Prostate muscle stimulator: description, principle of action

Recently, the demand for electrical stimulation of the prostate has increased, as this is a new method of treatment of “male diseases”. What is it, what are the principles of treatment and most importantly - patient reviews about innovative prostate treatment? Are prostate pathologies treated in patients with a myostimulator?

prostate myostimulator

Patient reviews make sure the effectiveness of new technologies. There are even those who call the prostate myostimulator “savior”. But do not be mistaken: one device can hardly help. Experts recommend using it only with basic treatment. In addition, the method has some contraindications.

Treatment technology

Electric current in the device acts on the organ with special impulses and is used to inject the drug into the damaged tissue, affecting the patient's prostate. It is used to administer the drug directly to the area of ​​the disease lesions and to normalize the functioning of muscle tissue and nerve fiber. Therefore, such an action of the myostimulator, like electrical stimulation, perfectly cures most diseases in the reproductive and urinary spheres, with metabolic disorders (metabolism). Diseases in which a muscle stimulator is used:

  • Inability to conceive.
  • Prolonged prostatitis.
  • Destabilization of ejaculation (violation of the allocation of the seed).
  • Lingering pain in the pelvic area.
  • Erectile pathology (erectile dysfunction).
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Congenital malformation of prostate structure.

These pathologies in patients are actually treated with a muscle stimulator.

prostate muscle stimulator flexing flavio

Professional urologists note the effectiveness of the device in the chronic form of the disease. But in practice, one can also encounter a number of limitations. For example, a miostimulator is forbidden to use if the diseases are dianosti as acute diseases. Due to the fact that electric currents accelerate the metabolic process, infections (viruses) can move to healthy tissue, causing a complication of a fundamental ailment.

Fortunately, the list of diseases in which it is forbidden to use the prostate myostimulator is not so large:

  • Acute prostatitis.
  • Purulent inflammation in the prostate gland.
  • Infectious inflammation of the prostate.
  • The inflammatory process in the intestines.

Operating principle

Transurethral and transrectal electrical stimulation is performed after the patient empties the bladder and intestines. A professional will select the size of the electrode and calculate what current strength is needed to achieve the effect. In addition, individually make up the time and number of sessions. And the already well-recovered patient receives as a result:

  1. The absence or "mitigation" of the symptoms of chronic ailments.
  2. Normalization of the composition of the seminal fluid.
  3. The quality of sexual life is improving.
  4. Swelling of the prostate is eliminated.
  5. The work in the bladder system improves.

Is there a danger to other organs

The prostate miostimulator, the principle of which is the supply of weak electrical impulses directed to the prostate, does not affect other human organs. Only the damaged tissue area reacts to the device. The resulting effect dilates the blood vessels, strengthens the lymphatic system, activates local immunity.

prostate muscle stimulator model overview

However, this method cannot be used as the main treatment. Prostate muscle stimulator, as a rule, is used to increase the effectiveness of the drug. It is important to note the harmlessness of the electric current, which emits weak impulses that do not affect the intestines and gland tissue.

Methods of treating the prostate with myostimulation

The prostate muscle stimulator, a review of the models of which is presented in several versions, has a certain classification. Conventionally, all available models can be divided into groups:

  • invasive (requires insertion of a catheter into an organ);
  • non-invasive (no catheter required)
    prostate muscle stimulator action principle
  1. Flexing Flavio is an innovative prostate stimulator for invasive use. Thanks to Flex & Stay technology, it is able to take any form for a more convenient and unhindered input.
  2. Mavit. A device designed for invasive use. Acting on the prostate gland, the device has a thermal and magnetic effect, relieving swelling and improving urine patency in the urinary tract.
  3. "Matrix-Urologist". Not an invasive agent. The device is used transrectally, affecting the prostate gland.

In cases where prostate myostimulator will have to be used during treatment, the description of the device will help to understand what a revolutionary method of treatment is and what are the further options for the development of events.

Can there be complications from treatment

Do not be afraid of the procedure - the risk of damage to the channel is minimal. Transrectal electrical stimulation of the prostate involves conducting an electrode into the rectum, which is easy to do on your own. At this point, an electronic current causes:

  • closing of smooth muscles in the organ;
  • perineum;
  • sphincter;
  • muscle in the urinary.

In addition, it reduces nerve fibers - it transmits an impulse to the genitals and, in general, to the urinary system. The result presented by this method is positive.

prostate muscle stimulator description

Patients who leave their comments noted that the impact of the stimulant in quality is like a manual massage. Miostimulation works not only on the prostate, which is located near the intestine, it also acts on other departments in the organ. This is very important for patients who have signs of urolithiasis, because finger massage is prohibited in this case.

Prostate muscle stimulator reviews from most patients receive mostly positive. This is credible. Men notice that the prostate myostimulator helps and they become healthier and more resilient after 3-5 sessions.

What is an apparatus for stimulating the prostate?

Flexing Flavio Prostate Miostimulator is the recommended drug. It safely affects the body and does not require additional costs for equipment and, accordingly, treatment. Long-term diseases of the genitourinary organs may require quite a long treatment and frequent therapy, which will support the condition. Of course, there are patients who are trying to recover on their own. Compact electric stimulators Flexing Flavio are being developed for them. Since they come in many ways, before buying honey. It is important for the apparatus to study the entire review of tools and get advice from a specialist.

What urologists say

Urologists warn that self-medication is detrimental to the health of the whole body, and strongly recommend that you do not choose methods on your own. Only a qualified specialist is able to choose the right treatment technique, help a sick patient, and, with a high degree of probability, overcome prostate disease and improve sex life.

prostate muscle stimulator reviews

Any muscle stimulator is primarily an adjuvant, and only then the treatment of the disease. Therefore, a man must first undergo a preventive examination and consultation with a doctor after a change in health.

Why not be afraid

The prostate miostimulator, the instruction for which requires special attention, still sometimes causes concern in patients. Transurethral electrical stimulation is performed under the supervision of a specialist, since it is difficult for a patient to insert a catheter into the urethra with his own hand. Most patients are afraid of a painful and unpleasant sensation, but the prostate myostimulator is designed so that the apparatus can repeat the anatomical features of those cavities in the organ in which it will be involved. And an experienced urologist, thus, safely conduct the procedure.

How to use the prostate myostimulator

For the correct use of the device, it is necessary to understand the peculiarity of its use and technology. The procedure should be carried out only after complete emptying of the intestine - cleansing with an enema can be carried out. In addition, the bladder must also be empty. On that part of the device, which should be in the rectum, you need to put on the product, then it should be smeared with a solution.

During the entire treatment procedure, the patient should be in a supine position. The legs are usually left in a bent position. After that, the apparatus is driven. The device is inserted into the rectum so that an even plane on the functioning organ is directed upwards for better contact with the prostate and getting the best result from the measures taken. This procedure is a kind of prostate massage. At the end of the session, the device gives two ringing tones.

prostate muscle stimulator instruction

After that, the device is gradually withdrawn from the anus. The device turns off, and the place where the procedure was performed is disinfected. It should be noted that the procedure of myostimulation is allowed only once a day at a certain time, appointed by the urologist.


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