Neuropsychiatric diseases - causes, symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation

A neuropsychiatric disease in adults and children is a malfunction of the brain that occurs as a result of exposure to both external and internal negative factors. Often such reasons are directly related to each other. The reason for the appearance of disorders of this kind can be not only heredity, but also brain injuries at the time of birth, poisoning with drugs, drugs, brain damage by infections and other negative factors: prolonged starvation, radiation, stressful situations. Doctors identify groups of the most common mental illnesses.


The causes of neuropsychiatric disease can be a huge number. The main symptom of a phobia is a person’s fear of finding himself in a certain life situation or next to some object that other people most often do not cause such an acute attack of fear, for example, height or a spider.

Phobias in humans

A phobia (in other words, a feeling of fear) occurs in a person with severe sweating, tachycardia, depression, panic attacks, dark eyes, a feeling of insurmountable horror. To determine whether a person has any phobia, special anxiety tests are most often used - the Zanga Scale for self-assessment. After identifying a mental disorder in a person, they begin the active process of overcoming fear by placing it in an environment that they fear most. This is the only way to truly overcome fear.

Personality Disorder as a Mental Disorder

In this case, doctors talk about disorders based on imbalance. It is a person with such a disease of the nervous system that can at any moment unexpectedly for everyone break loose and throw out his aggression and anger at the people around. A person has some difficulties with work and relationships with other people, he is characterized by a frequent change of mood and a sense of anxiety. At the same time, the individual cannot give a conscious assessment of his behavior and considers it to be quite normal.

Disorders of the nervous system of this type begin in the patient in his youth and continue throughout his life. Such people often have a high level of intelligence. The reason for this phenomenon can be not only heredity, but also improper upbringing or a circle of friends. The following ailments are attributed to personality disorder: paranoid disorder, affective disorder, schizoid personality disorder, emotional instability, hysterical personality disorder and much more.

Addiction to alcohol and drugs

Dependence arises both as a result of instant exposure (usually intoxication of the body), and after prolonged use of the same substances. A person dependent on alcohol, as a result, can get sick with psychosis or dementia. The same thing happens with drug addiction.

Various dependencies

It should be noted that the two described dependencies relate to chronic diseases, which at some point can go into the stage of remission. The treatment of such mental disorders should be comprehensive and lengthy. To this end, special medicinal medicines are being developed aimed at eliminating cravings for alcohol. Some of them even cause persistent disgust.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Another neuropsychiatric disease in children and adults is unwanted thoughts and obsessive actions. It is such a person who is often unsure of himself, constantly checks whether the doors in the house are locked, whether the lights are off, electrical appliances, knock on wood, believe in superstition, are afraid to step on the covers of the sewer manhole. Many of them have a fear of becoming contaminated from contact with people or household items. Such thoughts (doctors call them obsessive) lead to anxiety, hallucinations appear systematically, and soon they begin to be perceived as reality.

As a result of such processes, human life becomes a complete nightmare. For example, in practice there are people who can wash their hands about 60 times before lunch to prevent infection, but as a result they are still afraid. Other patients cannot reach the workplace, as they constantly return home to check whether gas or water is turned off.

Mental retardation in the presence of chronic neuropsychiatric diseases

Dementia is a chronic neuropsychiatric pathology, accompanied by a sharp decrease in the level of intelligence. The disease develops gradually, in rare cases it manifests itself unexpectedly. The malaise is characterized by chronic fatigue, general weakness, decreased performance, distraction, and memory problems. The most common types of dementia include the following diseases: Wilson, Parkinson and Alzheimer.

The appearance of dementia

The treatment of a neuropsychiatric disease can be very complicated due to the fact that it is not easy to diagnose.

Stress Response and Adaptability Disorder

A group of the following disorders occurs in a person as a result of severe emotional upheaval and difficult life situations. As a result of this, a reaction to mental trauma arises, primarily associated with a risk to the patient's life. An adaptability disorder may occur as a result of a natural disaster, loss of a loved one, crime, social shock, for example, a terrorist act in a public place.

Stress response

Unpleasant memories of the event experienced not so long ago are constantly returning to the patient, he constantly feels anxiety, depression, suffers from sleep problems, in some cases he has aggressive inclinations or even thoughts of suicide. This can also include Vietnamese, Afghan or Stockholm syndrome.


This condition is often compared with hysteria, but these diseases are very different from each other. Neurasthenia, in essence, is an asthenic neurosis that occurs when the nervous system is depleted by prolonged physical and mental stress. Unlike hysteria, this condition occurs much more often in men.

The appearance of neurasthenia

There is a malaise with constant physical exertion (a lot of work, a lack of proper rest and sleep problems), regular stress, tragedies in the family or personal life, prolonged conflicts. Some somatic diseases, as well as poisoning of the body of a chronic type, can lead to the appearance of neurasthenia.


