What are these signs of love in men ?!

Each woman has always been interested in one question: how to understand the attitude of a man towards her. To understand this not quite simple topic, today we will talk about what are the signs of love in men. Of course, we will try to highlight the main criteria, but do not forget that a person is inherently individual. And here you need to make a discount. But, despite this, it is possible to single out those signs of love in men that are inherent in the majority, and can be manifested to varying degrees in almost every representative of the stronger sex.

As a rule, at the stage of the beginning of a relationship, the signs of a guy’s love for a girl are hardly perceptible. You can feel and understand this by the so-called special play with your eyes. An applicant for your heart can look at you, either by hiding your eyes or directly in the eye, whether it be a guy or an adult man. Here it is very important to pay attention to how a man sits, that is, carefully look at his posture. Anyone who shows genuine interest in a woman begins to reach out to her, lean in her direction, constantly follow her like a shadow. At this stage, that is, the stage of the emergence of feelings, men quite often during a conversation with the object of their attention stammer, make a reservation, or simply carry some kind of nonsense. A sure sign of strong excitement, which once again confirms that a man is not indifferent to you, is that he begins to twist something in his hands during a conversation with you.

And this is far from all the signs of love in men. If you notice that your interlocutor begins to talk too loudly with you or, conversely, is very quiet, laughs a lot and jokes or tries to look too serious, then this is clear evidence that the man made you his chosen one. However, it also happens that at the beginning of a relationship a man carefully avoids any relationship with you. This should not be alarming. This behavior occurs due to excessive shyness and excitement.

Over time, the signs of love in men become more visible, and it is much easier to understand whether he loves you or not. The surest sign of the manifestation of male love is his constantly elevated mood. And everyone around it, namely work colleagues, relatives and friends, and even unfamiliar people notice this.

We have examined those signs that arise at the initial stage of the emergence of relations. Now, let's go ahead and talk about further developments. Here it is worth noting the fact that as soon as a man let you into his holy of holies, that is, his home, and allows him to host, then that’s all said. And if he is also proud of what changes you made in his house, for example, hung new curtains or filled the room with plants, then there is no doubt whatsoever about the man’s attitude towards you. It is important to highlight one more point: that man who really loves you will be willing to introduce you to his friends and take you to his company. What is noteworthy, the boy’s signs of love are not much different from those of an adult already a man.

A man who truly loves you will be willing to make certain sacrifices. He is able to endure your whims, quit his affairs and run at your request to meet you, go around half a city, or even the whole, in search of some trinket you need so much. But, what’s important: don’t get carried away with such checks and force a man to do this, no matter how much he loves you.

And finally, if a man told you that he wants to have joint children, then it’s hard not to understand the seriousness of his intentions and the depth of his feelings.
Of course, any woman is able from the very beginning of the emergence of relations to understand how a man relates to her. But love it or not, you can find out only after some time!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8634/

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