Sanatoriums of Labinsk: addresses, photos and reviews of vacationers about treatment

Gone are the days when a person who came for spa treatment was ready to put up with the objective reality of socialist realism. Today, for our money, we want to get the quantity and quality of services and comfort in accordance with, at a minimum, their list declared on the sites. Therefore, you need to look at the reviews page before the trip, and even better - before buying a ticket. We explore the sanatoriums of Labinsk, so that you can decide on the choice of a place of rest and recreation.

Climatic features

Labinsky district got its name from the river of the same name, on the right bank of which it is located. Laba is the main tributary of the Kuban, and the city of Labinsk is a district center. From it to the regional capital is only 180 km. By the standards of the Krasnodar Territory, this is not much. The territory of the Labinsky district is slightly larger than the state of Luxembourg.

The nature of the Labinsky district

The nature of these places is conducive to relaxation: a lot of tourists come to look at the Main Caucasian Range and wander through the forests stretching at its foot. You can stay here at any of the recreation centers or in a mini-hotel. Those wishing to enjoy the waterfalls and caves are provided with hiking trails.

The region has a rather long period of warm temperatures - about 300 days, and the climate here is temperate continental.

On the road to health

Sooner or later, in the life of every sane person, a moment comes when he realizes that his health needs to be strengthened. And then the question arises: "Where to combine the pleasant (nature, infrastructure, comfort) with the useful (treatment)." Almost everyone has the Internet, so there is plenty to choose from. Given the climatic conditions, letโ€™s see what Labinsk offers.

There are few sanatoriums, or rather, only one. It is called Laba and works all year round. On his official website they claim that he is one of the most beautiful in the Big Laba area.

This is attractive, since proximity to nature always has a beneficial effect on the state of physical and mental health. And with the current rhythm of life, this is very important. In addition, the proximity of mineral springs is an essential point when choosing a treatment site. And another plus that is considered by potential customers today is the presence of positive reviews. And the site claims that they are "always only positive." So you have to go.

What promise

As in almost all Russian sanatoriums, Labinsky has a year-round reception. The health resort is ready to accept up to 540 (according to other sources - 420) vacationers. It has 2 local and 3 local number of rooms and also offers a class "Suite".

Family Quadruple Room

The arsenal of each room has everything that is important for a comfortable stay.

The scatter of buildings on the territory of the sanatorium "Laba" is as follows:

  1. On the street Wastewater are building number 2, aka "Healing"; building number 3 ("Sleeping"); building number 4 under the name "Cottage"; as well as building number 5 with the affectionate name "Labushka". All of them are located within the park, where you can admire relict specimens.
  2. In the center of Labinsk, on the street Red, 10 is building number 1.

By the way, overhaul of the number of rooms was recently carried out in the โ€œMedicalโ€ building. The dining room, treatment rooms located in the administrative building, as well as the hall, were also updated.

New buildings

Today one should take into account the trends of the time, including those related to health and treatment in sanatoriums. Over 40 years, Labinsk has gained extensive experience in improving the health of the country's inhabitants. However, the health resort leaders considered it necessary to include a modern water park in the set of water procedures.

On the website of the Laba sanatorium, it is reported that the open-type water complex is equipped with water heating up to 30 degrees. It has a healing effect due to its mineral composition. In the pool of 50x25 m you can ride a roller coaster, use special equipment, and after passing through the beach area, change clothes in a comfortable building, which also has showers, relaxation rooms and a bar. Thus, the water park is attractive for both adults and children.

What do they offer

It would be surprising if such valuable natural resources as mineral springs and dirt enriched with microelements were not used in health improvement, especially in sanatoriums. The Krasnodar Territory and the city of Labinsk have excellent opportunities for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is chosen by many vacationers.

Open pool

"Laba" is a multidisciplinary sanatorium. Arriving here because of the underlying disease, you can adjust the work of other weakened organs, as the body consists of many interconnected systems. And for this, experts will recommend the following procedures to you:

  • mineral water of 5 species, in which in various combinations there are 42 elements of the periodic system of Mendeleev;
  • mud containing sulfides, that is, all known hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds of iron;
  • thermal pools complexly affecting both the nervous system and the musculoskeletal, there are six of them;
  • diagnosis and alternative treatment methods;
  • diet food: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

And, of course, all the proposed procedures are performed by experienced high-level medical personnel.

Additional terms

Indoor pool

Additional commercial offers currently exist in all resorts. The city of Labinsk is no exception. Therefore, potential customers who are going to Laba should take care of the financial reserve, which will be needed in the following cases:

  1. When you visit the pool, swimming in which is paid, you can use the bathhouse or infrared sauna (they are included in the price of the pool).
  2. In indoor or outdoor pools with mineral water, payment is hourly: from 100 to 150 rubles.
  3. There is a library within the sanatorium from 8-00 to 17-00 hours. Her services are worth nothing so far.
  4. In the massage room you will also have a free procedure if it is prescribed by a doctor. Opening hours are standard: from 8-00 hours to 17-00 hours.
  5. Parking guarded place will cost you 50 rubles per day. The price is quite budget.
  6. The spa center at the sanatorium is open all year. Prices are directly proportional to your requests.
  7. You can also book a tour at the health resort: the bureau starts working from 8 a.m.
  8. Services of a cosmetologist: this includes skin treatment with mesotherapy and paraffin therapy - of course, not cheap.
  9. If you want a bath with a hydromassage, then you will also have to pay extra for it. But she is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor, whose consultation also costs money.
  10. After the hydro-bath, you can use the gym from 8-00 to 13-00. However, it can also be paid.

What is free of charge

For free, that is - for nothing, you can use the standard set of services that is offered by all Russian sanatoriums. In Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory, you will be charged for free:

  • go to the phyto-bar from 11-00 to 12-00;
  • use the ATM of Sberbank;
  • to go to grocery stores, clothes and souvenir shops;
  • go to a restaurant and cafe, the order, of course, you pay separately;
  • call a taxi;
  • use the safe deposit box at the reception;
  • rental of household appliances: iron or children's equipment;
  • if you need a high chair in the dining room, then you can get it without money;
  • sports equipment is also worthless;
  • play billiards, tennis or volleyball on the courts also for free;
  • and in "Lab" they show films once a week.
Labinsk Laba

Note: to the sanatorium in Labinsk of the Krasnodar Territory, people of advanced age over 80 are accepted only with their accompanying persons.

Postscript or reviews

As one heroine exclaimed from a fairy tale: "And how well it all began!" After analyzing the reviews about the rest and treatment in the sanatorium of the city of Labinsk, we can sadly say that the proportion of 80% of negative ratings to 20% of positive impressions does not contribute to the desire to pack your bags and go for health to Laba.

Winter in Labinsk

Here the phrase would be appropriate: "Everything is not what it seems." So - read reviews and draw conclusions. This, incidentally, applies to the leadership of the sanatorium.


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