple concept as credit. In the Russian economy, more than half of all investments are loans. The pros here are obviously overridden by the minuses: you still have to give back the borrowed funds, and this reduces the possibility of investing, and, as a result, income.

The interests of foreign entrepreneurs in investing in the Russian economy are mainly in its raw material field: nobody is going to share nanotechnologies with us. That is why now more than 90% of the capacities in the oil and gas industry are based precisely on foreign investment.

In the era of the crisis in the state’s foreign policy relations, such indicators do not reflect the stability of economic development and do not create obstacles to the export of capital abroad: Russia is still not attractive enough to store large volumes of savings.

what does anchor invest do


Another conservative and time-tested way to save money is to invest in real estate. Here, as everyone knows, there may be options:

  • rent;
  • purchase for resale.

Rent happens:

  • in new buildings and in the "secondary";
  • monthly, daily and hourly, for special occasions (New Year holidays), seasonal (for resort towns);
  • to citizens and their teams, under an agreement with an institution or enterprise for their employees, are still options.

The profitability of a particular rental option determines many factors, for example, the main ones:

  • location of the house, its appearance and condition;
  • transport accessibility;
  • quality of apartment repair;
  • compliance with the personal requirements of the tenant: the level of natural light, the orientation of the windows to the cardinal points, neighbors and so on.

An interesting option is renting an apartment to employees of consulates and embassies. If the rented apartment has a high-quality European-quality repair and is within walking distance from these institutions, a lease agreement can be concluded for a long, several years, term. Accordingly, the prices for such apartments are in the top.

Hourly or day-to-day rental apartments also generate the most profit. By the end of the month, it is one and a half to two times higher than the amount of the monthly rental.

Although the profit that is collected at such a lease for half a year or a year is brought by renting a whole house or manor, for example, to a team on New Year's holidays. Of course, here too the revenue depends on the degree of “elitism” of rental housing.

Purchase and sale

Features of real estate transactions related to its purchase for resale:

  • the need for large investments at the initial stage;
  • risks associated with unreliability of developers;
  • long period of waiting for profit;
  • profit depends on changes in market prices for real estate in the region;
  • the need to pay sales tax.

If the apartment being acquired belongs to the secondary housing stock, if it is resold before the expiration of the statutory three-year period, the seller will be obliged to pay the sales tax.

In the case of acquiring an apartment from the developer, the sale of housing saves from paying tax before handing it to the owner of a certificate of ownership issued after the house is rented out. In this case, he does not sell the apartment, but his share in construction, which is not taxed upon sale.

True, at present the government seeks to protect interest holders from unscrupulous developers, offering to purchase apartments in already rented houses. Of course, this option will save you from a possible loss of investment in the purchase of an apartment, but the money will be “beaten off” only after three years.

Stock market investment

Above, we examined the safest options for possible methods of accumulation and investment. Investing in the stock market is the most risky of all. And at the same time - the most highly profitable. Here, overnight, you can burn out or get rich, as in a casino. In the stock market, it is customary to play (to increase or decrease quotes) or to make exchange investments.

brokerage company
You can invest in both Russian and foreign stock markets. For this type of capital allocation, only large amounts of money are used, the management of which, as a rule, no one personally produces, but hires a special manager from the many companies that provide these services.

Currently, the Forex market is actively developing. Opportunities for investing on it have appeared only recently, and they are due to the development of Internet technologies: you can make investments on Forex through the Internet online. Due to their maximum availability, investors can operate their own money on their own, but you can trust the special manager, called traders.

Investment funds

Funds are based on capital:

  • Russian;
  • foreign;
  • Russian with foreign capital.

Funds are divided by investment focus:

  • in real estate and other investment objects;
  • in securities and other financial instruments;
  • into new technology projects.

This gradation can be continued. There are a large number of funds. It is dictated by the multidirectional nature of their activities.

When placing funds in investment funds, one must be aware that they are not participants in the deposit insurance program, and citizens independently bear all the risks of such operations.

Ankor Invest

And now about the main thing. One example of Russian investment funds with foreign capital is LLC Ankor Invest. His partner is the international holding GL Asset Management.

Moscow investment companies
The location of the central office "Ankor Invest" at the address: st. Nikolskaya, d. 10, the city of Moscow. Getting here is very easy. Nikolskaya street is not a bank street of the city. Therefore, Ankor Invest is the only investment company in Moscow at this address. This is its advantage.

Among the investment companies located in Moscow, Ankor Invest occupies one of the leading positions. No wonder.

What is Ankor Invest Investment Boutique? What is he like? This is a brokerage company that positions itself as a “financial services boutique” and is an investment fund.

What does Ankor Invest do? Investments, that is, investments of large amounts of cash. Their owners have already exhausted the possibilities of the domestic economy to increase their profits. Financial instruments offered in Russia do not give high interest in foreign currency. Therefore, the activities of the company, located on Nikolskaya Street, are mainly aimed at Western countries with developed economies, such as Switzerland, Germany and others, through the American broker Interactive Brokers.

How good are the company's financials? In 2016, Ankor Invest received the prize of the annual Financial Olympus prize for the effectiveness of managing investment strategies, becoming the "Best company in the field of trust management."

Nikolskaya street
The minimum entrance to Ankor Invest for participation in investments is $ 200,000 or its equivalent in any other currency. This monetary qualification immediately forms the client base of the company, creating with it precisely the "investment boutique" - a kind of meeting place for people of the same social status.

Investment funds as a concept came to us from the West. Therefore, Ankor Invest, like any other fund, has a “mission”. It consists in making effective decisions on money invested in trust management of the fund and extracting from them the maximum profit for the client and for the fund.

