Cooking cheese soup from processed cheese

processed cheese cheese soup
Cheese soup made from processed cheeses, the recipe of which we offer in our article, is an excellent and very tasty first course. It was cooked by our mothers, because in the days of the Soviet Union there wasn’t the abundance of food that supermarkets now enjoy, therefore vegetable soup cooked on chicken broth, seasoned with Druzhba cheese at the end, was an excellent alternative to the usual borsch and cabbage soup. And the simplicity of its preparation will please any housewife - half an hour or 40 minutes, and a delicious, hearty first can be served at the table.

Cooking cheese soup from processed cheese

For a portion for the whole family you will need:

- a pound of chicken;
- 150 gr. melted cheese, you can take the good old cheese “Friendship”, or you can half the packaging of triangles “Hohland”;
- 150 gr. rice;
- 3-4 medium potato tubers;
- spices to taste, herbs for decoration.

First, prepare the chicken broth: for this, rinse the fillets well, put in a pan with enough water, salt. Cook for 20-30 minutes, then remove the meat, and in the boiling water dip the washed rice, and after 10 minutes - diced potatoes. Boil vegetables and rice until cooked, usually it takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

melted chicken soup
After the specified time has passed, add the chopped meat to the pan. After that, it's time to put the main ingredient - at the very end of cooking, you need to add melted cheese and mix thoroughly. It is at this moment that your dish will acquire a beautiful golden cream color and the desired consistency. Cook for a couple of minutes, turn off the stove and pour into portions, sprinkle with chopped greens on top. By the way, chicken soup with processed cheese will be especially tasty if served with crackers. Also, the recipe can be changed a little by adding frying of onions and carrots, fresh champignons, a little cauliflower and so on to your taste. And processed cheese can be taken with different tastes, for example, with slices of sausage, herbs, paprika and others - experiment, your dish will turn out only tastier.

How to cook cream cheese soup puree

This dish is also called cheese soup in French, and is traditional for the cuisine of one of the most romantic countries in Europe. To cook dinner, as in the best cafe in Paris, take:

- 6 small potato tubers;
- 3 processed cheese (total weight 150-170 gr.);
- 1 carrot;
- 1 bunch of parsley;
- a small handful of pearl barley;
- spices and salt to taste.

cream cheese soup puree
In this case, cheese soup made from processed cheese is prepared without meat - it turns out a delicious, but at the same time vegetarian dish. Rinse the pearl barley well and cook for 10 minutes, while cooking, cut the potatoes into cubes and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and then fry in vegetable oil. 10 minutes after the start of cooking cereals, add potatoes, another 15 minutes - carrots. At the very end, put the slices of cheese, while stirring the liquid well. Done. At the final stage, the French cheese soup made from processed cheese should be beaten in a blender until smoothie. This dish is traditionally served with fresh croutons - croutons, which need to be fried in a small amount of vegetable oil with garlic. Also, each serving can be sprinkled with fresh finely chopped herbs. Be sure your family will love this first course. And the housewives will appreciate the simplicity and how quickly you can cook such a soup.


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