Soup with cabbage. Delicious Recipes

Cabbage is a very valuable and useful product for the human body. It contains various vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. In addition, it is low-calorie and may well be used as an ingredient during dieting. And in fasting this vegetable is allowed to be consumed, which is also important for believers. So let’s you and I cook, for example, cabbage soup. The recipes of this dish are striking in their variety. There are lean and meat. From fresh, sour, colored and even marine!

cabbage soup recipes

Cabbage Soup ( Lenten Recipes )

Just right, during a long post, make a similar soup. It is both easy and quick to prepare. And the components are very affordable. So let's get started.

We will need: two or three potatoes, one large onion and carrots, a quarter of a cabbage, half a can of canned green peas, greens.

Cooking is very simple and, most importantly, fast. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Three carrots on a grater. Finely chop the cabbage. Next - in a boiling pan we throw potatoes, a whole onion and carrots, prepared in advance. When the water boils again, we introduce cabbage and peas. Cook until vegetables are cooked. We take out the onion and slightly add salt to the dish. Before serving, sprinkle with copiously chopped greens.


You can fry the onions and carrots, chopped finely, in vegetable oil (as a dressing) and then introduce them into the soup. By the way, a similar soup with cabbage (lean recipes) can be prepared on meat broth. Typically, chicken or beef is used for these purposes.

With lentils

Ingredients: a quarter of an average head of cabbage, carrots, a couple of potatoes, onion, two tomatoes, a glass of red lentils, herbs, vegetable oil.

Grind carrots and onions, fry them in vegetable oil in a pan. Soak lentils in advance so that it is soft and cooked faster. We cut the potatoes into cubes and cook for 15 minutes with carrots, onions, lentils. Finely chop the cabbage and put it into the soup at the end of cooking. Cook a little over low heat until all products are ready (lentils are used as indicators). Salt and pepper. Before serving, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

cabbage puree soup recipe

Cabbage Soup

The recipe for this soup is also extremely simple. The main thing is to grind or grind all products.

Ingredients: a pound of cauliflower, two onions, vegetable oil, two large spoons of wheat flour, carrots, a couple of potatoes, seasonings.

We wash the cabbage and parse it into inflorescences. Cut into small pieces. Finely chop the onion. Carrots - on a grater. Potatoes can also be rubbed, or you can cut into cubes. Fry the cabbage in flour until golden. Add onions and carrots, lightly passer. Cook the potatoes in a pan, then add the fried mixture from the pan there, mix, bring to a boil and believe for some additional time (when the vegetables are ready). Cool our soup a little. And now - the main procedure: in a blender we mashed our soup. Season to taste. Pour the mashed potatoes back into the pan and bring to a boil. The result was a delicious soup with cabbage. Recipes of such dishes are widely used during fasting. But you can cook the same thing on meat broth, for those who like more satisfying.

sauerkraut soup recipe

From pickled

You can try making fragrant sauerkraut soup . Its recipe resembles classic cabbage soup.

So, you need to take a pound of well-fermented cabbage. We warn: it should be fermented without sugar and vinegar, the so-called barrel! You will also need a classic set of vegetables: a couple of potatoes, onions, carrots. Oil for frying. Well, perhaps all the ingredients.

We start cooking. Cook the meat broth. You can use beef bone, or you can use a chicken wing. Who likes more. By the way, even fatty pork broth sour cabbage neutralizes well. Three carrots on a grater, finely chop the onion. Fry these vegetables in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Separately lightly fry the sauerkraut. We cut the potatoes into cubes and cook until half ready in the pan. Next - pour the cabbage, onions, carrots there. Bring to a boil and cook for some more time. The indicator is the readiness of potatoes. Turn off and season to taste. Close the lid and be sure to let it brew. Serve to the table, pouring a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

seaweed soup recipe

With sea

And finally - soup with seaweed. The recipe for this dish is simple, although it is, in fact, a seafood dish, not a vegetable, and belongs to Korean cuisine.

Ingredients: beef brisket - 300 grams, dried seaweed - 30 grams, onion, several cloves of garlic, soy sauce - a couple of large spoons.

Cook the beef broth, adding a whole onion there. Pour dried seaweed with water and soak. When the broth is cooked, we catch the meat, finely chop it and throw it back. There we add cabbage, crushed garlic, soy sauce. Cook for another 15 minutes. So Korean soup with seaweed is ready. The recipe for its preparation is also very simple. And you can serve the dish with boiled unsalted rice.


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