Sweet Allergy in Adults: Symptoms and Treatment

An irrational approach to the use of various sweets threatens not only the appearance of excess weight, but also food allergies. As a rule, it is common among children, but is often found in adults. Symptoms of the disease are pronounced, up to anaphylactic shock, in connection with which assistance to the victim should be provided immediately.

sweet allergy in adults


In practice, it is extremely difficult to identify the true allergen. The common belief that sugar can serve as a factor in the appearance of an undesirable reaction is wrong. It is a natural product and is not capable of causing allergies. But there is one caveat: sugar enhances the action of a substance that can contribute to the appearance of a reaction. Often it is animal protein, various additives and flavors. As for honey, the “culprit” is the pollen of plants contained in it.

Accurate identification of the allergen is hampered by the fact that the reaction does not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time.

Development mechanism

After a foreign substance has entered the human body, the protective system begins to secrete antibodies. With a predisposition to sweet allergies in adults and children, the process of fermentation of the undigested product starts, the intensity of which is repeatedly increased by sucrose. Thus, compounds designed to prevent the occurrence of an undesirable reaction cannot cope.

As a result, toxic substances are released that begin to be absorbed into the blood. After some time, the first symptoms of an allergy to sweets appear. In adults, it is very rare, but it happens that some fruits are the source of foreign compounds.

sweet allergy in adults symptoms

How is it manifested?

Sweet allergy in adults has the following symptoms:

  1. Rash with localization in the following areas: abdomen, neck, buttocks, cheeks. Each time she appears in the same places. The nature of the rashes can be varied: from small redness to wet inflamed areas. A photo of an adult allergy symptom is presented above.
  2. Often an unbearable itching and burning sensation are added to the rashes. But their intensity can not always be pronounced.
  3. Less commonly, urticaria appears as a concomitant symptom. It represents large spots on which flat blisters are located.
  4. Respiratory manifestations: runny nose, frequent sneezing.
  5. From the side of the visual system observed: redness, tearing. Edema does not develop.
  6. Cough. It is one of the dangerous signs, because it can lead to spasm of the bronchi. Often disturbed by mild attacks of suffocation.
  7. The general condition worsens: it begins to shiver, the body temperature may slightly increase, nausea, weakness, and headache occur. All these signs are the result of intoxication of the body.
  8. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, including lips. What does an allergy to sweets look like in adults in this case? It manifests itself in the form of redness, often, the affected areas strongly swell. The danger is that this symptom can provoke the appearance of Quincke's edema. These are already serious symptoms of the disease. Below is a photo of an allergy to sweets in adults, manifested by Quincke's edema.
  9. Rarely, a pathological condition develops that poses a serious threat to life - anaphylactic shock.

In connection with the likelihood of dangerous symptoms, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition. At the slightest deterioration, you should call an ambulance team or contact a medical institution.

sweet allergy treatment in adults


In order to make sure that there is a food allergy to sweets, an adult takes blood for analysis.

A more common and informative way is to conduct skin tests. Its essence is as follows: in a selected area of ​​the patient’s body, the doctor makes small scratches, which are subsequently treated with substances that are believed to cause allergies. In one session, it is possible to test the body with a dozen reagents. After a certain time, a reaction appears in the form of redness or a rash, due to which a true allergen is detected. In this way, the process of identifying the cause of an allergy to sweets in an adult occurs. At the end of the test, a person is also given recommendations indicating all substances that should not be in the composition of the products presented in his diet.

The way in which an allergen is detected by exclusion is simple, but not always reliable. In addition, it takes a rather long time.

sweet allergy in adults photo


The primary task is to determine the substance that causes the unwanted reaction.

Further, the treatment of sweet allergies in adults involves the following actions:

  1. Prescribing medications that are detrimental to a foreign compound. They are selected individually, taking into account the severity of symptoms, age and existing diseases.
  2. The use of antihistamines, the use of external agents. Their task is to improve the condition and prevent the spread of allergies. Ointments and creams effectively relieve itching, burning and swelling.
  3. Selection of enterosorbents. Their reception is required in any case. They accelerate the process of elimination from the body of toxic compounds that are absorbed into the blood as a result of fermentation of undigested food.
  4. Strengthening the body's defenses. At this stage, medication is not necessary. Immunity can be maintained using methods used in alternative medicine - infusions, decoctions, etc.
  5. The appointment of hormonal drugs. It is performed only in case of ineffectiveness of previously prescribed medicines. Therapy using these drugs is carried out in a hospital.
  6. Compliance with the diet. During the treatment of sweet allergies in adults, the diet should change. It is necessary to exclude from it not only honey, flour and confectionery, but also chicken eggs, fruits and vegetables of red and orange color, nuts, sweet carbonated drinks. In addition to them, it is forbidden to use products that contain artificial additives, flavors and colorants. The list may be expanded after consultation with your doctor. The diet is designed in such a way that the appearance of an undesirable reaction is excluded, and the body does not lose the necessary nutrients.

sweet allergy in adults symptoms photo

Alternative treatments

If you use exclusively folk methods of getting rid of allergies to sweets in adults, this will not bring benefits. On the contrary, it will develop further. In addition, all medicinal herbs are also potential allergens and can only worsen the condition.

Non-traditional methods of treatment can be used as an external adjuvant to relieve symptoms, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Preventative measures

In order to reduce the likelihood of an allergy to flour and confectionery products, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Eat foods recommended by your doctor, as well as those that do not contain artificial additives, preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc. These chemical compounds can trigger the appearance of other health problems.
  2. To reconsider a way of life: to give up bad habits, in a day regimen to give a special place to physical activities.
  3. Strengthen the body's defense system: move more, eat healthy food, take vitamin complexes, doctor-approved decoctions of medicinal plants.

In addition, if a person has a predisposition to the occurrence of a food allergy to sweets (for example, a close relative suffers from it), it is advisable to take an allergen test in order to avoid the use of potentially dangerous foods in the future.

how does sweet allergy manifest in adults

Who to contact?

At the first symptoms of an allergy, it is recommended to seek the help of a therapist. He will examine the patient, exclude other possible diseases, give a referral to an allergist for a skin test and draw up an effective treatment regimen. It is important to strictly adhere to it and not to neglect repeated receptions - the doctor will objectively evaluate the current condition of the patient and prescribe hormone-containing drugs if the prescribed therapy has not brought visible results.

If allergy symptoms develop rapidly, a suffocating cough, edema, weeping inflammation and other alarming symptoms appear, you need to immediately call an ambulance team.

what does sweet allergy look like in adults


As a rule, children are allergic to sweets, but not one adult is safe from it. Do not let the disease drift - it is by no means harmless and can have the most sad consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8635/

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