The maximum profit of Ankor Invest is obtained in the following ways:

  • licensed brokerage and dealer, as well as depository activities in the financial market;
  • trust management of securities and numerous portfolios of investment strategies developed by the fund, selected by Russian clients for use in foreign financial markets.

Work with the clients of the fund is realized by selling them investment portfolios focused on the initialization of various management strategies. Then, a manager is assigned to each client, an account is opened, the state of which the client can monitor in his personal account.

Judging by the reviews, over the past few years, Ankor Invest has shown indicators for individual portfolios higher than similar companies. Although in general, his strategies are rated as conservative.

The central portfolio, called Statistical Arbitrage Strategy, according to the company’s website, is a neutral combination of highly liquid financial instruments, which guarantees the investor a low level of investment risks both in case of a fall or an increase in stock market quotes with stable average annual incomes. The neutral strategy provides a low level of "drawdown" - up to 5% with a relatively high level of profitability.

According to reviews, these values ​​fluctuate, on average:

  • 2014 - 13%;
  • 2015 - 18%;
  • 2016 - 14%.

Of course, not a single Russian bank can guarantee such income for savings in foreign currency to our citizens.

An individual approach to each client is guaranteed thanks to more than 200 investment strategies.

Ankor Invest. Reviews

What else do company customers say? There are really a lot of reviews about Ankor Invest. The nature of these comments is sharply multidirectional: from sugar-flattering messages to sharp criticism.

By the way, part of the critical reviews is also devoted to assessing positive comments about the fund, suspecting most of their authors to be biased.

anchor invest address


Clients in their reviews of Ankor Invest mostly state the following points:

  • High return on investment strategies of the fund as a whole.
  • The level of risk to which the initial investment is exposed is miserable.
  • The central investment strategy performed better than the rest.
  • The effectiveness of foreign currency investment in Ankor Invest is not comparable with the best offers of banks.
  • The current state of affairs at the company does not prevent investors from withdrawing funds from accounts upon completion of the contract.
  • Profit-making and the absence of problems with the observance of the terms of the contract by the fund creates a mood among customers for further cooperation.
  • Telephone availability of the fund and its specialists positively affects the attitude of its clients to it.
  • Ankor Invest partner has established itself well and long ago in Europe and the USA. His offers are distinguished by a high level of security and an average yield of about 10.5%.
  • Ankor Invest Investment Boutique is focused on the international stock market, and not on the Russian economy. This is its advantage for the preservation and increase of investments, since the global stock market is more stable than the domestic one.
  • Stable company with professional specialists. Criticism is written by competitors or employees dismissed for lack of professionalism, who want to finally annoy the former employer.


The main negative news about the activities of the fund is represented by stories of former ordinary employees of the company about cases of conflict with various parts of its management. Specific facts linking the concepts of “fraud” and “Ankor Invest” are not indicated by former investors. In general, reviews from unit contributors. And they relate only to experienced positive or neutral investment experience with the help of specialists from this fund.

The main negative points of the reviews are as follows:

  • Among the management of Ankor Invest there are many dishonest persons who are carrying out irresponsible and ill-considered operations with other people's money.
  • For ordinary employees, there is a lot of hard work, professionalism is required in everything, responsibility for each decision, which not everyone can do. To make good money, you just need to live at work.
  • The staff turnover due to the tensions between the management of the departments and ordinary employees on a personal or professional basis.
  • The management obliges ordinary employees to leave feedback on the Internet about the work of the company, and therefore there are a lot of “carbon copies” of written comments on various Internet resources.


When compiling a review of Ankor Invest, one has to deal with explicitly biased comments about its activities. It is necessary to come to the conclusion that these reviews do not reflect the real situation, meeting the following details:

  • Almost all the "businessmen" who invested their money in this "boutique" did not find it on their own, but they were advised to them: a childhood friend, just friends, business colleagues, partners.
  • The commentator, reporting on his success story, becomes as if on one step with the person reading the review and says to him: “Look at me, I decided, and here is the result. Nothing bad happened.”
  • Often in positive reviews, the same word form is mentioned - "market-neutral strategy." In different cases and combinations. From different names. It happens that she is mentioned in several positive reviews read in a row.
  • Some reviews of Ankor Invest mention a fraudulent fraudulent “boutique” that denigrates the real company with their dirty deeds, as well as dismissed negligent employees who, out of revenge, denigrate their former leadership.

These circumstances create doubts about the success of the company and the cleanliness of its responsible persons. There are questions. For example, why does the fund need biased articles about it, if, judging by the same reviews, and according to the Ankor Invest website, the company's financial indicators consistently show attractive investment data.

anchor invest reviews


When we invest something in order to get a certain profit or benefit from this, it means that we invest.

For different levels of capital, there are optimal tools for realizing its growth. So, with very little cash, it is reasonable to simply accumulate them up to a certain amount for subsequent placement in the bank.

Serious money requires a prudent attitude. They cannot simply lie in a safe or on a bank deposit: there are too many of them for this, therefore they must work and invest. There are several proven options, among which exchange investments through trust management carried out by investment funds have now reached the top positions. Their activities are largely closed. This is understandable: money loves silence. But for the investor, this silence can result in real losses. Because these companies are always in full view of specialists, and without consulting with several of them, it is not worth making responsible decisions.

There is no information about the prosecution of its management or the circumstances of fraud confirmed by a court verdict or other officially established negative information about Ankor Invest in the print media.

It remains to conclude that Ankor Invest is an attractive investment company for people looking for a place to safely place their currency millions. According to some reviews, her conservative, savings policy finds her followers among the same cautious and pragmatic investors.


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