Schizophrenia is one of the varieties of psychosis. The disease negatively affects several components of the psyche at once: mental, emotional, behavioral and other mental functions. There are a huge number of forms of schizophrenia (simple, paranoid and catatonic). Symptoms of a neuropsychiatric disease can be very different, they include hallucinations, negativism, apathy, and isolation.

Despite the fact that schizophrenia has some hereditary connections, it is impossible to call such a disease genetic. In some cases, in completely healthy parents without any psychiatric history, children are born who, already in their teens, begin to suffer from schizophrenia.

Bipolar personality disorder

The disease is also commonly called manic-depressive psychosis. The defeat proceeds against the background of alternating depressive and manic states. Some celebrities suffer from this malaise.

Biopolar Personality Disorder

The disease can be diagnosed by increased mood, excessive physical and speech activity of the patient. The sick speak a lot, joke, laugh and do something all the time. But then, unexpectedly, they quickly change in behavior, become apathetic, can not concentrate on anything.

Sexual Issues

The most common deviations in sexual terms include voyeurism, frotterism, pathological sexual aggressiveness, exhibitionism, transvestism, masochism, sadism and telephone hooliganism to satisfy one's sexual needs.

Eating problems

Such a disease is more common among young girls, but can also occur in boys. The main varieties of the disease include bulimia and anorexia.

Confusion syndrome

Neuropsychiatric diseases with the appearance of invisible creatures occur with a mental disorder and in seriously somatically ill patients. With a clouding of consciousness, a person cannot perceive the situation adequately, his contact with the outside world is broken, hallucinations appear.

There are several types of syndrome. All of them are similar to each other in the following ways:

  1. Detachment from the world. Such a person cannot normally perceive what is happening around, which as a result leads to problems with communicating with people around him.
  2. Problems with orientation in time, in the situation and your own thoughts.
  3. Difficulties with the thought process - a person ceases to see the logical chain of events, cannot correctly determine his actions.
  4. Problems with remembering. During a clouding of consciousness, new information ceases to be absorbed by the brain, and already existing information ceases to be normally reproduced. After exiting this condition, the patient may appear partial or complete amnesia (memory) of the transferred state.

Each of the described signs appears in a person with various mental disorders, only their combination indicates clouding of consciousness. The symptoms described may be reversible. With the normalization of conscious activity, they pass independently.


Hallucination is a neuropsychiatric disease with the appearance of invisible creatures. The human psyche is severely deformed, as a result of which he begins to hear and feel what is not really happening. All hallucinations are divided into visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory, as well as violations of the general feeling (muscle and visceral). But in some cases, their joint manifestation occurs (a person begins to see strangers next to him, and also hear how they talk to each other).

Auditory hallucinations are characterized by the patient's pathological perception of certain words, speech, conversations, certain noises and sounds. Word-type hallucinations can vary in content - from hailings in which a person hears a voice calling him by his last name or first name, to whole phrases, conversations involving one or several voices at once.

In some cases, voice hallucinations are imperative - imperative hallucinations, in which patients hear an order to remain silent, hit and even kill someone, harm their health. Such problems with the activity of the nervous system can be very dangerous for both the person himself and for people around. The treatment of a neuropsychiatric disease consists in taking special medications, as well as careful monitoring by a doctor.

Visual hallucinations can be either objective or elementary (smoke, sparks). Sometimes the patient sees whole pictures (hell, the battlefield). Olfactory hallucinations are characterized by an imaginary sensation of an unpleasant odor (poison, rotting of any food), in rare cases unfamiliar or pleasant.

Personality Disorders

Tactile-type hallucinations appear in humans relatively late in life, while patients feel a burning sensation on the skin, itching, biting, and touching the body.

Symptoms of the presence of visual and auditory hallucinations in humans:

  • a conversation with oneself that looks like a full-fledged conversation, accompanied by emotional responses;
  • causeless laughter in the patient;
  • excessive anxiety and concern;
  • problems with attention, concentration, maintaining a conversation or performing a specific task;
  • a person constantly listens or sees what is actually not there.

Rehabilitation of neuropsychiatric diseases

Rehabilitation for depression is carried out by taking heavy medications. Depression itself lasts several weeks and does not allow the patient to perform normal daily tasks, to fully enjoy life. Some doctors believe that a depressive state is primarily associated with malfunctioning of the brain.

Depressive disorder can vary in intensity (from mild to severe). Often, malaise is combined with other problems, for example, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In this case, mental disorder is often simply not paid attention to or treated. Improving the patient's quality of life is possible only with timely diagnosis and elimination of malaise.

Antidepressants are used for a serious form of depression, but can be useful in the early stages of its development. It is important to remember that drugs of this type are not a treatment method, but only alleviate symptoms, helping the patient to feel normal.

Neuropsychiatric ailments in childhood

Rehabilitation of children with a neuropsychiatric disease should be carried out by contacting a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Many types of disorders require long-term treatment. You can take therapy at the rehabilitation center for children with neuropsychiatric diseases.


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